  • 艺术是身体和智能力量的溢,是自由的,不受拘束的,是为自身而存在的;如果我们没有认清这一点,那么我们便不能了解艺术和艺术的要素。
    We fail to understand art and the essence of art if we do not recognize it as merely an overflow of physical and mental energy, free and unhampered and existing for its own sake.
  • 他心中充满了喜悦。
    His heart is overflowing with happiness.
  • 市场上商品充溢。
    The market is overflowing with goods.
  • 被大量移动的、特别是活的东西满到溢出的程度;有时用于组合词。
    filled to overflowing with a vast number of moving or especially living things; sometimes used in combination.
  • 过分吹嘘满了过分的、不必要的激情;过分称赞,过奖
    To present with excessive or unwarranted enthusiasm; overpraise.
  • 对一部分干部和群众中流行的影响社会风气的重要思想问题,要经过分调查研究,由适当的人进行周到细致、有分说服力的教育,简单片面武断的说法是不行的。
    To overcome major ideological weaknesses that are found among some cadres and other people and that affect social conduct, we must carry out in-depth investigations and assign proper people to conduct painstaking and convincing education. Oversimplified, one-sided or arbitrary arguments will not serve the purpose.
  • 可惜,为了促进经济增长,有些经济体系扩展过快,没有分提防全球资金流动所隐藏的危险。
    Unfortunately, a number of economies were overstretched in the pursuit of high growth, not totally aware of the pitfalls of the global financial flows.
  • 这个枕头填的太多。
    The pillow was overstuffed.
  • 我们每每听到某些同志对上下对同级发生意气之争,遇事总以为自己对,人家不对,总想压倒别人,提高自己,一味逞英雄,“山大王”,结果弄出错误,害党误事。
    We hear from time to time that when some comrade or another is having disputes out of spite against his superiors, subordinates or peers, he always believes he is right and others are wrong and is always trying to overwhelm others, posing as a hero or "king of the mountain". As a result, his mistake harms the Party and impairs its work.
  • 满了无法抵制的惊奇或震惊的情感冲击。
    filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise or shock.
  • 词组中则斥着火药。
    Phrases are packed with TNT.
  • 去爱歌顿游乐园爬进巨大的透明气球里,然后再滚下来……风驰电掣!
    Climb inside a giant, transparent, padded ball at The Agrodome Leisure Park and roll downhill…fast!
  • 垫子或装软垫的家具内部填的材料。
    padding put in cushions and upholstered furniture.
  • 一个里面满空气或其他填料如羽毛、海绵乳胶等物的很柔软的包。
    a soft bag filled with air or a mass of padding such as feathers or foam rubber etc.
  • 物一块软的物体,常叠着或卷着,用于垫料、填或包装
    A small mass of soft material, often folded or rolled, used for padding, stuffing, or packing.
  • 在程序设计语言pl/1中,并置在串右边以把串扩展到所需长度的一个或多个字符或者位。对于字符串,填的是空格字符;对于位串,填的是零。
    In PL/1, one or more character or bits concatenated to the right of a string to extend the string to a required length.For character strings, padding is with blanks; for bit strings, it is with zeros.
  • 刺骨的风;刺骨的风;刺骨的寒冷;刺骨的、刀割一样的疼痛;刺骨的寒冷;尖利的批评;刺骨的疼痛;满了冰冻和刺骨的寒风的灰色世界。
    a cutting wind; keen winds; knifelike cold; piercing knifelike pains; piercing cold; piercing criticism; a stabbing pain; a gray world with ice and toothed winds.
  • 一种由称作半边电路的两对线路经适当安排形成的叠加电路。每一对线本身既作为电路,同时又当幻象电路的一个导体。
    A superimposed circuit derived from two suitably arranged pairs of wires called side circuits, with each pair of wires being a circuit itself and at the same time acting as one conductor of the phantom circuit.
  • 引起慌张;使满慌张。
    cause panic in; fill with panic.
  • 满世间的色彩和动作的景象被当成理所当然,或许,这是人性共有的特点。
    The panorama of color and action which fills the world is taken for granted.
  • 人生满了种种矛盾兴困境。
    Life is filled with paradoxes and dilemmas.
  • 我们要分估计今年出口的困难,但绝不是说可以忽视国外市尝甚至放弃这个市场,而是要千方百计地去扩大出口。
    We should give full consideration to the difficulties China might meet in this year's export, yet that could never be paraphrased as neglecting or even abandoning foreign market. Instead, we shall leave no stone unturned in expanding export.
  • 是的,登山很刺激,同时也很危险,所以我们事先得分准备。
    Yes. Mountain-climbing or mountaineering is exciting but it's also dangerous. So we have to be well-pre-pared beforehand.
  • 一个作引宾员和在宗教仪式中维持秩序的次要的教区职员。
    a minor parish official who serves as an usher and preserves order at services.
  • 对符合条件的,及时报请人民法院依法减刑或假释,以分调动罪犯的改造积极性,在监内树立积极改造的风尚。
    For prisoners who meet the requirements, their cases are reported to the People's Court, where their sentence may be commuted or they may be released on parole in accordance with the law. This encourages a positive attitude toward reform-through-labour among the prisoners and establishes a positive atmosphere for reform- through-labour in the prisons.
  • 他冒充医生。
    He passes for a doctor.
  • 你可冒十几岁的人。这幅伪造的画被当作真品
    You could pass for a teenager. The fake painting passed for an original.
  • guzmanderojas认为词典的容量仍需扩以达到约90%的精确率。
    Guzman de rojas say the dictionary capacity still must is expanded to arrive at a passable accuracy rate of 90 percent.
  • 她经常冒充医生。
    She often passes herself off as a doctor.
  • 热情的热情的,与热情有关的或满热情的
    Of, relating to, or filled with passion.
  • 在婚姻生活中满激情的最初几年过去之后的相当长的一段时间内,性对于他们仍是极其重要的。
    Sex remains vital for them long after the first passionate years of a relationship have passed.
  • 在乌鲁木齐的医生认为笑笑无可救药的时候,勇新又满激情地发了一个电子邮件:“我的儿子长得非常可爱,尽管他患有严重的心脏病。
    While the doctor in Urumqi considered Shao-Shao doomed, Yongxin wrote passionately in another e-mail, "My son is beautifully alive, although with serious problems.