  • 狗、老鼠和苍蝇跟人一样少见-西杜瑟斯·度伯赞斯基。
    dogs and mice and flies are as unrepeatable as men are- Theodosius Dobzhansky.
  • 黄油过剩(洲经济共同体大量积压的黄油)
    The butter mountain, ie large unsold amount of butter in the EEC
  • 到14世纪,全洲民族语言兴起,英国封建主义经济发展,英语地位也大大提高,终于出现了书面的英语文学。
    By the time of the 14th century, there was across Europe a general upsurge of national languages, the feudalistic economy of England developed, English rapidly rose in importance, and a written English literature emerged.
  • 西中世纪的城市经济
    urban economy in Medieval Western Europe
  • 我有一股去洲旅行的冲动。
    I had an urge to visit Europe.
  • 她劝他们到欧洲去。
    She urged that they go to Europe.
  • 美国正在增加它与共体之间的贸易。
    The USA is increasing its trade with the EEC.
  • 与美国销售额比洲销售额小。
    Sales in Europe are small in proportion to those in the USA.
  • 是以前的苏联中最大的苏维埃共和国,占有洲东部和亚洲北部。
    formerly the largest Soviet Socialist Republic in the USSR occupying eastern Europe and northern Asia.
  • 铁幕(从西方观点看前苏联及东共产党国家与西方之间在信息、贸易等方面的屏障)
    The frontier separating the former USSR and other communist countries of Eastern Europe from the West, seen by the West as a barrier to information and trade
  • 洲国家注重个人权利和价值,亚洲国家崇尚集体人权和对家庭、社会的责任。
    European countries emphasize individual rights and values, while Asian nations value collective human rights and the obligations to the family and society.
  • 开粉白色花香草味道的洲草本植物。
    European herb with vanilla-scented white-pink flowers.
  • 在其他研究中还发现香草、薰衣草和铃兰也有镇静效果。
    And in other studies, vanilla, lavender and lily of the valley have also been shown to have calming effects.
  • 这种全新的洲式mba课程与美国的不同,其学制为一年。
    This new European?model MBA differed from the US variant by being one year in duration.
  • 广泛种植的平顶、密集、多色串状花瓣的亚石竹。
    Eurasian pink widely cultivated for its flat-topped dense clusters of varicolored flowers.
  • 这种新民主主义的革命,和历史上美各国的民主革命大不相同,它不造成资产阶级专政,而造成各革命阶级在无产阶级领导之下的统一战线的专政。
    The new-democratic revolution is vastly different from the democratic revolutions of Europe and America in that it results not in a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie but in a dictatorship of the united front of all the revolutionary classes under the leadership of the proletariat.
  • 世纪至世纪发展于法国北部而蔓延到全洲的一种建筑形式;特点是用瘦长的石礅与其配合的支撑物加上圆形屋顶和尖形拱门。
    a style of architecture developed in N France that spread throughout Europe between the 12th and 16th centuries; characterized by slender vertical piers and counterbalancing buttresses and by vaulting and pointed arches.
  • 洲多年生高草,有被绒毛的茎;已经引入美国,用作草料。
    tall European perennial grass having a velvety stem; naturalized in United States and used for forage.
  • 热带亚洲的高的一年生的药草或半灌木,有柔软的叶子和黄色的花,出产一种强大的光纤;移植到洲东南和美国。
    tall annual herb or subshrub of tropical Asia having velvety leaves and yellow flowers and yielding a strong fiber; naturalized in southeastern Europe and United States.
  • 在14世纪,威尼斯在洲带头发起了一场商业革命。
    Venice pioneered a commerical revolution in the 14th Century in Europe.
  • 另一方面,古罗马人在星期五祭奉爱神维那斯,北人也这样。
    On the other hand, the ancient Romans dedicated Friday to worship Venus, the Goddess of love, and so did the northern Europeans.
  • 洲的一种野豌豆,通常被用来制草料和覆盖作物。
    European vetch much cultivated as forage and cover crops.
  • 这跟马来族、华族、印族和亚裔同学一同上课,直接学习对方的文化及如何互相迁就的情况,是有所差别的。
    It is not the same learning about other cultures vicariously as it is having a class of mixed students — Malays, Chinese, Indians, Eurasians, all together — having to accommodate one another.
  • 德·坎特尔太太在政界的熟人之一是外交部长拉罗哲·马底,他为《法兰西生活》提供政府活动的消息。
    Among Mme. de Cantel's political acquaintances was the foreign minister, Laroche-Mathieu, who supplied news of government activities to La Vie Francaise.
  • 欧洲中世纪自然观
    medieval European views of nature
  • 在那些遥远的时代里,北海盗经常在洲海岸一带进行掠夺。
    In those far- off times Viking pirates used to prey on the coasts of Europe.
  • 海盗曾不断骚扰英国沿海地区.
    The Vikings harried the English coast.
  • 在很久以前,北海盗常在洲沿海一带进行掠夺。
    In those far-off times Viking pirates used to prey o the coasts of Europe.
  • 加拿大到洲旅游的人数增长了25%。
    Canadian visitor to europe have rise by 25%.
  • 居住在俄罗斯洲部分伏尔加各省从事农业的一部分人。
    a member of the agricultural people living in the central Volga provinces of European Russia.
  • 苏联洲部分一城市,位于伏尔加河上;年到年冬天第二次世界大战中德国人战败地。
    a city in the European part of Russia on the Volga; site of German defeat in World War II in the winter of 1942-43.
  • 奥卡河流程约1,488公里(925英里)位于苏联洲部分的中部的河,先流向北,而后向东,然后向东北汇入靠近高尔基市的伏尔加河
    A river, about1, 488 km(925 mi) long, of central European U.S.S.R. flowing north, east, and northeast to join the Volga River near Gorky.