| - 麻省坎布裏奇市的forrester研究公司預測,數據挖掘項目今後兩年將有爆炸性的發展,forrester公司的分析師frankgillett稱,幾乎達到目前已有數量的四倍。
After all, Forrester Research Inc. in Cambridge, Mass., predicts that the next two years will see an explosion of data mining projects, with almost four times the number that currently exist, says Frank Gillett, a Forrester analyst. - 但對技術分析員來說,他並不需要知道那好消息是什麽,走勢圖將告訴他股價會起還是落。
For the technical analyst, he does not need to know what the good news or other information that is affecting the stock price is; the chart will tell him whether the stock price is going to move up or down. - 然後這些圖像將被下載到電腦裏供醫生們進行分析和研究。
These images are then downloaded to a computer for doctors to analyze. - 早期投資數字化網絡係統以對顧客意見加以捕捉、分析和利用的公司將使自己得以超越競爭。
Companies that invest early in digital nervous systems to capture, analyze and capitalize on customer input will differentiate themselves from competition. - 該搜索引擎的核心是名為"音樂基因工程"的項目,它將對130,000首音樂進行分解分析,從而得出四百多種音樂特質,而這將花去相當於十五個人共同工作一年的勞動。
The key to its hopeful success is the company's Music Genome Project, a 15 man-year undertaking to analyze more than 130,000 songs and break them down to more than 400 characteristics. - 在每次操作以後,分析者都要對比這些誘餌與它們的原件以發現病毒是否已將其修改。
After each manipulation, the analyzer compares the decoy programs with their original states to see how the virus has changed them. - 在分析這些音樂的基本元素基礎上將歌麯歸類,衹要根據特質劃分去尋找,就能輕而易舉地找到你想找的歌麯。
By analyzing these "primary colors" and cataloging them for every song, finding musical near-twins is a simple matter of matching the traits. - 目前,利用個人計算機進行此類運算仍然比使用生物計算機快得多。但是硅芯片計算機之所以會具有不可思議的運算能力衹不過是因為它能夠以電流的速度一個一個地檢驗所有有可能解决的方案。因為dna擁有存儲信息的能力--幾剋dna也許就可以存儲這個世界上已知的所有信息--所以一些科學家認為這種生化物質最終將會成為效率最高的存儲和處理信息的媒介。但是與傳統計算機相比,dna計算機真正的優勢在於它可以同時對整個分子庫裏的所有分子(或答案)進行處理,而不必按照次序一個一個地分析所有可能的答案。
At the moment, it is still much faster to use a PC to perform such calculations. But silicon-based computers perform their magic simply by running through every possible answer one by one at the speed of electrical current. Because of DNAs power to store information, a few grams of the material could store all the data known to exist in the world, some scientists believe that such biochemicals will eventually be the most efficient medium of storing and manipulating information. But its real advantage over a conventional computer is that rather than analyzing each possible answer in sequence, the DNA computer would act on the entire library of molecules, or answers- simultaneously. - 普魯東,皮爾·約瑟夫1809-1865法國無政府主義者,他認為人類道德水平的發展將最終消滅政府和法律存在的必要性
French anarchist who believed that human moral development would ultimately eliminate the need for laws and government. - 那樣將帶來全球性無政府動亂狀態。
That way lies inter-national anarchy. - 受詛咒使…受罰或詛咒;將…逐出教會
To put under a ban or an anathema; excommunicate. - 自從我們的祖先發明指南針以來,將近兩千年過去了。
Nearly two thousand years have passed since our ancestors invented the compass. - 起錨將錨提升至(錨架)
To hoist an anchor to(the cathead). - 將(一艘船)除了一個以外的所有錨都拉起
To release(a ship) from all but one anchor. - 水手們奮力戰勝風浪將船駛嚮一個安全的停泊地。
The sailors strove against wind and tide to bring the ship to a safe anchorage. - 到他的第三部電影為止,這位29歲的個性導演(在劇組成員表中他將自己的名字縮寫為p.t.安德森)已經擁有了一個固定演員組:朱利安·摩爾、出演過《一夜成名》的威廉·h·瑪西,約翰·c·瑞利,還有出演過安德森所有影片的菲利普·貝剋·豪爾。
