  • 类比一种逻辑理形式或一个例子,基于这样的假设,如果已知两个事物在某些方面是相似的,那么它们在其它方面也一定是相似的
    A form of logical inference or an instance of it, based on the assumption that if two things are known to be alike in some respects, then they must be alike in other respects.
  •  让我们再回到亚当·斯密为了说明分工好处而举示的制针业那个例子。在制造过程中,十个人联合起来比各人单干时产量不知要大多少倍,如果我们检查一下会发生这种现象的原因时就可以发现,这种在商业动作上的划分,要是没有生产力向着一个共同目的时的联合,在生产上能发生的动作用就很小。
    If we continue to consider the example of the pin manufacture adduced by Adam Smith in illustration of the advantages of division of labour, and seek for the causes of the phenomenon that ten persons united in that manufacture can produce an infinitely larger number of pins than if every one carried on the entire pin manufacture separately, we find that the division of commercial operations without combination of the productive powers towards one common object could but little further this production.
  • 一类有影响力、努力动他们事业前进的人。
    an influential person who works hard to promote the causes they are interested in.
  • 大量外商投资的进入,对增加国内投资需求、动经济体制改革、进一步扩大对外开放、促进国民经济持续快速健康发展,都起到了重要作用。
    The influx of foreign capital has played an important role in stimulating domestic investment demand, encouraging China to carry on the reform of economic system and open wider to the rest of the world, and promoting the sustained, rapid and healthy development of China's national economy.
  • 进一步动我国教育的信息化进程促进我国“十.五”期间教育发展和改革目标的全面完成。
    The purpose of this forum is also to further push forward the informational process of education, to promote the educational development during the tenth five-year plan, and to promote the achievement of the goal of reform.
  • 此外,我们也会继续行斥资2,350亿元的基建计划。
    We will also press ahead with our $235 billion infrastructure programme.
  • 为行骗而引用花巧的理的蓄意错误议论。
    a deliberately invalid argument displaying ingenuity in reasoning in the hope of deceiving someone.
  • 给予所有深受苦难的人们的礼物的价值还将用并必须用我们国家全体人民的幸福和福利来衡量。他们将倒那些将他们隔离的非人道之墙。
    The value of that gift to all who have suffered will and must be measured by the happiness and welfare of all the people of our country, who will have torn down the inhuman walls that divide them.
  • 教育署于二零零零年开始行为期半年的全日制课程,作为内地新来港儿童的另一项抵港后服务。
    Since 2000, a full-time six-month initiation programme has been introduced as an additional mode of post-arrival service for newly arrived Mainland children.
  • 聘有经验高级销员一名,须品格高尚,具有进取精神。
    Wanted: High-grade salesman of experience, possessing initiative, personality and character.
  • 中美商贸、经济和科技等三个联委会的相继召开,以积极务实的态度动了中美经贸关系的发展,加强了交流与合作,促进了相互谅解,为中美关系注入了新的活力。
    Following the summit, three Sino-US joint committees on commerce and trade, economy and science and technology were convened in succession. The active and pragmatic attitude as reflected in the meetings helped promote the development in bilateral trade ties, reinforce exchange and co-operation, enhance mutual understanding and inject new vigour into bilateral ties.
  • 旅行者向内地进,寻找人类定居点的遗迹。
    The travelers pushed inland, questing for signs of human settlement.
  • 只有那些不断出新思维、新技术、新产品和新服务的个体、团体或行业,才会在这种经济环境中取胜。
    Individuals,sectors, and industries who are succeessful will be those who innovate, develop new ideas, employ new technology,manufacture new products and deliver new services.
  • 只有那些不断出新思维、新技术、新产品和新服务的个体、团体或行业,才会在这种经济环境中取胜。
    Individuals, sectors, and industries that are successful will be those who innovate, develop new ideas, employ new technology, manufacture new products and deliver new services.
  • 只有那些不断出新思维、新技术、新产品和新服务的个体、团体或行业,才会在这种经济环境中取胜。
    Individuals, sectors, and industries who are successful will be those who innovate, develop new ideas, employ new technology, manufacture new products and deliver new services.
  • 特区政府现在行的许多措施,正是要让学校有更大的弹性行革新,各自发展更完善的授课和学习方式。
    Many of the initiatives that my Administration is pursuing are intended to give greater flexibility to schools, to give them freedom to innovate and develop better teaching and learning methods.
