  • 一种由鞭抽打才旋转的陀螺。
    a top that is spun by whipping.
  • 走锭精纺机从纤维中捻出线或拔出丝的机器
    A spinning machine that makes thread or yarn from fibers.
  • 驱动和旋转光盘并读取和记录上边的信息的计算机硬件。
    (computer science) computer hardware that holds and spins a magnetic or optical disk and reads and writes information on it.
  • 没有什么够减弱我的兴致。
    Nothing could damp my spirits.
  • 任何事都不败他的兴。
    No thing could damp his spirits.
  • 你不就这么随地吐痰。
    You can't just spit wherever you like.
  • 你不这么随地吐痰。
    You can not just spit wherever you like.
  • 如果你在伦敦的公共汽车上吐痰,你就可被罚款5镑。
    If you spit in a London bus , you may be fined £ 5.
  • "尽管我们作出了巨大努力,我们还是没完成计划。"
    In spite of great efforts we failed to carry our plans through.
  • 例如:提醒人们不吃香口胶、不可乱丢垃圾、不得在公共汽车和地铁车厢里吃东西、不可随意摘花草树木、不随地吐痰、上厕所不忘抽水等等。
    They warn people, for example, against littering, spitting, chewing gum, eating or drinking in a bus or train, damaging flowers, trees or other plants, and leaving the toilet unflushed after using it.
  • 例如:提醒人们不吃香口胶、不可乱丢垃圾、不得在公共汽车和地铁车厢里吃东西、不可随意摘花草树木、不随地吐痰、上厕所不忘抽水等等。
    They warn people, for example, against chewing gum, littering, eating or drinking in a bus or train, damaging flowers, trees or other plants, spitting, and leaving the toilet unflushed after using it.
  • 我知道这件黑衬衫使我看上去像个懒汉,但我是不太讲究的,漂亮衣服得花钱哪。
    I know the black shirt makes me look like a spiv, but I can’t be too particular, for good clothes cost money.
  • 她把脸上泼上水,这样弄醒她。
    Splash water over her face, it'll help to wake her.
  • 这些鸟够使它们的脚趾外倾。
    These birds can splay out their toes.
  • 增强免疫力坐在沙发上无所事事,你身体内的抗病细胞也很可反冲而保留在脾脏和遍布全身的微小豆形腺体淋巴结上。
    Stronger immunity Veg out on the sofa and your body's disease fighting cells are also likely to kick back and sit around the spleen and lymph nodes, the tiny bean? shaped glands that are scattered all around the body.
  • 把断了的绳子头快速接起来。
    He can splice together the broken ends of ropes quickly.
  • 录音带断了,你否把断开的两节粘接起来?
    The recording tape's broken; can you splice these two bits together?
  • 海员们累极了不再干了时,船长说道:“好吧!大家喝点酒提提神!”
    When the sailors got too tired to work the captain said, "All right, everyone! Time to splice the mainbrace!"
  • 曾经开发了林木基因嫁接法的俄勒冈州立大学林木科学教授,斯蒂文·司特劳斯说:“不像种紫罗兰一样,将一枝松枝插在地里,指望它会生根发芽。
    "You can't stick a pine branch in the ground and have it take root the way you can with a violet," says Steven Strauss, an Oregon State University forest science professor who has developed gene-splicing techniques for trees.
  • 九一八事变以后的环境够使国民党营垒分裂出这样一部分人,为什么今天的环境反倒不造成国民党的分裂呢?
    If the circumstances following the September 18th Incident could cause this group to split away, why cannot the present circumstances give rise to other splits in the Kuomintang?
  • 事情可就败在他手里。
    He may spoil the whole show.
  • 巴氏杀菌法对饮料或其它食物,如牛奶或啤酒,加热到一定温度并持续一段时间以杀死可导致疾病、变质或不必要的发酵的微生物的行为过程
    The act or process of heating a beverage or other food, such as milk or beer, to a specific temperature for a specific period of time in order to kill microorganisms that could cause disease, spoilage, or undesired fermentation.
  • 野草与花茎死死地缠在一起,除掉野草而不伤花卉是不可的了。
    The weeds were so with the plants that it was impossible to remove them without spoiling the flowers.
  • 尽管有失败的可,还是趁早破釜沉舟,拼它一下。
    It's better to make the spoon at once, even if we do run some small chance of spoiling the horn.
  • 他说:"今天的父母承受的压力太大了。我的确相信当今要做到不宠惯孩子就把他们养大成人简直太难了。这不是因为父母力下降或懒惰,而是因为我所面临的阻力太多了。"
    "I truly believe it is harder today to raise children without spoiling them, not because parents are less capable or lazy, but because so many forces are working against me."
  • 腐败的食物不出卖。
    Spoiled food is not vendible.
  • 若到说某种语言的国家去, 就把该种语言学得好些.
    You learn a language better if you visit the country where it's spoken.
  • 发声的发出声音或说出的
    Capable of being voiced or spoken.
  • 我们不可有比他更出色的代言人了。
    We couldn't have had a better spokesman.
  • 一位发言人说:“该系统的本事如此之大,它使前座乘客烤得发焦,而一旁的司机却冻得发僵。”
    "The system has so much capacity it can cook the passenger and freeze the driver," says a spokesman.
  • 他说,可是因为受害人非美国公民,没有首先出来寻求解决办法。“他们没有真正代言人,”他接着说,“可正因为如此,没人出来大声抗议设法解决问题。”
    But because the victims are not United States citizens, he said, no one has taken the lead in seeking a solution."They don't have any real spokesperson, " he continued,"That's probably why there is no hue and cry to do something about this problem."
  • 他说,可是因为受害人非美国公民,没有首先出来寻求解决办法。“他们没有真正代言人,”他接着说,“可正因为如此,没人出来大声抗议设法解决问题。”
    But because the victims are not United States citizens, he said, no one has taken the lead in seeking a solution."They don't have any real spokesperson," he continued, "That's probably why there is no hue and cry to do something about this problem."