  • 使一个系统、一个过程或一个操作能取其最希望的结构的方法,或以最好、最有效的方式进行所采取的一些措施。例如,在存储器中合理安排指令和数据的存放位置以便存入和访问时花费的机器时间或间最小。
    A procedure causing a system, process, or operation to take on its most desirable configuration or procedures in the best or most efficient way; for example, when arranging instructions and data in storage so that a minimum of machine time or space is used for storing or accessing them.
  • 囚禁置于或禁锢在一个狭小间中
    To put or confine in a cell.
  • 关在一个小的间里,如为了进行高强度的工作。
    confine to a small space, as for intensive work.
  • 在这样狭小的间里工作很难提高效率。
    It is hard to work efficiently in such a confined space.
  • 狭小间给人束缚、闭锁感的狭小
    An uncomfortably confined space.
  • 对于被关在封闭的间感到恐惧。
    a morbid fear of being closed in a confined space.
  • 笼,栏一种用于限制鸟类或动物的结构,至少有一面由绳子或条子组成的栅栏构成,供气和光亮进入
    A structure for confining birds or animals, enclosed on at least one side by a grating of wires or bars that lets in air and light.
  • 盒装雪茄;一个狭小的禁闭间;感到交通拥挤。
    boxed cigars; a confining boxed-in space; felt boxed in by the traffic.
  • 迪恩准备进入一个极为狭小的间,以致于他根本无法站立行走。
    Dean was going into a space so confining that he couldn't even begin to stand up.
  • 大声的令人困惑的谈。
    loud and confused and empty talk.
  • 我的朋友拉扎鲁斯总是有话必说(不加思索)。所以她听到国会乱开头支票丑闻时,她可不会保持缄默。
    My friend Lois Lazarus always shoots from the lip. So she wasn't about to bite her tongue when she heard about the congressional check-kiting scandal.
  • 可是,国会中的民主党人士感到处于领导真(群龙无首),乃强调由于布什不闻不问令经济一撅不振,以便增加他们自己的政治筹码。
    But congressional Democrats, sensing a leadership void, have made political hay by contending the economy is in the doldrums because Bush refuses to do anything about it.
  • 父亲曾是参议员和军部长,弟弟也是前众议员。
    His father had been a Senator and Secretary of the Air Force and his younger brother a former congressman.
  • 我不能凭生出钱来。
    I can't simply conjure up the money out of thin air.
  • 各种样式的战争将不是士兵对士兵的对抗,而是新型战士在信息间的交战,而信息间是可同时进行商务、对话和联系的虚拟间。
    It will be a place where wars of every type will be fought not by soldiers confronting soldiers but by new warriors engaging in the infosphere,the virtual world where commerce,conversation and connectivity will all occur.
  • 征服外层间是现代科学最杰出的成就之一。
    The conquest of outer space is one of the greatest triumphs of modern science.
  • 然而,随着对间的征服,我们可能考虑是否该迁往另一个星球。
    With the conquest of space, however, we may now wish to consider whether it might be desirable to move to another planet.
  • 散发热;雷暴天气过后气变冷了。
    loose heat; The air cooled considerably after the thunderstorm.
  • 货物已经由运发出给你。
    The goods have been consigned to you by air.
  • 常曲率黎曼空间
    Riemannian space of constant curvature
  • 他们的飞机经常飞过我国领
    Their planes constantly flew over our territory.
  • 显微镜座南半球星的一个星座
    A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere.
  • 此外,我亦关注到,本港的自然环境状况不应对我们的发展造成局限。我们会更积极采取措施,改善本港的气质素和水质,并减少废物。
    In addition, I am concerned that the state of our natural environment should not constrain our development, and we will more vigorously pursue measures to improve our air and water quality and reduce waste.
  • namespace:命名间tmodel表示了一个信息集合的范围约束或域约束。
    namespace: A namespace tModel represents a scoping constraint or domain for a set of information.
  • 压缩一个中器官或导管使血液或气体停止流动。
    constrict a hollow organ or vessel so as to stop the flow of blood or air.
  • 如果喝酒的速度过快,你的酒量就会较低,同样腹喝酒也会导致酒量下降。
    If you cut down on the amount of time you spend drinking, you won't be able to consume as much -- and you won't consume as much on an empty stomach.
  • 简单指令只需要8位存储间,而多数复杂指令要占用120位。
    Simple instructions require as little as 8 bits of storage space, while the most complex consume 120 bits.
  • 闲时间,闲暇从花费大量时间的责任、任务或活动中解脱
    Freedom from time-consuming duties, responsibilities, or activities.
  • 如果我们只给人家一个民族区域自治的头支票,而把人家的粮食吃光,这是不行的。
    No, we cannot if we just give the minority nationalities a nominal regional national autonomy while consuming all their grain.
  • 接触实际使他不再倾向于无益的想。
    Contact with realities indisposed him to any more idle speculations.
  • 容器,箱子,仓贮藏用的容器或被围住的
    A container or enclosed space for storage.
  • 的没有东西的;
    Containing no matter; empty.