  • 他们酩酊大醉, 东西北全然不辨。
    They became deeply intoxicated and totally disoriented.
  • 非洲黑人尤其用于部非洲,是对黑人的蔑称
    Used especially in southern Africa as a disparaging term for a Black person.
  • 一个对亚洲人蔑视的称呼(尤其是在越战争时对北方越士兵的称号。
    a disparaging term for an Asian person (especially for North Vietnamese soldiers in the Vietnam War).
  • 东方人,黄种人用作对在越战争中北越士兵或游击队员的蔑称
    Used as a disparaging term for a North Vietnamese soldier or guerrilla in the Vietnam War.
  • 太平洋诸岛土人尤指19世纪和20世纪早期被带到澳大利亚做苦力的土人。常用作贬语
    A South Sea Islander, especially one brought to Australia as a laborer in the19th and early20th centuries. Often used disparagingly.
  • 全球范围内特别是北之间的发展差距和贫富悬殊继续拉大,两极分化状况更趋严重。
    As the gap in development and the disparity between rich and poor countries continue to widen all over the world, particularly between the South and North, polarization has become an increasingly serious problem.
  • 例如,当方农业地区的一个棉花种植园,突然将其雇用的劳动力从一百人减到三人时,这些被裁减人员需要帮助的问题马上就产生了。
    For example, in the rural South when a cotton plantation suddenly cuts its force from 100 people to three, the problem to help the displaced arises.
  • 亚洲西部一地区,是印度与巴基斯坦争议地区。
    an area in southwestern Asia whose sovereignty is disputed between Pakistan and India.
  • 省委代表杜修经和省委派充边界特委书记的杨开明,乘力持异议的毛泽东、宛希先诸人远在永新的时候,不察当时的环境,不顾军委、特委、永新县委联席会议不同意湖省委主张的决议,只知形式地执行湖省委向湘去的命令,附和红军第二十九团(成分是宜章农民)逃避斗争欲回家乡的情绪,因而招致边界和湘两方面的失败。
    Tu Hsiu-ching, the representative of the Hunan Provincial Committee, and Yang Kai-ming, the secretary of the Border Area Special Committee who had been appointed by the Provincial Committee, failed to grasp the actual situation and, taking advantage of the fact that Mao Tse-tung, Wan Hsi-hsien and other strongly dissenting comrades were far away in Yunghsin, they disregarded the resolutions of the joint meeting of the Army Committee, the Special Committee and the Yunghsin County Committee of the Party, which disapproved of the views of the Hunan Provincial Committee.They just mechanically enforced the order of the Hunan Provincial Committee to march to southern Hunan and fell in with the desire of the Red Army's 29th Regiment (composed of peasants from Yichang) to evade struggle and return home, thus causing defeat both in the border area and in southern Hunan.
  • 通过驾照考试后去找工作,就再没有人向她要个人简历、她那篇有关19世纪部感伤作家的368页长的论文或导师推荐信(“理想的人选”,导师写道)了。
    After she passed her driver's test, nobody asked to see her vitae, her 368-page dissertation on a 19th-century Southern sentimental writer or her a dviser's recommendation (“the perfect candidate,” he wrote).
  • 伊斯雷岛苏格兰西部内赫布里底群岛部的一个岛屿。农业,渔业和酿酒业对其经济十分重要
    An island of the southern Inner Hebrides of western Scotland. Farming, fishing, and distilling are important to its economy.
  • 拿太行、太岳、冀这几个区域来说吧,几年来我们的工作,在中央的领导之下,是有成绩的,但是由于我们同志,特别是我们这些负责的同志还有不少的歪风,给予工作的损害也是令人痛心的。
    In Taihang and Taiyue areas and southern Hebei, for instance, we have achieved much in our work during this period under the leadership of the Central Committee. However, it is distressing that some of our comrades, especially some leading comrades, still follow erroneous ways in doing things and so have seriously impaired the work.
  • 苏格兰西部一地区。
    a district in southwestern Scotland.
  • 英国苏格兰中东部行政区。
    a district in southeast central Scotland.
  • 他们住在南部地区。
    They live in the southern district.
