  • 坏女人会埋怨好多男人,而好女人则只埋怨个男人。
    A bad woman raises hell with a good many men while a good woman raises hell with only one.
  • 个医生,想多挣些钱来更好地养活家人,就提高了收费,这就使每个人的医疗支出增加,这切最无情地损害了穷人的利益,所以穷人的医疗状况比富人差。
    A doctor, wanting more money to better provide for his family, raises his fees. By raising his fees, it makes health care more expensive for everyone. Now, it hurts the poor people the most, so poor people have worse health than those with money.
  • 种沉下或拉上深水潜水员的救生索。
    line that raises or lowers a deep-sea diver.
  • 在那所谓气愤的群里,是找不到文学大师的。
    As for the agitated and disappointed writers, chances are there isn't a leading talent among them.
  • 委员会在关于提高雇员工资这问题上发生了分歧
    The committee parted over the issue of pay raises for employees.
  • 用动物做科学试验引起了些棘手的道德问题。
    The use of animals in scientific tests raises some difficult ethical questions.
  • 布满小气泡或者像有许多小气泡,就像以打浆或者加热的方式被搅动样。
    covered with or resembling small bubbles as from being agitated by beating or heating.
  • 当然,这也有可能此外另个不十分愉快的结果。
    This, of course, also raises the possibility of another, less happy outcome.
  • 种起泡的战争用毒气,能伤害眼睛和肺。
    a toxic war gas that raises blisters and attacks the eyes and lungs.
  • 度的加薪是他们的惯例;他们改变他们的饮食习惯。
    it is their practice to give annual raises; they changed their dietary pattern.
  • 这就提出了个要什么人来接班的问题。
    This raises the question of what kind of people should be our successors.
  • 无核小葡萄干种产于地中海地区的无核小葡萄干,主要用来晒干
    A small, seedless raisin of the Mediterranean region, used chiefly in baking.
  • “糖渍葡萄一斤。”
    'A pound of sugared raisins.'
  • 核桃及葡萄干经常是起吃的。
    Nuts and raisins are frequently eaten together.
  • 兰姆糕种发酵的兰姆酒蛋糕,般用葡萄干制成
    A leavened rum cake, usually made with raisins.
  • 激动,骚动处在种激动或不安的状态;激动
    To be in an excited or agitated state; seethe.
  • 咖啡饼种饼或甜面包,常含有坚果或葡萄干
    A cake or sweetened bread, often containing nuts or raisins.
  • 兰姆糕种加有桔皮、兰姆酒、杏仁和葡萄干的咖啡蛋糕
    A coffee cake flavored with orange rind, rum, almonds, and raisins.
  • 生面饼上撒层桂皮和糖(和葡萄干),卷起来,烘烤前切段。
    rolled dough spread with cinnamon and sugar (and raisins) then sliced before baking.
  • 装满葡萄干或无花果篓的重量;在到磅之间。
    the weight of a frail (basket) full of raisins or figs; between 50 and 75 pounds.
  • 灯心草篓的量这样的篮子能装水果(如葡萄干、无花果)之量
    The quantity of fruit, such as raisins or figs, that such a basket can hold.
  • 用红葡萄、白兰地烈性酒、葡萄干及橘子皮和糖混合而成的斯堪的纳维亚人的种鸡尾酒。
    Scandinavian punch made of claret and aquavit with spices and raisins and orange peel and sugar.
  • 瑞典潘趣酒种高度混合饮料,由红酒、白兰地和雪碧酒搀合制成,并含有杏仁、葡萄干和桔皮调味料
    A hot punch made of red wine, brandy, and sherry flavored with almonds, raisins, and orange peel.
  • 早餐是这样的:面包两片,葡萄干面包小块,淡茶杯。
    This is the breakfast: two slices of bread, one small piece of bread with raisins and a mug of water bewitched.
  • 下集资情况好吗?
    How about the fund-raising?
  • 下集资情况好吗?
    How about the fund raising?
  • 处于种情绪激动不安的情形。
    be in an agitated emotional state.
  • 慈善义卖会种募捐性质的集市或游艺会
    A fund-raising fair or carnival.
  • 想想吧,她次就能举起300公斤。
    Just imagine raising 300 kilograms at a time.
  • 妇女们为获得选举权曾连多年开展活动。
    Women had to agitate for the vote for many years before they finally got it.
  • 起重索套种用于垂直提升或放下物体的绳索
    A sling for raising or lowering an object vertically.
  • 她打开了房门,用手指着个衣柜。
    Raising the trapdoor she pointed a flight of steps.