  • 正达集团的倒闭令有关研更见迫切。(该集团同时经营证券交易、保证金融资和其他业务。)
    The collapse of the C. A. Pacific Group, which operated, inter alia, securities dealing and margin financing businesses, added urgency and impetus to the study.
  • 这种新的植入物是最新的研成果。科学家们通过研,试图把思维和机器完善地联接起来,从而帮助成千上万丧失了活动能力和说话能力的病人重新与外界交流。
    The implant is the latest advance by scientists trying to perfect a link between mind and machine in the hope that thousands of patients who are unable to move or speak can resume communication with the world around them.
  • 实验组织者称这项研旨在让老板们和员工在选择同时处理多项任务时要三思而后行。
    The authors say the research should make employers and employees think twice before implementing multitasking.
  • 研究总统声明的含义.
    Study the implications of the president's statement.
  • 新法规的含义需研一下。
    The implication of the new legislation will need to be looked at.
  • 新法规的含义需研一下.
    The implications of the new legislation will need to be looked at.
  • 通过研对就业和焦点问题提供咨询和指导的公司。
    a company that does research for hire and issues reports on the implications.
  • 虽然我深信这些法例会对本港经济产生深远影响,但我同时认为,社会人士绝对可以在研和评估各种具体影响后,自行决定应否采纳有关法例。
    While there is no doubt in my mind these laws would have far-reaching implications on Hong Kong's economy, I also believe it is right for the community to make up its own mind by examining and assessing the true extent of their implications.
  • 你应当了解那篇文章是为了阐述这种观点而言写的,它用的是矫枉过正的办法,这篇文章是在还没有人试图对美国军事革命真正意味着什么样的变化进行专门研的时候写成的。
    It was an exaggerated view.It was written at a time when nobody had tried to be specific about what were the real changes that the American RMA implied.
  • 当然这决不是说,凡是同实现四个现代化没有直接关系的思想理论问题就可以不去认真深入地研
    Of course, this does not imply that we should neglect to make serious in-depth studies of ideological and theoretical problems not directly related to the four modernizations.
  • 人们或会责怪亚洲经济体系借贷过度,有欠谨慎,而事实绝对是这样的。我们也应质疑,竟当初为甚麽会出现借贷的情况?
    Whilst people may blame these Asian economies for borrowing excessively and imprudently - and absolutely, they were imprudent and they were borrowing excessively - one also has to wonder why such loans ever took place in the first place.
  •  这个学派只是由于对生产力的性质没有作适当研,对国家情况不作综合考虑,因此对于农工商业、政治力量和国内财富作等比例发展的重要性,以及国家特有各工业部门取得充分发展时这种工业力量的价值等方面,就格外地不重视。
    The popular school, inasmuch as it does not duly consider the nature of the powers of production, and does not take into account the conditions of nations in their aggregate, disregards especially the importance of developing in an equal ratio agriculture,manufactures and commerce, political power and internal wealth, and disregards especially the value of a manufacturing power belonging specially to the nation and fully developed in all its branches.
  • 其它的工具,如sas研公司提供的工具,包含一个有多种算法的工具箱。
    Others, such as SAS Institute Inc.'s offering, include a toolkit of several algorithms.
  • 摩托罗拉公司的官员称,他们在为苹果公司研铜芯片,将在今年(1998年)底投入生产。
    Officials at Motorola Inc. have said they are working on copper chips for Apple and will go into production at the end of this year.
  • 不断的核试炸,无止尽的工业污染,为了满足人类的享受和惰性发展,奄奄一息的地球不断病情加剧,人类却还在为研出上厕所不必抽水的无聊“发明”而沾沾自喜;
    Incessant nuclear tests, unlimited industrial pollution so that mankind can continue to enjoy and be lazy, has worsened the condition of the dying Earth. Yet we are still patting ourselves in the back for coming up with silly "inventions" like flush-free toilets.
