  • 我想买一只瓷器花瓶,最好是底色为乳色的。
    I'd like a china vase, and preferably something with a creamy white background.
  • 我想买一只瓷器花瓶,最好是底色为乳色的。
    I 'd like a china vase, and preferably something with a creamy white background.
  • 北美东部紫罗兰,开巨大的色或乳色花,夹杂紫色。
    leafy-stemmed violet of eastern North America having large white or creamy flowers faintly marked with purple.
  • 一种乔木或高大灌木,叶有光泽,花米色,有香味,伞状花序;生产红色硬重木材。
    tree or tall shrub with shiny leaves and umbels of fragrant creamy-white flowers; yields hard heavy reddish wood.
  • 常绿植物,圆叶,奶色花,极香;广泛分布于新、旧大陆北部。
    evergreen with rounded leaves and very fragrant creamy-white flowers; widely distributed in northern parts of Old and New Worlds.
  • 一种每年落叶的大圆头树,复式叶片,呈深绿色,有大量的圆锥花序,花朵芳香,呈乳色,;产于中国和日本。
    handsome round-headed deciduous tree having compound dark green leaves and profuse panicles of fragrant creamy-white flowers; China and Japan.
  • 一种兰花,花浓密、花序略呈螺旋状、乳色,花顶部的两片花瓣形成拱形兜帽;产自北美洲西部。
    orchid having dense clusters of gently spiraling creamy white flowers with 2 upper petals forming a hood; western North America.
  • 昼的慈祥的创造者呀!活埋了十八年!”
    `Gracious Creator of day! To be buried alive for eighteen years!'
  • 我总不明,为什么假定造物主有幽默感是一件有损其名誉的事情。
    I have never understood why it shall be consider derogatory to the creator t suppose that he has a sense of humor.
  • 我总不明,为什么假定造物主有幽默感是一件有损其名誉的事情。
    I have never understand why it shall be consider derogatory to the creator t suppose that he have a sense of humor.
  • 我总不明,为什么假定造物主有幽默感是一件有损其名誉的事情。
    I have never understood why it should be considered derogatory to the Creator to suppose that he has a sense of humor.
  • 随着岁月的流逝,我母亲的头发渐渐地变了。
    My mother's hair was turning gray as age crept up on her.
  • 随着年岁增长,这位妇人的头发浙浙发了。
    The woman's hair was turning gray as age crept up on her.
  • 夜间或黄昏时活动的鹭。
    nocturnal or crepuscular herons.
  • 新月状物体一小的呈新月状的结构或记号,尤指指甲下端的象半月状的色区域
    A small crescent-shaped structure or marking, especially the white area at the base of a fingernail that resembles a half-moon.
  • 一种开小花的水芹,常见于北美潮湿地区。
    small white-flowered cress common in wet places in eastern North America.
  • 浪带有泡沫波峰的浪
    A wave with a crest of foam.
  • 浅黄色松鸦,黑色羽冠,蓝黑色翅膀。
    fawn-colored jay with black-and-white crest and blue-and-black wings.
  • 波峰有色泡沫的海浪。
    a wave that is blown by the wind so its crest is broken and appears white.
  • 美洲热带大型黑色有羽冠的鹰。
    large black-and-white crested eagle of tropical America.
  • 欧亚大陆南部和非洲东北部纯种色有羽冠的琵鹭。
    pure white crested spoonbill of southern Eurasia and northeastern Africa.
  • 澳大利亚有色和浅色羽冠的鹦鹉;常作为笼中鸟。
    white or light-colored crested parrot of the Australian region; often kept as cage birds.
  • 垩纪的有甲食草恐龙。
    armored herbivorous dinosaurs of the Cretaceous.
  • 较愚笨的恐龙;生活于垩纪晚期。
    bone-headed dinosaurs; late Cretaceous.
  • 鸭嘴龙;活跃于晚垩纪。
    duck-billed dinosaurs; upper Cretaceous.
  • 垩纪晚期的鸭嘴龙的一属。
    genus of duck-billed dinosaurs of late Cretaceous.
  • 垩纪生活在阿根廷的巨大的食草恐龙。
    huge herbivorous dinosaur of Cretaceous found in Argentina.
  • 垩纪中期生活在阿根廷的巨大恐龙。
    enormous dinosaur of the middle Cretaceous found in Argentina.
  • 垩纪晚期的一种大的鸭嘴龙。
    genus of large duck-billed dinosaurs; late Cretaceous.
  • 侏罗纪和垩纪初的与爬行动物相似的远古化石鸟类。
    primitive reptile-like fossil birds of the Jurassic or early Cretaceous.
  • 在南美洲于垩纪兴起的一种食草恐龙。
    genus of herbivorous dinosaurs flourishing during the Cretaceous in South America.
  • 垩纪生活在北美洲西部的巨大的食草恐龙。
    huge herbivorous dinosaur of the Cretaceous found in western North America.