  • 这些生活在世界鸟类展览上的圣文森特亚马逊鹦鹉远离它们的自栖息地,过着无忧无虑的生活,已经忘却了它们的同类在加勒比海的小岛上的悲惨遭遇。
    These St. Vincent Amazon parrots, miles from their natural habitat and oblivious to the plight of their relatives on an island in the Caribbean Sea, live a protected life at the World of Birds exhibit.
  • 大使先生:实际上,瑞士仍是个中立国。
    Mr.Ambassador: Actually,Switzerland is still a neutral nation.
  • 而,自fortran语言发明后,人们自地觉得e代表“10多少次幂”。这种做法显得颇为古怪,因为fortran最初面向的是科学与工程设计领域。理所当,它的设计者应对这样的混淆概念持谨慎态度。
    However, when FORTRAN was invented they decided that e would naturally mean “ten to the power,” which is an odd decision because FORTRAN was designed for science and engineering and one would think its designers would be sensitive about introducing such an ambiguity.
  • 大方向虽在一个时期中是不变更的,而大方向内的小方向则是随时变更的,一个方向受了限制,就得转到另一个方向去。
    Though the main direction does not change in a given period of time, within its ambit the secondary directions may shift at any moment; when we find ourselves checked in one direction, we must turn to another.
  • 雄心与贪心截然不同
    Ambition differs from greed.
  • 它与新加坡存在这种关系已经好多年了,这个南面的城市国家曾经雄心勃勃,通过补贴和惠赠的方法,企业获得资金管理人才,芯片制造者和软件销售商,新加坡现在仍在继续追赶香港,但并没有严重的威胁香港的亚洲商业中心地位。
    It has had that relationship with Singapore for years . The southern city?state has ambitiously courted fund managers, chip markers a nd software vendors with subsidies and freebies, but Singapore continues to chas e without seriously threatening Hong Kong's Asian business?hub status.
  • 而当我大学毕业时,这种矛盾的日子结束了。
    When I graduated from college, though, my days of ambivalence were over.
  • 伏击突从隐蔽地带攻出;伏击
    To attack suddenly from a place of concealment; ambush.
  • 埋伏未加警告便从隐蔽处突袭击;伏击
    To attack suddenly and without warning from a concealed place; ambush.
  • 今天仍没有人确切知道她的飞机出了什么故障而她又是怎样度过飞行中的最后几分钟的。
    Today no one knows exactly what went wrong with the plane and how Amelia spent her last minutes in flight.
  • 梅格后来自也成为演员,但她和母亲对表演的共同爱好并不足以改善两人已破裂的关系。
    It was Meg,of course,who would become the actress her and her mother's shared love of emoting wouldn't prove enough to ameliorate their shattered relationship.
  • 我当然同意。
    Amen to that, ie I certainly agree with that.
  • 她已固执己见长达两年之久,绝不可能突间变得可以理喻了。
    There is not the smallest possibility that, after having been as obstinate as a mule for two years, she suddenly became amenable to reason.
  • 你坚持,我就只好修改信用证。
    Since you insist, I must amend the letter of credit.
  • ,随着实践的发展,该完善的完善,该修补的修补,但总的要坚定不移。
    Of course, as the reform progresses, some of these policies should be improved or amended as necessary. But we should keep firmly to our general direction.
  • 所以,尽管描画的东西不能尽合将来的事实,而将为事实所校正,但是为着坚定地有目的地进行持久战的战略指导起见,描画轮廓的事仍是需要的。
    Although our sketch may not be in full accord with the subsequent facts and will be amended by them, it is still necessary to make it in order to give firm and purposeful strategic direction to the protracted war.
  • 初见的印象果名不虚传,像是个花园绿洲,环境优美,设施发达,生活从容,人性真诚。
    My first impression of Singapore was that it had indeed lived up to its reputation. It was like an oasis garden with beautiful surroundings, well-developed amenities, an even pace of life and honest citizens.
  • 美国自然历史博物馆
    American Museum of Natural History
  • ,美国运通在罗宾逊离开以后将成为较小的公司。可能出售它的希尔森・里曼兄弟公司,放弃成为“财务超级市场”的梦想。公司的作风也可能改变-从一个贵族和官僚作风的帝国变成一个较为实事求是的公司。
    Clearly, AmEx will be a smaller company in the post-Robinson era. It is likely to sell its Shearson Lehman Brothers division, giving up dreams of becoming a"financial supermarket." Company culture, too, may change, from an aristocratic and bureaucratic empire to a company that is more down to earth.
  • 后是隐没在麦田里的博潘库尔镇;
    then Popincourt, lost amid wheat fields;
  • 她似有神力佑助,历经种种危险都安无恙。
    She bore a charmed life, and prospered amid dangers and alarms.
  • 眼前虽仍是一片纷乱喧闹和新奇的世界,她感觉到冰冷的现实抓住了她的手。
    Amid all the maze, uproar, and novelty she felt cold reality taking her by the hand.
  • 而,人们仍担心,在向欧元转换的过程中出现的混乱局面会使某些商家乘机提价。
    However, there are fears that businesses will seize the opportunity to raise their prices amid the confusion arising from the changeover to euros.
  • 乌龟目送他离去,直至消失在视线里。后,乌龟继续艰难、缓慢地在岩石、杂草中爬行。
    The tortoise saw the knight as he walked away, and when he was finally out of sight, she resumed her slow, difficult walk amidst the rocks and the high grass of the garden.
  • 不过,由于实质利息成本相对高昂,加上银行信贷持续紧绌,企业在投资计划上仍相当审慎,以致私营机构的机器和设备投资开支持续疲弱。
    Yet investment spending on machinery and equipment in the private sector stayed weak, as companies remained cautious in their investment plans amidst a relatively high real interest cost and continued stringency in bank credit.
  • 在多种所有制发展的同时,公有制的主体地位依稳定,据国家统计局测算,1997年公有制经济创造的国内生产总值,占整个gdp的比重为75.8%。
    Amidst the development of diversified forms of ownership, the public ownership has maintained its status as the mainstay of the national economy. According to the State Statistical Bureau, in 1997 the GDP yielded by the public sector accounted for 75.8 percent of the national total.
  • 肽一种自或人工的合成物,包括二个或二个以上氨基酸,通过一个氨基酸的酸基和另一个的羧基结合而成
    Any of various natural or synthetic compounds containing two or more amino acids linked by the carboxyl group of one amino acid and the amino group of another.
  • 甜菜和甘蔗中天含有的晶状氨基酸。
    a crystalline amino acid occurring naturally in sugar beets and sugar cane.
  • “有偶发现违禁弹药的可能吗?”
    ``For the possibility there is by chance forbidden ammo?"
  • 我们大多数人认为氨是令人讨厌的,但人们还不太知道,全世界所需肥料中足有80%是通过天气和蒸汽合成氨而获得的。
    Most of us think of ammonia as rather disagree able , but it is less known that fully 80% of the world's fertilizer requirements are met by synthesizing ammonia from natural gas and steam.
  • 东京顺天堂大学的桑原教授进行了另一项研究,他的研究是从羊的体内取出胚胎,后放入装有保持体温的羊水液体里。
    A different approach has been taken by Yoshinori Kuwabara at Juntendo University in Tokyo. His team has removed foetuses from goats and placed them in clear plastic tanks filled with amniotic fluid stabilised at body temperature.
  • 这个文件是在我所理出的文件中偶找到的。
    The document turned up amongst some papers that I was sorting out.