  • 沙漠的气几乎不含一点湿气。
    The desert air contains hardly any moisture.
  • 一九九七年底,东沙洲另一个置采海砂坑正式启用,供密封式卸置污泥用途。
    An empty marine sand borrow pit in East Sha Chau for contained disposal of contaminated mud came into operation in late-1997.
  • 内部变成的或旷的。
    become empty or void of its content.
  • 使…出去除内容物或居住者
    To empty of contents or occupants.
  • 卸(货);倒(物品)
    To unload or empty(contents).
  • 使,撤使…的内容变或撤
    To empty or remove the contents of.
  • 使出取出(某物的内容);使
    To take out(the contents of something); empty.
  • 阻挡的位置一种赛跑位置,其中一名选手没有间超过他或她前面或边上的一群选手
    A racing position in which a contestant has no room to pass a group of contestants immediately to his or her front or side.
  • 把数据元放入各个字中的相邻二进制位上,从而能最大限度地利用存储间的处理方法或过程。
    The process of making the most effective use of storage by placing data elements into contiguous bit positions of words.
  • 一种地址连续的、定长的存储区,每个分区是一个独立的地址间。
    A contiguous fixed-sized area of storage. Each partition is a separate address space.
  • 动态存储器中的一种连续地址间。作为一个保留区,在动态存储器其它区域不能满足对存储器的请求时,才用它满足这一请求。
    A contiguous address space in dynamic storage that is held in reserve and not normally used to satisfy a request for storage until such requests cannot besatisfied from other areas of dynamic storage.
  • 例如妥协的气时起时伏,主张妥协者的根据就是“再战必亡”。
    For instance, from time to time an atmosphere of compromise arises and the advocates of compromise argue that "the continuance of the war spells subjugation".
  • 在时间或者间上连续,没有中断。
    continuing in time or space without interruption.
  • 并非在时间或者间上连续、没有中断。
    not continuing without interruption in time or space.
  • 白,处连续中的处或中断;间断
    An open space or a break in continuity; a gap.
  • 时间事件从过去到现在至未来以不可逆转的顺序发生的非间性的延续
    A nonspatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future.
  • 白日做梦一场空。
    Dreams go by contrary.
  • 机场附近受控制的中交通
    The controlled air traffic space near an airport.
  • 由于中交通管制人员罢工,可能会出现长时间的延误。
    Long holdup was expected as the air- traffic controller went on strike.
  • 中交通管制员的"描述"就是一个心智模型的实例。
    The air traffic controller's "picture" is an example of a mental model.
  • 例如,工作记忆可以支持管制员的思维并更新当前和计划的对中交通管制形势的估计。
    For example, working memory supports the controller's building and updating of the current and projected assessments of the ATC situation.
  • 如管制员可能因为忙于处理其他工作而忘记指挥一个航器下降高度记得忘记他应该发出的管制指令而去忙其他事务。
    If timesharing demands are heavy, a controller may forget his/her intention to issue a clearance to descend an aircraft because s/he has become busy with another task.
  • 对流式加热机一个部分被封闭,暖气在其直接加热的表面上通过对流进行循环的装置
    A partly enclosed, directly heated surface from which warm air circulates by convection.
  • 气因对流作用而上升。
    Warm air rises by convection.
  • 通过对流向周围气传播热量的气加热器。
    a space heater that transfers heat to the surrounding air by convection.
  • 室内温度达到摄氏二十度时,气对流加热器就会自动停止工作。
    When the temperature of the room reaches 20' C, the convector heater cuts out.
  • 他什么时候有空呢?
    What time is convenient for him?
  • 非常适合个人工作间的小计算机。
    a computer small enough to fit conveniently in an individual workspace.
  • 实像的属于或与间会聚光线形成的影像有关的
    Of, relating to, or being an image formed by light rays that converge in space.
  • 会话是生活性,如果大环境没有提供很好的说华语的机会和间,要掌握会话技巧,谈何容易?
    If we do not provide room and opportunities for the use of Chinese, it will be difficult for our students to be conversant in Chinese.
  • 空洞无聊的对话
    A conversation full of vacuities.
  • 一种工作间转换的方式,在该方式下,所有输入工作间都作转换。
    A form of workspace, conversion in which all input workspace are converted.