  • 南北朝鲜的分离
    the disunion of North Korea and South Korea
  • 第一种终点,例如江西第一次反“围剿”时,如果红军没有内部不统一和地方党的分裂,即立三路线和ab团两个困难问题存在,是可以设想在吉安、丰、樟树三点之间集中兵力举行反攻的。
    Here is an example of the first type,during our first counter-campaign against "encirclement and suppression" in Kiangsi, had it not been for the disunity inside the Red Army and the split in the local Party organization (the two difficult problems created by the Li Li-san line and the A-B Group), it is conceivable that we might have concentrated our forces within the triangle formed by Kian, Nanfeng and Changshu and launched a counter-offensive.
  • 非白天活动的穴居海岛猫鼬;经常被当作宠物养。
    burrowing diurnal meerkat of southern Africa; often kept as a pet.
  • 美国东的一种中型常绿树种,树枝外展,多枝杈,长有球果。
    medium-sized evergreen of southeastern United States having spreading branches and widely diverging cone scales.
  • 奥瓦通纳明尼苏达州东部一城市,位于明尼阿波利斯部。它拥有多样化的工业。人口19,386
    A city of southeast Minnesota south of Minneapolis. It has diversified industries. Population,19, 386.
  • 匹兹堡美国堪萨斯州东的一座城市,临近密苏里州边界。作为采矿城镇于1876年建成,现有多种工业。人口17,775
    A city of southeast Kansas near the Missouri border. Founded in1876 as a mining town, it now has diversified industries. Population,17, 775.
  • 兰利市加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚部一城市,邻近华盛顿边界,位于温哥华东偏东。是一个多种经营的农业区。人口15,124
    A city of southern British Columbia, Canada, near the Washington border east-southeast of Vancouver. It is in a diversified farming area. Population,15, 124.
  • 水北调(东线)水质类别比例
    Percentage of Water Quality Grades of Water Diversion Project (East Route)
  • 水北调工程前期工作制定东线、中线调水方案,国务院领导提出了"先节水,后调水;
    Preparation for Water Diversion Engineering Project The east and middle routes of the water diversion have been worked out. The leaders of the State Council have put forth the principle for the water diversion water conservation should be conducted before the water diversion;
  • 西气东输工程和水北调工程已正式开工建设。
    and the start of the West-to-East natural gas transmission project and the South-to-North water diversion project.
  • 抓紧解决部分地区水资源短缺问题,兴建水北调工程。
    We must lose no time in solving the problem of water shortages in some areas and build the south-to-north water diversion project.
  • 加强了对西气东输、水北调东线、青藏铁路、西电东送等重大工程环保对策的调研。
    Investigation and researches on the counter-measures of environmental protection for the key projects such as Natural Gas Transmission, Water Diversion, Qinghai-Tibet Railway and Electricity Transmission have been enhanced.
  • 太浦河、望虞河、杭嘉湖排等工程,外排洪水48亿立方米,有效地减轻了流域的防洪压力;
    4.8 billion cubic meters of water was drained by the Taipu River Project, Wangyu River Project and South Diversion Project in Hangzhou, Jiaxing and Huzhou areas, which effectively relieved flood pressure on the basin.
  • 南水北调工程
    Divert water from the south to the north project
  • 今年入汛后,湖北、湖、江西、安徽总共运用了337个平垸行洪的堤垸行洪,增加蓄滞洪水23.5亿立方米,有效降低了洪水位。
    During this year's flood season, a total of 337 protective embankments were used to divert and retain water in Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi and Anhui Provinces, with an increase of 2.35 billion cubic meters of storage water, which effectively lowered the water level.
  • 为解决北方地区水资源短缺问题,中国政府积极推进跨流域调水工程的规划和建设工作,1995年11月组织开展了实施水北调中、东、西线工程的全面论证工作。
    To compensate for lack of water resources in northern areas, the Chinese government vigorously promoted the planning and construction of water-diversion projects between different drainage basins. In November 1995 it sponsored an overall feasibility study of the middle, eastern and western lines projects for diverting water from south to north.
  • 美国宾夕法尼亚州和马里兰州的州界线;内战前是北的象征性界线。
    the boundary between Maryland and Pennsylvania; symbolic dividing line between North and South before the Civil War.