  • 不断的核试炸,无止尽的工业污染,为了满足人类的享受和惰性发展,奄奄一息的地球不断病情加剧,人类却还在为研出上厕所不必抽水的无聊“发明”而沾沾自喜;
    Incessant nuclear tests, unlimited industrial pollution so that mankind can continue to enjoy and be lazy, have worsen the condition of the dying Earth. Yet we are still patting ourselves in the back for coming up with silly "inventions" like flush-free toilets.
  • 自治组织一个关于研或咨询的学者自治组织,通常是学院内的法定组织
    A self-governing society of scholars for study or instruction, incorporated within a university.
  • 北京钢铁设计研总院
    Beijing Central Engineering and Research Incorporation of Iron and Steel Industry
  • 科技园公司提供一系列完善的服务,全面照顾产业在各阶段的不同需要,包括通过培育计划培育新成立的科技公司、在科学园内为应用研发展活动提供设备和服务,以及在工业区内为生产工序提供土地和设备。
    It offers a comprehensive range of services to cater for the needs of industry at various stages, ranging from nurturing technology start-ups through the incubation programme, providing premises and services in the Science Park for applied research and development activities, to providing land and premises in the industrial estates for production.
  •  流行学派发现了它称作“分工”的那个自然法则,这一光荣是属之于它那大名鼎鼎的创立者的;但是不论亚当·斯密或他的任何后继者,对于这一法则的主要本质或特征都没有能作彻底研,都没有能把它最重要的后果追到底。
    The school is indebted to its renowned founder for the discovery of that natural law which it calls 'division of labour,'but neither Adam Smith nor any of his successors have thoroughly investigated its essential nature and character, or followed it out to its most important consequences.
  • 满足这种需要是科学家生活中必不可少的一部分。正因为如此,他们长时间地对自己的研持有极大的热情和动力。
    Scientists have the satisfaction of this need built into their lives,and this gives zest and motivation to their efforts over an indefinite period of time.
  • 与研结果无关的决定
    A decision independent of the outcome of the study.
  • 各国科学家各自独立进行研都得到了非常相似的结果。
    Scientists in different countries, work independently of each other, have come up with very similar result.
  • 表明,男人比女人更容易戒烟。
    Research indicates that men find it easier to give up smoking than women.
  • 从头骨的形状推测其他器官实力的研(今已放弃)。
    a now abandoned study of the shape of skull as indicative of the strengths of different faculties.
  • 报告反倒是对中国的核武器、多种导弹、卫星、军用飞机和军用船舶等作了系统描绘,有的列举了性能指标和结构示意图,有的还描述了开发研的细节过程。
    Instead, the report gives a systematic description of China's nuclear weapons, various guided missiles, satellites, and military aircraft and vessels, showing the performance indices and structural sketch maps of some of them, and even giving the details of research and development process in some cases.
  • 中国军队一向严格控制杀伤人员地雷的使用,禁止滥布滥用,同时还对杀伤人员地雷替代办法进行研
    The PLA has always exercised strict control over the use of APLs and prohibited the indiscriminate use and laying of such landmines while actively studying the possible alternatives to APLs.
  • 你们的错误政策竟对印尼有什么好处?
    How has Indonesia benefited from these wrong policies?
  • 动物园,植物园尤指户外的封闭性场所,用于在自然条件下饲养观察和研用的存活动物和植物
    A place, especially an indoor enclosure, for keeping and raising living animals and plants under natural conditions for observation or research.
  • 如果有任何事能制止人类克隆成为现实——不管是克隆独裁者,工业家还是婴儿——那原因就是科学不能扫除伦理道德的障碍。这一障碍会首先妨碍基础研的进展。
    If anything will prevent human cloning -- whether of dictator, industrialist or baby daughter -- from becoming a reality, it's that science may not be able to clear the ethical high bar that would allow basic research to get under way in the first place.
  • 科技研开发及产业化取得较大进展。
    Significant progress was made in R&D activities and in their industrialization.
  • 重点开展电动汽车开发、示范及产业化研;动力锂离子电池及关键材料研
    We shall emphasize to develop and demonstrate electric motor automobiles, and research their industrialization and power Lithium ion battery and key materials.