  • 在车轮上;通过制动块施加压力。
    the brake disk plate is fixed to the wheel; pressure is applied to it by the brake pads.
  • 楔子,垫石楔子或其他刹车
    A wedge or other braking device.
  • 车倒到与其他车太靠近时,它就发出嘟嘟的鸣叫声而且越来越刺耳。梅塞得斯公司3月份推出一种新型超级轿车,他们得意地宣称车上有“奇妙”的行驶(车速)控制系统,该系统可设定最近的跟车距离(英尺),并能启动半刹车功能以保持适合的车距。
    The new Mercedes S-Class sedan arriving in March boasts a "smart" cruise control system -- set the minimum number of feet to be behind any vehicle, and the system will apply partial braking to keep the proper distance.
  • 为加强警务人员及其他道路使用者的安全,警队采取了多项措施,包括为所有向前座位设有3个固定点的安全带、给车辆配备安全气袋及防锁制动系统,以及在车身髹上较清晰的标志。
    To enhance safety for Police officers and other road users, three-point seatbelts have been fitted to all forward-facing passenger seats. Vehicles have been fitted with air-bags and anti-lock braking systems. Improved conspicuity markings on vehicles are an added safety feature.
  • 枝状;饰物;有几个蜡烛。
    branched; ornamental; has several lights.
  • 九分枝圣烛台犹太人庆祝献殿节用的有九个分枝的枝形烛台
    A nine-branched candelabrum used in celebration of Hanukkah.
  • 多枝烛台饰过的分枝烛台,后面有时有镜子
    An ornamental branched candleholder, sometimes backed by a mirror.
  • 一大桌子由分别饰的水果或者甜食或者花组成的中心饰品。
    a large table centerpiece with branching holders for fruit or sweets or flowers.
  • 饰线条由交错和分枝的线条组成的饰作品,尤指在哥特式玻璃窗上的带花边的透雕细工
    Ornamental work of interlaced and branching lines, especially the lacy openwork in a Gothic window.
  • 商标名称,罐的混合蔬菜汁。
    brand name for canned mixed vegetable juices.
  • 世界名牌服的创始人
    The initiating of world famous brand clothes.
  • 的作用涉及建立品牌时,外表的作用举足轻重——不论该产品是玉米片还是计算机。
    Packaging. When it comes to branding, appearances count whether it's corn flakes or computers.
  • 促销的目的是激发消费者对公司产品的需求,通常的促销手段包括广告、包、品牌化、人员推销和销售手册、通过在购买地点陈列商品列出商家名称以及发送赠券和奖券等。
    The purpose of promotion is to stimulate demand for the company's products. Common promotional techniques include advertising, packaging, branding, personal selling and sales manuals, enlisting of dealer cooperation in displaying goods at the point of purchase, and coupons and premiums.
  • 黄铜的黄铜制的或用黄铜饰的
    Made of or decorated with brass.
  • 用黄铜制或用黄铜
    To make of or decorate with brass.
  • 上矿井通风用的风幛。
    supply with a brattice, to ventilate mines.
  • 他住在一楝饰华丽的房子。
    He lives in a bravely decked house.
  • 故作勇敢;假表现出勇敢
    A pretense of courage; a false show of bravery.
  • 他们公开撕毁“十七条协议”,宣布“西藏独立”,全面发动了背叛祖国的武叛乱。
    They brazenly tore up the 17-Article Agreement and declared "the independence of Tibet," launching a full-scale armed rebellion against the motherland.
  • 煮过头的鸡蛋在香肠肉里,然后做成面包状,深度油炸。
    hard-cooked egg encased in sausage meat then breaded and deep-fried.
  • 陶器是容易碎的;易碎的物品应该仔细的包
    earthenware pottery is breakable; breakable articles should be packed carefully.
  • 为了赔偿部分损失,可否请你们报给我们一个实盘:50000块釉面瓷砖cif马尼拉包括破碎险,11月份船?
    Well , to compensate a part of the loss, as you suggested, may I ask you to make us a firm offer for 50 000 glazed wall tiles C. I. F. Manila including the risk of breakage, November shipment?
  • 请装两个胸袋。
    With two breast pockets, please.
  • 双排扣夹克;双排扣套
    double-breasted jacket; double-breasted suit.
  • 羊皮盾宙斯的帝盾或胸铠,后来成为雅典娜的象征,盾中心有美杜莎的头像
    The shield or breastplate of Zeus, later an attribute of Athena, carrying at its center the head of Medusa.
  • 潜水备的新式呼吸孔
    a new breather in the diver's equipment
  • 后膛枪,后膛炮在后膛弹药的枪或其它火器
    A gun or other firearm loaded at the breech.
  • 从后膛弹的枪炮上的一个金属闩,在开火前我们先把这个闩向后拉,放进弹药,再把它关上,然后才能进行战斗。
    a metal block in breech-loading firearms that is withdrawn to insert a cartridge and replaced to close the breech before firing.
  • 枪栓,枪机在后枪膛中为子弹定位的滑动金属条,可关闭枪膛和输入将用的子弹
    A sliding metal bar that positions the cartridge in breechloading rifles, closes the breech, and ejects the spent cartridge.
  • 炮闩,枪闩关闭后膛弹枪的枪后部的后膛的金属部分,可以拆卸下来子弹并在射击前被替换
    The metal part that closes the breech end of the barrel of a breechloading gun and that is removed to insert a cartridge and replaced before firing.
  • 弹腔、药室武器的弹腔,如步枪的弹腔或左轮手枪的旋转弹腔,内子弹以备射击
    A compartment in a firearm, as in the breech of a rifle or the cylinder of a revolver, that holds the cartridge in readiness for firing.
  • 男式紧身裤子胯部的一个饰口盖;-世纪。
    a flap for the crotch of men's tight-fitting breeches; 15-16th century.