By his third feature, the 29-year-old auteur[4] (who has shortened his billing to P.T. Anderson) has a regular stable of actors: Julianne Moore and William H. Macy from Boogie Nights and John C. Reilly and Philip Baker Hall, who've been in all of Anderson's films. - 迪斯尼與派拉蒙將合作拍攝以暢銷書《死裏逃生》為藍本的電影,描寫一支足球隊所乘飛機在安底斯山中墜毀為求生而奮鬥。
Disney and Paramount will team up to make a movie based on the best-selling book"Alive", about a rugby team's battle to survive a plane crash in the Andes Mountains. - 我將盡可能安排和安德魯見個面。
I'd move heaven and earth to get a date with Andrew. - 將麻醉劑應用於神經而導致的麻醉。
anesthesia of an area supplied by a nerve; produced by an anesthetic agent applied to the nerve. - 天使報喜,聖母領報天使加百列嚮聖母馬利亞傳報關於耶穌將經由馬利亞而降生
The angel Gabriel's announcement to the Virgin Mary of the Incarnation. - 將屋頂搭成陡斜式
Pitched the roof at a steep angle. - 不是從痛苦的世界中逃脫,而是從心底共同去關心,去熱情地和別人分享一些東西,從而將這些感覺傳送到更重要的地方以豐富我們的生命。
No, not to escape from the anguish of the world, but to find within ourselves together how to care and how to share something passionately so that we may transport these sensitivities to where it matters more in the larger fullness of our lives. - 人難得生病,可是旁觀者們卻以為他勢將必死,並因這一綫希望而精神百倍起來。
A person seldom falls sick, but the bystanders are animated with a faint hope that he will die. - 人難得生病,可是旁觀者們卻以為他勢將必死,並因這一綫希望而精神百倍起來。
A person seldom falls sick, but the bystander is animated with a faint hope that he will die. - 我們將他的任職公司寫為蘋果公司,而實際上史蒂文o喬伯斯同時還是另一傢蓬勃發展的公司pixar的員工。
We've listed him for his post at Apple, but of course Steve Jobs also runs Pixar, the animation company. - 2002年韓、日世界杯賽將藉助未來派的電腦動畫,創造出一個全新的官方吉祥物。
The 2002 FIFA World Cup in Japan and Korea will feature a totally new type of official mascot, based upon futuristic computer animation. - 與傳統的單個卡通人物不同的是,國際足球聯盟和韓、日世界杯組委會打破慣例,推出一段簡短的動畫片,動畫主人公將成為在2002年比賽期間受到人們普遍歡迎的形象。
In a departure from the traditional single cartoon character, FIFA and the World Cup Organizing Committees in Japan and Korea have unveiled a brief animation whose main heroes are intended to become the popular face of the tournament in 2002. - 他的名字將載入編年史。
His name will go down in the annals. - 它將在人類戰爭史上演出空前偉大的一幕。
Our guerrilla war will present a great drama unparalleled in the annals of war. - 我們黨和我國人民作出的艱辛努力和取得的偉大成就舉世矚目,必將載入中華民族偉大復興的光輝史册。
The hard work of our Party and people and their great achievements have attracted worldwide attention and will surely go down as a glorious page in the annals of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. - 美國《紐約時報》1999年10月1日社論和《國際先驅論壇報》9月29日文章分別指出:“中國在解决世界四分之一人口的吃、穿、住方面取得的巨大成就將被載入史册”;
Articles published in October 1999 in the New York Times and in September 1999 in the International Herald Tribune, published in the United States, point out: "The great achievement made by China of solving the problems of food, clothing and housing for one quarter of the world's population will be written in the annals of history." - 美國《紐約時報》1999年10月1日社論和《國際先驅論壇報》9月29日文章分別指出:“中國在解决世界四分之一人口的吃、穿、住方面取得的巨大成就將被載入史册”;
Articles published in 1st October 1999 in the New York Times and in 9th September 1999 in the International Herald Tribune, published in the United States, point out: "The great achievement made by China of solving the problems of food, clothing and housing for one quarter of the world's population will be written in the annals of history."