  • 这所房子并不防暴风雨--屋顶漏了。
    This house isn't exactly stormproof the roof leaks!
  • 船已作好出海准备,但因暴风雨而不启航。
    The ship is ready for sea but cannot get away owing to the stormy weather.
  • 我母亲是个讲故事手,而且也很聪明。
    My mother was a good storyteller and a clever one at that.
  • 帮我解决这事吗?
    Can you help me straighten it out?
  • 为我想办法解决这事吗?
    Can you straighten me out in this matter?
  • 为我想办法解决这事吗?
    Can you straighten me out on this matter?
  • 这弯曲的金属片自己变直。
    The bent strip can straighten up by itself.
  • 墙上的那个搁架不平,你把它扶正吗?
    That shelf isn't square on the wall; can you straighten it?
  • 法官的警告定使他改邪归正。
    A warning from the judge should help to straighten him out.
  • 整顿,还有一个恢复政治机关的职、作用、威信的问题。
    Straightening things out also includes restoring the functions, position and prestige of the political organs of the army.
  • 我们渴望世界上的事情得到圆满的解决。
    We are anxious to see world affairs straightened out well.
  • 但是有了万服务器,它们将变得查对简单明了,允许更为有效的零库存资源计划。
    But with Universal Servers, they will be relatively straightforward, allowing more effective just-in-time resource planning.
  • 你不能滥用职权。
    You can not strain your authority.
  • 他的左大腿被扭伤,这样他至少两周不上场。
    He strained his left thigh and will be sidelined for at least two weeks.
  • 我想两岸关系是不是够维持安定与和平,对台湾的发展是非常重要的。
    I think whether the cross-strait relations can remain stable and peaceful is of utmost importance to Taiwan's developments.
  • 干部有疾并生活、家庭等项困难问题者,必须在可限度内用心给以照顾。
    When cadres are in difficulty as a result of illness, straitened means or domestic or other troubles, we must be sure to give them as much care as possible.
  • 多佛海峡风浪可很大。
    The Straits of Dover can be very rough.
  • 类病毒一种传染性微粒,与病毒相象但比病毒小,由核糖核酸单链构成,在植物中引起疾病
    An infectious particle, similar to but smaller than a virus, that consists solely of a strand of RNA and is capable of causing disease in plants.
  • 染色体动物细胞核和植物细胞中一条线状的dna链和辅助蛋白,携带了传递遗传信息的基因和功
    A threadlike linear strand of DNA and associated proteins in the nucleus of animal and plant cells that carries the genes and functions in the transmission of hereditary information.
  • 近日,美国一教育小组声称:如果政府追踪外国留学生的新系统不如国会所要求的那样到明年年初就正常运转的话,将有8万学生束手无策地等待着赴美的签证。
    If a new government system for tracking foreign students isn't working by early next year as required by Congress, as many as 80,000 students could be stranded waiting for permission to enter the United States, an education group said recently.
  • 说起来很奇怪,最好的导电体像铜和银都不成为接近绝对零度仍导电的超导电体。
    Strangely, the best electrical conductors, copper and silver, do not become superconductive.
  • 我们有些同志往往采取激进的办法,以为不通过上层分子搞得更好。
    Some of our comrades are wont to take radical measures, thinking they can do better without the help of people from the upper strata.
  • 但是这样的要求,可苗族上层少数地主分子不赞成。
    On the other hand, it is not likely that the few landlords from the upper strata of the Miao nationality will consent to their demand.
  • 军队革命化、现代化、正规化建设继续加强,国防实力和军队防卫作战力提高。
    Acting on the military strategies for the new era, the people's army has implemented the strategy of strengthening itself through science and technology. The revolutionization, modernization and standardization of the armed forces were carried forward, leading to a rise in our country's military capability and our army's defensive combat readiness.
  • “固定结构策略”可是最好的投资策略,但在某种情况下,买入后长期持有会更好。
    While the Constant Mix strategy seems to be the best strategy to follow, the Buy-and-Hold strategy is better under certain situations.
  • 通过推进管子进入地下产生水的地层而建的井。
    a well made by driving a tube into the earth to a water-bearing stratum.
  • 或许是在那个星期六,在一个大草莓上放一个雏菊做帽子之后,我开始在想:我怎么才够超过它?
    Perhaps it was the Saturday when the big strawberry wore a daisy hat that I began to think,how can I top this?
  • “你们这些人怎么光想这个。好像我们女孩子是迷路的小动物,随随便便就搞到手似的。
    “is this all you characters think about—picking up girls like we were stray animals?
  • 所以不大可另觅新欢的慈爱父亲雄性激素水平也许较低。
    So devoted dads, who are less likely to stray, probably have lower testosterone levels.
  •  每天清晨第一缕阳光照进几座洞窟深处时,另外的洞窟却可继续沉睡不醒,甚至终日处于黑暗之中。
    When the first streak of sunlight reaches the depth of several grottoes, the others may continue to be fast asleep and even remain in dark all day long.
  • 不过我们还希望将宴会厅装饰起来,如果在大厅中央放置一棵带有彩色垂带的圣诞树就会更加增辉了。
    But we'd like to have the banquet hall decorated. It would be better if a Christmas tree stands in the middle with some colourful streamers.
  • 通过改革,中国国防科技工业引入市场竞争机制,逐步优化结构和改善布局,精干军工队伍,增强平战转化力,努力建立开放式的新军工体系。
    Through this reform, the market competition mechanism has been introduced into China's national defense science, technology and industry, the structure and layout of which have been gradually improved. In addition, the contingents of military industry have been streamlined, the capability of shifting from a peacetime to a wartime footing has been enhanced and strenuous efforts have been made to establish a new military industry system of an open type.