Chinese English Sentence:
  • 当国君婚之后他辞职了。
    The King abdicated when he married a divorcee.
  • 史密斯听到儿子与一位异的有钱女人同居,显得十分惊慌。
    Smith flung his arms up is horror at the news that his son was living with a rich divorcee.
  • 我自己是一个没有工作的了婚的中年妇女,我再也不想多抚养孩子了!”
    I'm a middle-aged jobless divorcee and I'm not going to raise any more kids!"
  • 1999年,他因头晕症状开了游泳队。
    After suffering dizzy spells,Kane left the swim team in 1999.
  • 使驶码头从船坞将船移去
    To move(a ship) away from a dock.
  • 他上了船,把船撑了码头。
    He boarded the boat and shoved off from the dock.
  • 他们为我们在码头不远处订了个廉价旅馆。
    They booked us into a tuppeny-ha'penny hotel near the docks.
  • 这位31岁的父亲正在距他的家乡中国乌鲁木齐市5500英里的地方攻读土壤学博士学位。
    The 31-year-old father was 5,500 miles from his home in Urumqi, China, competing for a doctoral scholarship in soil science.
  • 若文档与代码分,那么每次改变代码后都要改变文档,这无疑会变成相当麻烦的一件事情。
    If the documentation and the code are separate, it becomes a hassle to change the documentation every time you change the code.
  • 他在开办公室前把秘密文件锁藏起来。
    Documents before he left the office.
  • 以转口和加工为主的贸易方式,促进了两国贸易数量的迅速增长,同时也形成了两国贸易统计与贸易实况之间的较大偏
    The domination of entrepot and processing trade has promoted the fast growth of Sino-US trade volume, but, at the same time, resulted in a relatively large deviation between the statistics and reality of trade figures of the two countries.
  • 自从她那指手划脚的姐姐开家庭之后,她终于可以自己作主了。
    She has at last come into her own since her domineering sister left home.
  • 请别离开我。
    Pray don't leave me.
  • 自从妻子死后,唐纳德决定搬往苏格兰他女儿近些的地方。
    After Donald's wife died, he decided to pull up roots and go to live near his daughter in Scotland.
  • 一(碱)价的在酸碱反应中只有一个氢子转移到碱上的;一碱价的
    Having only one hydrogen ion to donate to a base in an acid-base reaction; monoprotic.
  • 他请求人们捐款,但开时却一无所获!
    He asked for a donation but went away empty handed.
  • 我们的度假别墅海滩和山都很近。
    In our holiday villas you'll have both the beach and the mountains on your doorstep.
  • 富足的情景近在咫尺,但就在我们见到这种 情景的时候,宽裕的生活却悄然去。
    Plenty is at our doorstep, but a generous use of it languishes in the very sight of the supply.
  • 恐怕不行,它门太近了。
    I'm afraid not, it's too close to the doorway.
  • 你必须先收拾好宿舍才能开。
    You must you dorm together before you leave.
  • 体条芽一种保护性的外壳、表皮或结构,例如植物的芽,在其内部一个有机体处于冬眠状态
    A protective case, covering, or structure, such as a plant bud, in which an organism remains dormant for the winter.
  • 他登记开宿舍,外出过夜。
    He signed out of his dormitory for the evening.
  • 我本想悄悄去,可你的善意却使分别更加难了
    I meant to go away quietly, but your kindness makes the parting doubly hard
  • 而这并不妨碍她们从这一切精致的陈设里面去探索这个妓女的生活痕迹。她们想必早就听到过一些有关妓女的非常奇的故事。
    though this did not prevent them from looking through these splendid things for traces of the secret life of a courtesan of which they had doubtless been given very strange accounts.
  • 这个花园市中心只有五分钟的路程。
    The park is only five minutes from downtown.
  • 那家人住在市中心很远的地方。
    The family lived far away from downtown.
  • 我们城中心有多远?
    How far away are we from the downtown?
  • 我怎样才能开你的怀抱呢?
    How can I drag away from your arms?
  • 他说服我从电视机上开。
    He dragged me away from the television set.
  • 拖着一条伤脚开那里,他一定累得要死。
    He must have sweated blood dragging himself out of there with a broken leg.
  • 她和父母大吵一场就开了家.
    She had a dreadful row with her parents and left home.
  • 她和父母大吵一场就开了家。
    She have a dreadful row with her parents and leave home.