Chinese English Sentence:
  • 这种喷雾剂杀死这些虫子。
    This spray will finish off the insects.
  • 我们怎样才防止这种疾病蔓延?
    How can we prevent this disease from spreading?
  • "持批评态度的人士反问说,万一这种基因改良在使得蚊子不传播疟疾的同时,又使它更有效地传播其他疾病,那又怎么办呢?。
    What if the same change that kept a mosquito from spreading malaria ended up making it more efficient at spreading something else, critics ask.
  • 这里,我们不仅是谈论字处理、电子数据表,而且是够处理销售、客户服务、记帐、数据库和人事资源管理的应用程序——它们是公司计算的基矗
    We're not just talking word processors and spreadsheets here, but also applications to handle sales, customer service, accounting, databases, and human resources -- the meat and potatoes of corporate computing.
  • 只要哪儿有花样滑冰,哪儿就看到宋佳·海涅模仿者如雨后春笋般涌现。
    Already Sonja Henie imitators were springing up, wherever figure skating was appreciated.
  • 我想买些特殊的东西作为生日礼物送给玛丽,但可惜没想出买什么东西。
    I want to buy Mary something unusual for her birthday, but nothing springs to mind.
  • 够在伸展或者压缩之后恢复原来的形状;有弹性的。
    capable of resuming original shape after stretching or compression; springy.
  • 他得猛跑一阵才赶上公共汽车.
    He had to sprint to catch the bus.
  • 我想在冲刺阶段可达到47或48次。
    I guess it might have reached 47 or 48 strokes in the sprint.
  • 我简直难以相信如此的一段树根萌发出如此之多的枝条。
    I can hardly believe that so small a root can sprout so many mew branch with such beautiful blossom.
  • 政府制订艺文政策总体方向时,首先要拓展公平竞争和开放的空间,鼓励民间对文化内容的多元诠释,和容许不同表达方式,才提供广阔的沃土,让种子发芽茁壮成林,间接在吸引人才方面更易荟萃精英,愿意在此落地生根。
    Therefore, the Singapore government would be well-advised to map out policies on arts and culture conducive to fair competition in an open and liberal environment.Discussion of cultural issues should be encouraged and different modes of expression allowed, so that talent will be more likely to come and stay, just as seeds sprout and take root more easily in rich soil.
  • 这些土豆儿不吃了,都出芽了.
    We can't use these potatoes; they've all sprouted.
  • 别指望我马上把这电梯修好,我是突然奉命来修理的。
    Don't expect me to make the elevator work immediately—I've just had the job sprung on me.
  • 无产阶级,现今社会的最下层,如果不炸毁构成官方社会的整个上层,就不抬起头来,挺起胸来。
    The proletariat, the lowest stratum of our present society, cannot stir, cannot raise itself up, without the whole superincumbent strata of official society being sprung into the air.
  • 蜘蛛吐出的捕食昆虫的网(或类似物)。
    a web spun by spiders to trap insect prey (or something resembling such a web).
  • 这本书促进孩子的想象力。
    This book is a spur to the child's imagination.
  • 今晚步行回家非常寒冷,但是想到在舒适、温暖的家里喝上一杯热饮我感到来劲了。
    It was bitterly cold walking home tonight but the thought of a hot drink in a nice warm house spurred me on.
  • 这是在加工工业生产力过剩的情况下调整结构的必然选择,既可以消除基础设施的“瓶颈”制约,又可以带动装备制造业等相关行业的发展。
    This was an inevitable choice in readjusting the industrial structure when the processing industries had surplus capacity, for it has not only removed bottlenecks but also spurred growth in equipment manufacturing and other related industries.
  • 在第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战以及最近的20世纪80年代发现hiv(人类免疫缺陷病毒)够通过输血传播的驱动下,开始了现代生产人造血液的努力。
    Modern efforts to produce artificial blood were spurred on by the military in World Wars I and II and, more recently, by the discovery in the early 1980s that HIV could be transmitted by blood transfusion.
  • 如果我们跑快些,我们准时赶到那里。
    We may manage to get there in time if we put on a spurt.
  • (希腊神话)盖亚和塔尔塔罗斯的儿子,刮旋风;声音可怕,有100个喷火的龙头。
    (Greek mythology) son of Gaea and Tartarus who created the whirlwinds; had a terrifying voice and 100 dragon heads that spurted fire.
  • 这老人想把痰咯出来但他不
    The old man tried to spit up sputum, but he could not.
  • "他说可有人对基地进行侦察,于是便命令该飞行员跟踪这个怪物。"
    He said that someone might be spying on the station and the pilot was ordered to keep track of the strange object.
  • 她可还会给几位昔日朋友打电话主动道歉,摒弃前嫌。
    She might have called a few former friends to apologize, and mend fences for past squabbles.
  • 母亲再也不忍受孩子的争吵时,就抓住他俩的头发碰撞他们的头。
    When the mother could bear the children's squabbling no longer, she grabbed them both by the hair and knocked their heads together.
  • 天文台更与广东省气象局交换天气雷达图像,并分别在黄茅洲、香港以西的内伶仃岛和外伶仃岛,以及东面的沱泞列岛上,设立4个太阳自动气象站。从这些自动气象站收集的资料,天文台可以及早知道有灾害性天气逼近香港,例如锋面、飑线、热带气旋等,并掌握它们移近的情况。
    The Observatory exchanges weather radar images with the Guangdong Meteorological Bureau and operates four solar-powered automatic weather stations at Huangmao Zhou, Neilingding Island and Wailingding Island west of Hong Kong, and the Tuoning Islands to the east, to give earlier indication and better timing of the approach of hazardous weather such as fronts, squall lines and tropical cyclones.
  • 浪费的金钱是不被换回的;白费的努力。
    squandered money cannot be replaced; a wasted effort.
  • 齐心协力,我们便攻克对内投资的壁垒而不至于损害工人的权利或浪费宝贵的环境资源。
    Working together we can strive to overcome barriers to inward investment without undermining the rights of workers or squandering precious environmental resources.
  • 哪一路车能去天安门?
    Which bus line leads to Tiananmen square Square?
  • 因此我们就迎着困难上。
    Therefore we are able to look difficulties squarely in the face.
  • 总之,中国政府将正视困难,在经济布局和工作指导上,继续严格执行保护耕地和生态环境的基本国策,实施科教兴农和可持续发展两大战略,推动农业经济体制和农业增长方式的根本性转变,以促进粮食综合生产力的稳步提高。
    In a word, facing difficulties squarely, the Chinese government will continue to strictly carry out the basic policy of protecting cultivated land and ecological environment in its economic distribution and its work guidance and implement the two major strategies: developing agriculture by relying on science, technology and education in the countryside, and realizing sustainable development. Thus it expects to promote a fundamental change in the agricultural economic system and the method of increasing agricultural production, so as to facilitate the steady increase of the overall grain production capability.
  • 他想成为艺术家,但就他的情况看来那是不可的事情。
    He wants to be an artist, but in his circumstance it would be squaring the circle.