  • 我姑母把她的一支胸针送我作记念。
    My aunt gave me one of her brooches as a keepsake.
  • 我最好埃里卡姑姑打电话!
    I'd better call Aunt Erica!
  • 我姑妈把她所有的珠宝都遗赠我了。
    My aunt bequeathed me all her jewelry.
  • 吉尔姨在我的生日总送我礼物。
    Auntie Jill always remembers my birthday, eg with a card or present.
  • 旧中国留我们的,封建专制传统比较多,民主法制传统很少。
    From old China we inherited a strong tradition of feudal autocracy and a weak tradition of democratic legality.
  • 他的秘书向我解释,每本由李光耀亲笔签名的回忆录下册,价值是一万新元,售书的所有收入则将捐慈善机构。
    His secretary explained that Lee's autograph is worth 10,000 Singapore dollars for each signed book, and that the proceeds would be donated to charities.
  • 办公室或工厂装备计算机,使办公手续或生产过程更方便或自动化。
    Equipping an office or plant with computers to facilitate or automate procedures.
  • 当我们用机器来辅助人或者代替人的工作时,会不会无形中把服务对象一元化了呢?
    Have we also overlooked the fact that the people these automated answering and vending machines are meant to serve are not a homogeneous group?
  • 他机械地答道,对被请求予钱物他已习以为常。
    " the man responded automatically, so accustomed to being asked for things.
  • 我们你检修一下汽车。
    Let us service your automobile.
  • 政府予这个地区有限的自治权
    The government has granted the region a limited autonomy
  • 然后他予每个部门经理几乎完全的自治权。
    Then he gives managers at each division almost complete autonomy.
  • 国家已经将高度自治的权力交了我们,也在全力地支持我们。
    Our country has given us a high degree of autonomy, and her full support.
  • 绿道医院儿童心脏外科医生柯尔斯滕·菲纽肯解释说,这些儿童的心脏大部分是在做尸体剖检的时候被切除的,如果剖检时间过长,这些心脏的归还则赶不上夭折儿童的的葬礼,如果在孩子被掩埋后再将心脏还死者家属则太不合适了。
    The hospital's paediatric cardiac surgeon, Dr Kirsten Finucane said that was partly because most of the hearts were removed for autopsy, and delays meant the child might have already been buried so it was not appropriate to return the heart to the family.
  • 给予协助的;辅助的
    Giving aid; auxiliary.
  • 用于修饰或说明一种资源在同一时刻可供多个用户使用的可用性。
    Pertaining to the availability of a resource for more than one user at the same time.
  • 他对天发誓,要他爸爸报仇。
    He swore by Jupiter to avenge his father's death.
  • 他们迫切想班长报仇。
    They were burning to avenge the death of their squad leader.
  • 你可不可以指我到麦迪逊大道的路?
    Could you show me the may to Madison Avenue?
  • 史密斯先生,我们是一家老式公司,但并不保守,不反对人较大的活动范围
    We're an old-fashioned firm, Mr Smith, but not hidebound. We're not averse to giving a man with ideas of his own some rope.
  • 他的一生都奉献了中国的航空事业。
    He devoted all his life to China's aviation.
  • 不要孩子写低级的东西。
    Avoid writing down to the children.
  • 通常雅芳要花至少3年的时间开发新产品,但研发部主管珍妮回忆,钟曾对她说:“只能你2年。
    Normally Avon spends at least three years developing new products, but Janice Teal, head of R&D, recalls Jung saying to her:" You've got two years.
  • 我们期望日后贵公司能进一步予照顾。
    We await your further esteemed commands.
  • 已报价水泥中国abd公司,可能有所反应。
    Cement offer a b d company china await likely reaction.
  • 恭候贵公司来函采购,我们当将予重视。
    We await the favour of your esteemed commands which shall always receive our best attention.
  • 法官判在火灾中受伤的人一大笔钱。
    The judge awarded a large sum of money to those hurt by the fire.
  • 判决给某人涨薪金
    To award someone a salary increase
  • 裁判员是怎样分的呢?
    How do the judges award the score?
  • 予荣誉予或授予教育上的荣誉
    To give or award an educational credit to.
  • 你给我滚!
    Get away with you!
  • 一定要留一天不能错过的美景米尔福德峡湾,它位于新西兰腹地纯自然而壮观的峡湾地区。
    Set aside a day for the must-see spectacle of Milford Sound in the heart of NZ's unspoiled and awe-inspiring fjord-land.