  • 和党内的投机分子纷纷反水。
    The rich peasants and the opportunists in the Party went over to the enemy in great numbers.
  • 革命的动力,有无产阶级,有民阶级,还有其他阶级中一切愿意反帝反封建的人,他们都是反帝反封建的革命力量。
    The motive forces of the revolution are the proletariat, the peasantry and all members of other classes who are willing to oppose imperialism and feudalism;these are the revolutionary forces opposing imperialism and feudalism.
  • 在那些地方,这个问题很难彻底解决,因为那些地方的统治者压迫革命文艺家,不让他们有到工兵群众中去的自由。
    In such places the problem can hardly be solved thoroughly, because the rulers oppress the revolutionary writers and artists and deny them the freedom to go out among the masses of workers, peasants and soldiers.
  • 地主阶级是帝国主义统治中国的主要的社会基础,是用封建制度剥削和压迫民的阶级,是在政治上、经济上、文化上阻碍中国社会前进而没有丝毫进步作用的阶级。
    The landlord class forms the main social base for imperialist rule in China; it is a class which uses the feudal sysrem to exploit and oppress the peasants, obstructs China's political, economic and cultural development and plays no progressive role whatsoever.
  • 贫穷的重负压在这些民的身上。
    The dead weight of poverty oppressed these farmers.
  • 果园主,果拥有或种植果园的人
    One who owns or cultivates an orchard.
  • 这个场主留出两亩地做果园
    The farmer reserved two acres for an orchard.
  • 孩子们看见夫走近果园时,都跑开了。
    When the boys saw the farmer approaching the orchard, they took to their heels.
  • 我们要去民琼斯的果园里偷苹果,你为什么不和我们一起去?你害怕了?
    We're going to scrounge some apples from Farmer Jones's orchard. Why won't you come with us? Lost your bottle?
  • 男孩子们故意给夫造成极大的麻烦,他们一直躲在谷仓里,而他却在果园里寻找他们。
    The boys led the farmer a merry dance; he was searching for them in the orchard when all the time they were hiding in th barn.
  • 伯里克利古雅典首领,因其推进了雅典民主制并下令建造巴台神庙而著名
    Athenian leader noted for advancing democracy in Athens and for ordering the construction of the Parthenon.
  • 六是引导村劳动力合理有序流动。
    Sixth, we provided guidance to ensure a proper and orderly movement of rural labor.
  • 对于各种群众团体,不可能加以平均的注意,今天应特别加强党对会工作的领导,首先健全会的组织和生活。
    Since it is impossible to give equal attention to all mass organizations, for the present, the Party should particularly strengthen its leadership over the work of peasant associations, first of all improving their organization and activities.
  • 第一件将民组织在会里
  • 在群众组织上,忽视军队士兵会⑴的组织和对地方工群众的组织。
    On the question of mass organization, they neglect the organizing of soldiers' committees[1] in the army and the organizing of the local workers and peasants.
  • 〔21〕东方文化主义,是排斥近代科学文明,标榜和宣扬东方落后的业生产和封建文化的一种反动思想。
    [21] "0riental Culture" was a reactionary doctrine which rejected modern scientific civilization and favoured the preservation of the backward mode of agricultural production and the feudal culture of the Orient.
  • 第四阶段是1993—1998年,以进一步深化村市场经济改革为主要内容。
    The fourth stage(1993-98)put emphasis on further deepening the market-oriented rural reform.
  • 她成了孤儿,一位贫妇女收养了她。
    She was left an orphan and a poor peasant woman adopted her.
  • 民应该防止这种现象的发生。
    Farmers ought to prevent this.
  • 场,田庄庄,尤指贵族庄园的民居所和附属的房屋
    A farm, especially the residence and outbuildings of a gentleman farmer.
  • 据中华全国商业信息中心对606种商品排队分析,今年上半年供求平衡与供过于求的商品占98.3%,其中87.2%工业消费品供过于求,主要副产品供大于求的状况进一步扩大,全社会消费品零售总额与全社会生产资料销售总额虽比去年同期有较大幅度增加,但由于总供给大于总需求,一季度全国商品零售价格指数同比下降2.9%,居民消费价格下降1.4%,生产资料价格也持续下降。
    According to the queuing analysis of 606 kinds of commodities made by the All-China Commercial Information Center, in the first half of this year the supply-demand balanced and oversupplied commodities accounted for 98.3 percent, of which 87.2 percent of industrial consumer goods were in excess supply, the situation of oversupplied farm and sideline products further expanded, although the total value of retail sales of social consumer goods and the total sale value of the means of production witnessed a fairly large increase over last year's same period, due to aggregate supply outdoing aggregate demand, however, in the first quarter the nation's commodity retail price index dropped by 2.9 percent, residents' consumer price fell by 1.4 percent, the price of the means of production continued to fall.
  • 农民在野外干活。
    A farmer works outdoors.
  • 民大部分时间都在户外。
    Farm workers spend most of their time outdoors.
  • 夫那张饱经风霜的脸是他在野外生活了数年之久的证明。
    The farmer’s weather-beaten face bore witness to his years spent outdoors.
  • 历新年假期后,资金外流的情况迅速扭转,货币市场紧张状况开始纾缓。
    As the outflow of funds was quickly reversed after the New Year holiday, money market conditions began to ease.
  • 清算结果,发现舞弊,或从前有鱼肉民的劣迹,或现在有破坏会的行为,或违禁牌赌,或不缴烟枪。
    The peasants work out fines for such offences as irregularities revealed by the checking of accounts, past outrages against the peasants, current activities which undermine the peasant associations, violations of the ban on gambling and refusal to surrender opium pipes.
  • 他们实在太不高明,跟占全国人口百分之九十的工大众不联合,并且根本反对工
    In fact, these people are not at all bright in their refusal to unite with the masses who make up 90 per cent of the population and in going so far as to oppose them outright.
  • 考特最希望能被维也纳音乐界权势集团所接受。对维也纳人来说,他始终有点像是外人。
    Most of all,Harnoncourt wants to be accepted by the Viennese establishment,to whom he has always been a bit of an outsider.
  • 长沙近郊菜园民进城卖菜,老被警察欺负。
    Formerly when the peasants from the vegetable farms on the outskirts of Changsha entered the city to sell their produce, they used to be pushed around by the police.
  • 坦率的讲话、直接的提问;坦率直言的新英格兰夫;我向他们坦率的表达了我的意见;直接的批评;解决问题的直接办法;告诉我你怎么想——不妨坦白点;直言不讳但又不粗鲁,这是有可能的;坦率而且中肯;直言不讳的谴责。
    blunt talking and straight shooting; a blunt New England farmer; I gave them my candid opinion; forthright criticism; a forthright approach to the problem; tell me what you think--and you may just as well be frank; it is possible to be outspoken without being rude; plainspoken and to the point; a point-blank accusation.
  • 但是畏惧民势力的发展,以为将超过工人的势力而不利于革命,如果党员中有这种意见,我们以为也是错误的。
    But in our opinion it would also be wrong for any of our Party members to fear the growth of peasant strength lest it should outstrip the workers' strength and harm the revolution.
  • 因为半殖民地中国的革命,只有民斗争得不到工人的领导而失败,没有民斗争的发展超过工人的势力而不利于革命本身的。”
    For in the revolution in semi-colonial China, the peasant struggle must always fail if it does not have the leadership of the workers, but the revolution is never harmed if the peasant struggle outstrips the forces of the workers.