  • 由于第145节的规定,有很多常驻董事想辞职而不辞(例如对有关公司的财务状况感到不妥时,却因无人愿接替而不辞),一名被逼的董事身处困境,因为在他决定要辞职时,往往情形对他已经很不利了。
    In the light of Section 145, there have been many instances where a resident director, one of the two directors appointed, wishes to resign from the office of director (for instance, when he is uncomfortable with the financial position of the relevant company) is nevertheless unable to do so because no one is willing to accept the appointment as director in his stead. He is thus compelled against his personal wishes to remain as a resident director of a company. By the time he decides to resign, the situation would have become rather unsatisfactory.
  • 这些干部和领袖懂得马克思列宁主义,有政治远见,有工作力,富于牺牲精神,独立解决问题,在困难中不动摇,忠心耿耿地为民族、为阶级、为党而工作。
    They must be cadres and leaders versed in Marxism-Leninism, politically far-sighted, competent in work, full of the spirit of self-sacrifice, capable of tackling problems on their own, steadfast in the midst of difficulties and loyal and devoted in serving the nation, the class and the Party.
  •  我确信,我们的军队够始终不渝地坚持自己的性质。这个性质是,党的军队,人民的军队,社会主义国家的军队。
    I am convinced that our army will be able to steadfastly maintain its own character, that is, that it will continue to belong to the Party, the people and our socialist country.
  • 只有坚持我们党历来坚持的四项基本原则,坚决克服妨碍实现三中全会方针政策的不良倾向,我们才坚定地向着我们的宏伟目标胜利前进。
    Only by upholding the four cardinal principles to which our Party has always adhered, and by firmly correcting the unhealthy tendencies which hamper the implementation of the principles and policies set forth at the Third Plenary Session can we advance steadfastly and victoriously towards our great objective.
  • 有个孩子常常使年轻的父母安稳下来。
    Having a baby often steadies young parents down.
  • 他依然够步伐稳定地走。
    he could still walk steadily.
  • 它们找的食可会被偷,但自己从来不去偷”。
    They may have it stolen from them, but they never steal."
  • 以那样的价钱买到,真是捡来的。
    It's a steal at that price.
  • 而且别忘了,正如考克斯报告中所言,我们假设中国从我们这偷去的东西,很可是他们从俄罗斯那弄到的,且根本不用偷。
    After all, as the Cox Report notes-what the PRC is suspected of having "stolen" from us, it could have got from the Russians, without "stealing."
  • 如果我们用它去极大地挫败对方的防御系统,那么其他飞机的作战运用就会容易得多。
    The idea was that stealth would use it to essentially defeat the defense system,then you end up giving other aircraft a much easier time.
  • 它能把水变成蒸汽。
    It can turn water into steam.
  • 万一没有直达船,否允许转运呢?
    In case there is no direct steamer, will you consider allow transshipment?
  • 敝公司与轮船公司和铁路公司联系广泛,为您提供特殊货运送便利。
    Have a large connection with both the steamship and railway company, we can offer special facilities.
  • 做为各船运公司的代理人,我们提供各种货物的最低运价。
    Be an agent for various steamship company, I am able to quote specially low rate for all classes of cargo.
  • 做为各船运公司的代理人,我们提供各种货物的最低运价。
    Being an agent for various steamship company, I am able to quote specially low rate for all classes of cargo.
  • 近代技术(有线电、无线电、飞机、汽车、铁道、轮船等)的发达,又使战争的计划性增大了可
    Modern technical developments (telegraphy, radio, aeroplanes, motor vehicles, railways, steamships, etc.) have added to the possibilities of planning in war.
  • 西拉诺赋予了情侣们书写浓情蜜意的情书的力,他们只需要会填写一些表格和会按ok键就可以了。
    Cyrano offers lovers the ability to compose steamy love letters simply by filling in some form fields and pressing OK.
  • 我这里有个询价,求购1000吨特殊合金钢,希望你方供货。
    I have an inquiry here for1000 ton of special alloy steel which I hope you can supply.
  • 当地的这家钢铁厂越来越不景气,有可在三年内关闭
    The local steelwork is running down and is likely to close within three years
  • 当地的这家钢铁厂越来越不景气, 有可在三年内关闭.
    The local steelworks is being run down and is likely to close within three years.
  • 注意陡坡;雪滑下来的陡峭屋顶。
    note the steep incline; a steep roof sheds snow.
  • 用88℃(190℉)水泡需要5分钟的时间才使茶的浓度相当于用93℃(200℉)水泡3分钟得到的浓度。
    A steeping period of 5 minutes with water at 88℃ (190℉) is required to give tea of the same strength as that steeped 3 minutes at a temperature of 93℃ (200℉).
  • 你要勇敢些,才去当一名高空作业修建工。
    You have to have nerves of steel to be a steeplejack.
  • 避开那些阻碍吗?
    Can you steer clear of those obstacles?
  • 让那船绕过礁石吗?
    Can you steer the ship clear of those rocks?
  • 使我们同意他的计划。
    He was able to steer us towards his plan.
  • 他们试图躲过那座冰山。但没躲过。
    They tried to steer clear of the iceburg but failed.
  • 转弯时倾斜(如摩托车那样),而又由方向盘来控制方向(如汽车那样)。
    It leans into turns(motorcycle),as directed by a steering wheel(car).
  • 但我认为六年强制教育是不完整的措施,实施起来,既不扭转辍学率,也不提高一般国民的教育水平。
    To me, six years of compulsory education is but a half measure. It would not serve the purpose of stemming school drop-out rates, or raise the educational level of the younger generation.
  • 但我认为六年强制教育是不完整的措施,既不扭转辍学率,也不提高一般国民的教育水平。
    But to me, six years of compulsory education is but a half measure. It would not serve the purpose of stemming school drop-out rates, or raise the educational level of the country's people.
  • 突然具备基因复制自我的力对个性这一理念有什么冲击呢?
    What does the sudden ability to make genetic stencils of ourselves say about the concept of indMduality?
  • 这位年轻人吸引史瓦布的地方,并非他的速记力,而是他愿意多付出一点点的进取心。
    It wasn't the fact that this young man was an extraordinary stenographer that got him attention.It was his habit of showing his personal initiative in going the extra mile.