  • 动科技进步和创新。
    Expediting scientific and technological progress and innovation.
  • 进国家创新体系建设。
    We need to promote the development of a state innovation system.
  • 进国家创新体系建设。
    We must press ahead with the building of a national innovation system.
  • 深化教育体制改革,坚持教育创新,全面进素质教育。
    We should deepen the reform of the educational system, encourage innovative approaches to education, and promote competence-oriented education in an all-round way.
  • 通过有效的市场广活动和引进创新的产品,该公司在二零零一年年底的按揭贷款组合未偿还本金余额达198亿元。
    Through effective marketing and the introduction of innovative products, the outstanding principal balance of the HKMC's mortgage portfolio reached $19.8 billion as at the end of 2001.
  • 新加坡政府大力支持鼓励学华文,老师还得想法搞各种各样的活动动,否则,都不愿意学华文,嫌华文难学。”
    So the government has to give full encouragement and support to the teaching of Chinese. The teachers too have to come up with new and innovative ways and activities to make learning much easier."
  • 他们还荐了一种鱼,这种鱼善吃附着于下水道人口处的铁格子上的蚊子;官员们还要求大家往下水道里撒一些球状杀虫剂。
    They also introduced fish that eat mosquito larvae into catch basins and put insecticide pellets into sewers.
  • 只有这样,才可成功行「一国两制」。
    Only by recognising that we are one inseparable nation, with common long-term interests, can we successfully operate two systems within one country.
  • 这本关于艺术的书巧妙地销艺术,其目的就是为了销像美国艺术那样实际上在绘画中并不存在的艺术传统。
    the art book has art to sell, insinuatingly, and for a purpose, like the American muse, which has in fact a tradition to sell, and one which doesn't exist, in painting.
  • 身为教育工作者和促进改变的动力,如果我们不能把求变的观念灌输给学生,至少也得发挥一点启发的作用。
    But aren't we, as educators, the springboards of change - at least to inspire if not instil the values that will bring about change?
  • 尽管按揭利率大幅下调以及市民的负担能力亦见提高,但碍于市民对就业前景和入息是否稳定仍有忧虑,加上新出的楼宇供应充裕,购买意欲仍然受到抑制。
    Notwithstanding substantially reduced mortgage rates and improved affordability, buying interests were restrained by concern over job security and income instability, and by the ample supply of new flats in the pipeline.
  • 一九九九年,该部编印了一系列工作守则和其他刊物,以广职业安全法例所订定须遵守的标准,以及向公众人士灌输职业安全的意识;
    In 1999, a series of codes of practices and other publications were published to promote the compliance standards required by safety legislation and to instil in the public an awareness of safety.
  • 政府在一九九八年五月行“健康生活新纪元运动”,提倡健康的习惯,向市民灌输健康生活方式的观念。这项为期三年的运动在二零零一年五月正式结束,在提高市民维持健康生活方式的意识方面,卓有成效。
    The Healthy Living into the 21st Century Campaign, which was launched in May 1998 to instil a healthy lifestyle concept in the community through promotion of healthy habits, officially ended in May. Its three-year programme had been successful in arousing public awareness in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • 为着大众的利益,我呼吁各位社会领袖,在你们的社区里,大力广防火运动,令你们每一位邻居和朋友都认识到防火的重要,并身体力行,为自己、家人及邻居搞好防火措施。
    In the interests of the general public, I would like to call on the community leaders to promote fire prevention campaigns in your districts so as to instil into everyone in your neighbourhood and all your friends an awareness of the importance of fire prevention, and to spare no efforts in taking precautions for the sake of yourselves, your families and your neighbours.
  •  (四)贯彻“三个代表”重要思想,必须以改革的精神进党的建设,不断为党的肌体注入新活力。
    4. To carry out the important thought of Three Represents, it is essential to push forward Party building in a spirit of reform and instill new vitality in the Party.
  • 盈富基金于十月二十五日开始首次出发售,分为香港零售认购和国际机构发售两部分,零售认购在十一月四日截止申请,机构发售则于十一月五日截止申请。
    The initial offer of TraHK, comprising a Hong Kong retail offer and an international institutional offer, commenced on October 25. The retail offer closed on November 4, 1999 and the institutional offer closed on November 5.