  • 同学们不应让自己受到公开考试的力所束缚,大家应从课堂的教学模式中释放自己。
    We need to free the teaching and learning roles in schools from the straitjacket imposed by the pressure of public examinations.
  • 因此,它们就不但在商品竞争上倒了中国的民族资本主义,而且在金融上、财政上扼住了中国的咽喉。
    Thus they have not only overwhelmed China's national capitalism in commodity competition, they have also secured a stranglehold on her banking and finance.
  • 皮制品任一种由平上光或鞣制过的皮制成的物品或部件
    Any of various articles or parts made of dressed or tanned hide, such as a boot or strap.
  • 把粘土和麦杆压成砖
    Packed the clay and straw into bricks.
  • 我不能忍受现代生活的力和紧张。
    I can't bear the stresses and strains of modern life.
  • "事实上,力并不像人们所认为的那样是一件坏事。"
    "In fact, stress isn't a bad thing it is often supposed to be."
  • 不受力的未暴露在力下或受到力的
    Not exposed or subjected to stress.
  • 没有力情绪松弛的心态。
    a disposition free from stress or emotion.
  • 在长期重下而引起疲惫。
    exhausted as a result of long-time stress.
  • 该墙能支撑多大的力?
    How much stress can the walls bear?
  • 来自外界的力时常会导致重感。
    Often,pressures from outside sources can cause stress.
  • 对我来说,那是一段情绪紧张的日子,承受着巨大的力,时刻担心会失去这个得之不易的孩子。
    It was an emotional time for me, with tremendous stress and the constant fear of losing this child I was fighting so hard to give life to.
  • 你是否感到疲惫不堪和力重重呢?
    Feeling tired and stressed out?
  • 雪的重量得屋顶快要塌了
    The weight of snow stressed the roof to the point of collapse
  • 1.对使你承受力的任务或活动全心投入。
    l. Make a greater commitment to the project or activity you' re stressed by.
  • 反驳他们的消极谈话,自己一定不要过于抑以至于看不到失望中的“一线希望”。
    Challenge their negative talk and make sure you're not too stressed to see the "silver lining", too.
  • 许多工作都有力。你不是说过你在力下茁壮成长吗?
    A lot of job and stressful, and do not you once tell me you thrive on pressure?
  • 生活中种种令人产生重感的情形影响着我们每一个人。
    Everyone is affected by stressful situations.
  • 与此同时,还要认识到有些力是你眼下无法改变的。
    Also recognize the stressful situations that you cannot alter at this time.
  • 乐观主义者具有更强的自信心,所以事情在他看来较少具有威胁和力。
    Optimists go into situations with more confidence, so events seem less threatening and stressful.
  • 许多工作都有力。你不是说过你在力下茁壮成长吗?
    A lot of jobs are stressful, and did not you once tell me you thrived on pressure?
  • 但是,不管两人从事的是何种工作,丈夫总觉得自己的工作更重要,力更大。
    But regardless of what type of job either has, the man feels that his job is more important and more stressful.
  • 注意:如果你选择支持的事业使你目前的力加剧了,那就推迟参与其活动,直到你生活中力减轻时再说。
    Caution: If the cause you've selected to support compounds your current stress,postpone your involvement until a less stressful time in your life.
  • 减少使用香波次数也可能奏效,因为频繁使用香波会给头发施,造成开叉从发梢延至发干。
    It may help if you reduce the frequency with which you shampoo, as this in itself is stressful to hair and causes split ends to extend up the hair shaft.
  • 但写时一定要把你的日常力包括进去。
    Be sure to include your daily stressors as well.
  • 如何对付这些力下期将会谈到。
    Later in the sections you will be presented with techniques to help you cope with those stressors.
  • 时间力或别的紧张刺激能使工作记忆的容量减少到三个或四个单元,即使是专家也不例外。
    Time pressure or other stressors can reduce the capacity of working memory to three or four chunks, even for the expert.
  • 当你通读自己列出的紧张力一览表时,找出生活中一两种你能够较容易改变、并且能对你产生影响的情形。
    As you read through your list of stressors,identify one or two things in your life that you can change easily and that will make a difference to you.
  • 揉捏般形成通过或好象通过用手折叠、挤,和拉扯而制成或成型
    To make or shape by or as if by folding, pressing, and stretching with the hands.
  • 放宽,放松从拘束、力或严格要求中解脱出来
    To free from restraint, pressure, or strictness.
  • 它已应付过巨大的国土扩张、外战、内乱及国际关系所带来的力。
    It has met every stress of vast expansion of territory of foreign wars, of bitter internal strife, of world relations.
  • 老板们联合起来对罢工者施加力。
    The bosses ganged up against the strikers.