  • 那些事实终於贯起来了。
    The facts finally linked up.
  • 这些发现同对...的观察结果一起,提示...
    These findings,coupled with the observation that...,suggest that...
  • 他向孩子们提出一串问题。
    He fired questions at the boys.
  • 定居新加坡后,除夕晚彻夜的鞭炮声被不绝于耳的国际电话铃声取代,除夕夜在大哥家与丈夫的家人吃过团圆饭后,我便记挂着要回家跟台湾的亲友打电话,无论打出去或打进来的电话,开头都是恭喜恭喜的吉祥话串。
    After settling here, the endless sound of bursting firecrackers on Chinese New Year's Eve has been replaced by the non-stop ringing of IDD calls. As soon as the reunion dinners at my elder brother and in-laws' place are over, I cannot wait to head home to call relatives and friends in Taiwan to exchange greetings.
  • 看见她哥哥要点放烟火,那个小女孩忙捂住了耳朵。
    As her brother was about to set off the fireworks, the little girl hastily stuffed up her ears.
  • 在我们左翼有续的射击。
    There was continous firing to our left.
  • (特别是指裂变物质)能够以反应速度不断增加的方式继续锁反应。
    (especially of fissionable material) able to sustain a chain reaction in such a manner that the rate of reaction increases.
  • 锻炼,训练为提高健康状态而做的一段续的练习或锻炼,如体育比赛
    A session of exercise or practice to improve fitness, as for athletic competition.
  • 这件衣裙不合身,腰部很皱。
    The dress fitted badly and puckered at the waist.
  • 爬行服一种适合于婴儿穿的裤外衣
    A one-piece fitted garment for an infant.
  • 结构,组织由被安装或接在一起的部分组成的事物
    Something composed of parts fitted and joined together.
  • 用连枷脱粒
    To thresh using a flail.
  • 枷一样移动;打谷。
    move like a flail; thresh about.
  • 他们在暴风雪中一走了好几小时,一回来就倒下睡觉了。
    Having walked in a snow storm for several hours, they all flaked out as soon as they came back.
  • 如果我们在敌军薄弱的侧翼部署一个队,我们就可以不动用主力部队而卷击敌军整个阵地。
    If we can put a company on the enemy's weak flank, we can roll up his entire position without engaging our main force.
  • 如果我们在敌军薄弱的侧翼部署一个队,我们就可以不动用主力部队而卷击敌军整个阵地。
    If we can put a company on the enemy's weak flank, we can roll up his entire position with out engaging our main force.
  • 头盔16世纪戴的一种轻型钢盔带有保护面颊的尖端和铰链起的小片
    A light steel helmet with a peak and hinged flaps covering the cheeks, worn in the16th century.
  • 没有臀部的护腿;用一条带子起来;经常有向外展的翼状物;牛仔穿在裤子外面保护腿的。
    (usually in the plural) leather leggings without a seat; joined by a belt; often have flared outer flaps; worn over trousers by cowboys to protect their legs.
  • 极端的激进派也对共产党人的这种可耻的意图表示愤慨。
    Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists.
  • 如果有足够多的头皮在一起,那么你便可以点亮一个手电筒灯泡。
    If you had enough scalps hooked up you might be able to light a flashlight bulb.
  • 经历了这一串失败之后,他甚至尝试去申请做有些类似国家治安法官的工作,但还是被人一口回绝了。
    After all these failures, he even tried for a political appointment as a state land officer, something like a Justice of the Peace, and he was flatly rejected.
  • 平原上单调得毫无变化,一棵树都没有。
    Not a single tree relieved the flatness of the plain.
  • 柿卷一层或续的亚麻或其它纤维轮子的卷状物
    A continuous band or layer of cotton, flax, or other fiber.
  • 那个军官外衣都来不及穿就从卧室的窗口跳出逃跑了。
    The officer escaped out if his bedroom window, and fled in his shirt.
  • 二腹肌的有二个多内端,靠一较薄的腱状部分相的。用于某个肌肉
    Having two fleshy ends connected by a thinner tendinous portion. Used of certain muscles.
  • 她穿一件薄连衣裙。
    She wore a flimsy dress.
  • 易损坏的桌子;易损坏的建筑;和过去脆弱的接。
    a flimsy table; flimsy construction; a fragile link with the past.
  • 肢,翼动物身上由关节相的附肢,如胳膊、小腿、翅膀或鳍状肢,通常用于运动或抓取
    One of the jointed appendages of an animal, such as an arm, a leg, a wing, or a flipper, used for locomotion or grasping.
  • 一天早晨,他的债主们发现他已夜逃走,不知去向。
    One morning his creditors discovered he had done a moonlight flit and vanished.
  • 栏障一种由一串浮木着别的自由浮木而成的障碍物,特别用于拦截漂浮残骸或阻止通行
    A barrier composed of a chain of floating logs enclosing other free-floating logs, typically used to catch floating debris or to obstruct passage.
  • 她把地毯拉开,使地板露出来,让人看见木板相处的裂缝。
    Pulling back the mat, she laid the floorboards bare to show the cracks between boards.
  • 人们接不断地向办事处表示愿意提供帮助
    Offers of help flowed into the office.