  • 属于或关于黎凡特、黎凡特民的。
    of or relating to the Levant or its inhabitants.
  • (原指)住在地中海东部地区累犯特的本地人或民。
    (formerly) a native or inhabitant of the Levant.
  • 班加西利比亚东北的一个城市,位于锡德拉海湾。自从古希腊、罗马时代即有民,是主要港口,1951年至1972年是利比亚首都。人口367,600
    A city of northeast Libya on the Gulf of Sidra. Inhabited since Greek and Roman times, it is a major port and was a capital of Libya from1951 to1972. Population,367, 600.
  • 他许可他的邻使用他的一块地。
    He grant his neighbour a licence to use his field.
  • 他许可他的邻使用他的一块地。
    He grants his neighbour a licence to use his field.
  • 列支敦士登的本地人或者民。
    a native or inhabitant of Liechtenstein.
  • 在美国海军或海岸巡逻队中拥有委任军衔的军官;位少校之下和低级海军上尉之上。
    an officer holding a commissioned rank in the US Navy or Coast Guard; below lieutenant commander and above lieutenant junior grade.
  • 上尉美军陆军、空军、或海军陆战队的经过委任授予的军衔,位中尉之上少校之下
    A commissioned rank in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps that is above first lieutenant and below major.
  • 公共交通对许多农村民来说是不可或缺的。
    Public transport is a lifeline for many rural communities.
  • 一种变动不的生活方式
    An unsettled lifestyle.
  • 保障了香港民习惯的生活方式和权利,也界定了香港民的义务。
    It protects the rights and lifestyle of Hong Kong people and delineates our obligations.
  • 《格雷弗游记》中历历普城中6英寸高的民。
    a 6-inch tall inhabitant of Lilliput in Swift's Gulliver's Travels.
  • 非常小的人(像小人国民)。
    a very small person (resembling a Lilliputian).
  • 梅香和天天是第二对旅该动物园的大熊猫,在此之前,另外一对来自中国的大熊猫"玲玲"和"星星"不幸分别于1992年和1999年死去。
    They are the zoo's second pair of pandas, replacing Ling-Ling, who died in 1992 and Hsing-Hsing, who died in 1999.
  • 在非洲,狮子本是羚羊的天敌,而samburu国家公园中的一只母狮子然违背了其"非洲头号食肉动物"的天性,在一年内收养了三只本被它们视为美餐的非洲羚羊幼崽。
    A lioness who has already defied nature twice this year by adopting a baby oryx -- an antelope that Africa's top predator usually likes to eat -- has done it again, adopting a third oryx.
  • 这盘合带已退流行排行榜第三位。
    This record has fallen back to third place in the popularity lists.
  • 民;生活在其间。
    having inhabitants; lived in.
  • 他过着独居生活。
    He lived a solitary life.
  • 其所有者住在里面。
    lived in by the owner.
  • 属于或关于利物浦、利物浦民的。
    of or relating to Liverpool or its people.
  • 这就是他住的地方。
    This is where he lives.
  • 住在一个人附近或紧挨一个人住的人
    One who lives near or next to another.
  • 过于拥挤的居住区
    An overcrowded living area.
  • 的住在修道院里的
    Living in a cloister.
  • 他们面对着海岸住。
    they were living onshore.
  • 一个住在一起的社会单位。
    a social unit living together.
  • 你能想象在那里住的情景吗?
    Can you visualize living there?
  • 棘蜥一种栖于澳大利亚中部和南部沙漠和平原地区的蜥蜴(魔蜥魔蜥属),头部和背部覆满大刺鳞片
    A lizard(Moloch horridus) of the deserts and plains of central and southern Australia, having a head and back covered with large spiny scales.
  • 佛罗伦萨美国加利福尼亚州南部一尚未合并的社区,洛杉矶的住郊区及制造工业区。人口38,000
    An unincorporated community of southern California, a residential and manufacturing suburb of Los Angeles. Population, 38,000.
  • 我们仍然没有床睡,没有椅子坐。我们没有钱,没有家用电器。但是这些邻从未把刈草机借我用用,从来没有。
    We still didn't have beds to sleep in or furniture to sit on,we had no money and no utilities,but these neighbors hadn't come to me with the offer of loaning me a lawn mower.No.
  • 这儿的民过去每天吃两餐饭。
    People in this locality used to take two meals a day.
  • 民住在相同地区和隶属相同政府下的一群人
    A group of people living in the same locality and under the same government.