  • 流程图中一种表示各种符号之间接通路的线(条),指明数据或控制权的转移(方向)。
    A line representing a connecting path between the symbols in a flowchart to indicate a transfer of data or control.
  • (指开花植物的子房)由生的心皮组成。
    (of ovaries of flowering plants) consisting of united carpels.
  • 她买了一块[一些]有花卉图案的印花布做夏天的衣裙.
    She bought a/some flowery print to make a summer dress.
  • 小旗,燕尾旗接到一根杆或矛上的或挂在船桅杆上的窄的叉形旗或三角旗
    A narrow forked flag or streamer attached to a staff or lance or flown from a ship's masthead.
  • 不足为奇,又一串的荣誉为这年划上句号,包括"纳什维尔音乐奖"之"最佳乡村歌曲专辑"和"乡村音乐学院奖"之"女歌手最高荣誉奖"。
    Not surprisingly,the year ended with another flurry of honors,including a Best Country Album award from the Nashville Music Awards,and Top Female Vocalist honors from the Academy of Country Music.
  • 经过一番棋评家都莫名其妙、快速而戏剧性的过招以后,卡斯帕罗夫今日无可奈何地与挑战者握手。此举令他棋坛霸主的地位岌岌可危。
    After a flurry of quick and dramatic moves that left chess analysts confused, Gary Kasparov shook hands with his clallenger today in a gesture of resignation that left his hold on the world chess championship hanging by a thread.
  • 以通过改变磁通量产生电域的方法使电子续梁高速运转。
    accelerates a continuous beam of electrons to high speeds by means of the electric field produced by changing magnetic flux.
  • 一条横跨青山公路,接荃景围与沙咀道的天桥,已于一九九七年年中动工,预计在二零零零年初完成。
    Construction of a flyover across Castle Peak Road connecting Tsuen King Circuit and Sha Tsui Road started in mid-1997 for completion in early 2000.
  • 他那时还很年轻,自己的事都处理不好。
    He was so young that he couldn’t cut his own fodder.
  • 魔鬼在多种宗教中,主要象征坏人的灵魂,地狱的统治者和上帝的敌人,与the
    In many religions, the major personified spirit of evil, ruler of Hell, and foe of God. Used with the.
  • 连傻瓜都知道。
    Any fool could tell you that.
  • 吐痰的动作普通是以三个音乐的拍子去完成的,开头两个拍子是吸进和廓清喉咙的声音,以引出最后吐出痰时的拍子;吐出痰时的动作是急速有力的:“音”继之以“断音”。
    The spitting is done generally in three musical beats, the first two being sounds of drawing in and clearing the throat in preparation for the final beat of spitting out, which is executed with a quick forcefulness: staccato after legato.
  • 随著工程项目的发展,没有料到的困难接出现了。
    As the project develop, unsuspected difficulty come to the fore.
  • 只要他在场,孩子们便话都不敢说。
    While he was to the fore, the children were afraid of speaking.
  • 前身动物之前腿、肩以及毗的侧部,尤指马
    The foreleg, shoulder, and adjacent lateral parts of an animal, especially a horse.
  • 他偶然翻起了一本史文朋,开始续地读,读得脸上闪光。忘了自已在什么地方。
    He chanced upon a volume of Swinburne and began reading steadily, forgetful of where he was, his face glowing.
  • 他们已经一堵了好几个小时,吃饭都忘了。
    They have been gambling away for hours forgetting to eat.
  • 彬格莱大声说道:“好极了,请你仔仔细细讲吧,到他们的身材的高矮和大小也别忘了讲,因为,班纳特小姐,你一定想象不到讨论起问题来的时候这一点是多么重要。
    "By all means," cried Bingley; "Let us hear all the particulars, not forgetting their comparative height and size; for that will have more weight in the argument, Miss Bennet, than you may be aware of.
  • 他和戈尔之间的冷淡关系也在9月13日有所缓和。那天克林顿几乎整夜未眠,一直在等戈尔,几乎被"9·11"危机击垮的戈尔从布法罗驱车赶到查帕阔时已是凌晨3点,他们一直交谈到黎明。
    (Hillary is less forgiving.) Even the cold relationship with Al Gore thawed on Sept.13, when Clinton waited up until 3 in the morning for Gore, grounded by the crisis, to arrive in Chappaqua from Buffalo by car.
  • 他因续犯规被裁判员勒令退场。
    He was sent off by the referee for persistent fouling.
  • 大卡车驶过时,房基都震动了。
    The huge lorries shook the foundations of the house.
  • 他虚弱的手杯子也拿不住。
    His frail hands could hardly hold a cup.
  • 对于那些搞打砸抢的、帮派思想严重的、出卖灵魂陷害同志的、党的最关紧要的利益都不顾的人,决不能重用。
    We must never assign important posts to persons who have engaged in beating, smashing and looting, who have been obsessed by factionalist ideas, who have sold their souls by framing innocent comrades, or who disregard the Party's vital interests.
  • 作为一种给予特许专营权业务,他经营三明治锁店。
    He runs his sandwich chain as a franchise operation.
  • 在交换机和服务器两边同时消除了pci到局域网介质转换的i/o开销,把两者间的接从由于速度较低的局域网介质而更明显化的吞吐量限制中解放出来。
    The I/O overhead of PCI-to-LAN media conversions is eliminated on both the switch and server sides, freeing the connection from throughput constraints imposed by slower LAN media.
  • 远洋货轮昨天结关后离开大港。
    The ocean-going freighter cleared Dalian harbour yesterday.
  • 几天,那个男孩为失去的狗焦急不安。
    For days the boy fretted about his lost dog.
  • 属于一般t或a的一种菌,其果实体新鲜时接在一起象果冻。
    any fungus of the order Tremellales or Auriculariales whose fruiting body is jellylike in consistency when fresh.
  • 果冻类菌类,果实体有-厘米宽,接成凝胶状;类似一束生菜;大部分为水生的和褐色的。
    a jelly fungus with a fruiting body 5-15 cm broad and gelatinous in consistency; resembles a bunch of leaf lettuce; mostly water and brownish in color.
  • 在一起的一对杠杆。
    a pair of levers hinged at the fulcrum.
  • 两个功能部件之间的一种共享界面,在一定的条件下,根据功能特性、公共的物理接特性、信号特性以及其它特性来定义。
    A shared boundary between two functional units, defined by functional characteristics, common physical interconnection characteristics, signal characteristics, and other characteristics, as appropriate.
  • 获得并接各种操作部件以形成计算机系统或子系统。
    To obtain and interconnect functional units to form a computer system or subsystem.