  • 国弗罗林一枚值两先令的国硬币
    A British coin worth two shillings.
  • 有人说我们国人得拼命工作才行。
    Some people say we Briton must work like beaver.
  • 据最近调查显示,许多国人患心脏病。
    According to the latest survey many briton suffer from heart disease.
  • 对很多看惯撒切尔向她的政敌怒目而视或斥责僚属的国人来说,她对梅杰的支持迟早都会冷却。
    For many Britons accustomed to watching Thatcher browbeat enemies and dress down aides, it seemed like only a matter of time before her support for Major would cool.
  • 国广播公司向全世界播送节目。
    The BBC broadcasts all over the world.
  • 国广播公司每天广播。
    The BBC broadcasts every day.
  • bbc的缩写代表国广播公司。
    The initial BBC stand for British Broadcasting Corporation.
  • 里远;放一星期的假
    A mile off; a week off.
  • 一般说来,国人宁静、怕羞、缄默。
    Broadly speaking, the English man is quiet, shy and rescrved person.
  • 波特,乔治生于1920国化学家。因其对高速化学反应的研究而获1967年的诺贝尔奖
    American composer and lyricist remembered for his witty and sophisticated Broadway scores.
  • 格列佛在乔纳森·斯威夫特的讽刺作品格列佛游记(1726年)中,一个曾漫游过想象中的小人国、大人国、浮岛和马国的国人
    An Englishman who travels to the imaginary lands of Lilliput, Brobdingnag, and Laputa, and the country of the Houyhnhnms in Jonathan Swift's satire Gulliver's Travels(1726).
  • 他的蹩脚的语说明他是一个外国人。
    His broken English showed he was a foreigner.
  • 离布伦斯威克10里,5里了。
    Then Brunswick was 10 miles, and then five.
  • 北极白色海鸥;冬季向南迁移至格兰和新不伦瑞克。
    white arctic gull; migrates as far south as England and New Brunswick.
  • 银幕偶像人物柯克.道格拉斯与国女演员戴安娜.迪尔之子--道格拉斯于1944年9月25日生于新泽西的newbrunswick。
    The son of movie icon Kirk Douglas and British actress Diana Dill, Douglas was born September 25, 1944 in New Brunswick, New Jersey.
  • 现在,他们离布伦斯威克20里了。年青人占据了右边靠窗的位子,等着看那棵大橡树。
    Now they were 20 miles from Brunswick, and the young people took over windows seats on the right side, waiting for the approach of the great oak tree.
  • 去伦敦之前,我必须好好温习一下文。
    I must brush up my English before I go to London.
  • 我的文需要重新复习一下。
    My English needs brushing up.
  • 您昨天说价格定为每公吨60镑c。i。f。布鲁塞尔。
    You said yesterday that the price was $60/mt, C.I.F. Brussels.
  • 驻布鲁塞尔经贸办事处代表香港向欧盟争取经济贸易利益,并监察和促进香港与欧盟以及与国以外欧盟成员国之间的双边关系。
    The Brussels Office represents Hong Kong's economic and trade interests in dealings with the European Union (EU). It also monitors and promotes bilateral relations with the EU and its member states except the United Kingdom.
  • 十月间,行政长官董建华在访问完布鲁塞尔后,前往伦敦,会见国首相贝理雅、外交及联邦事务大臣郭伟邦及国贸易局主席贝嘉晴。
    After his visit to Brussels in October, Mr Tung went to London where he met the Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair; the Foreign Secretary, Mr Robin Cook and the President of the Board of Trade, Mrs Margaret Beckett.
  • 场面及其残酷,逼真地再现了(法)盟军涌向海滩时无数士兵被屠杀的真实细节。
    The images are absolutely brutal, showing in explicit detail[3] the massacre of countless soldiers as the Allied Forces[4] storm the beach.
  • 日本帝国主义在夺取平津之后,依靠其野蛮的武力,借助德意帝国主义的声援,利用帝国主义的动摇,利用中国国民党对于广大劳动民众的隔离,毫无疑义将继续坚持其大规模进攻的方针,实行第二步、第三步的预定的作战计划,向着整个华北及其他各地作猛烈的进攻。
    There is no doubt that, having seized Peiping and Tientsin, Japanese imperialism will press ahead with its policy of large-scale offensives, take the second and third steps in its premeditated war plan and launch fierce attacks on the whole of northern China and other areas, relying on its own brute military strength while at the same time drawing support from German and Italian imperialism and exploiting the vacillations of British imperialism and the estrangement of the Kuomintang from the broad masses of the working people.
  • 也许目前正在发行的《merdeko》算得上一部。其中二战期间的日本士兵被描述成了印度尼西亚摆脱白种人野蛮的殖民统治的雄。
    Perhaps the current release Merdeka, which paints Japanese World War II soldiers as heroes who save Indonesia from brutish white settlers.
  • 国在西印度群岛袭击西班牙殖民地的海盗。
    a buccaneer who raided Spanish colonies in the West Indies for the English.
  • 一项由格兰白金汉郡奇特恩斯大学学院的研究者进行的研究发现,以医护工作者为例,如果顶头上司不近人情的话,他们的血压通常就会比平时高出一些。
    A study by researchers at Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College in England found that the blood pressure of healthcare assistants was higher when they were supervised by someone they considered unreasonable.
  • 如果教师培训和教学方法被认为有所改进,那就万事大吉了,就保持甚至提高了语水准,这种本末倒置的思考问题的方法仿佛成为一种定式,正如几年前一位在布达佩斯的国文化委员会的语言官员评论匈牙利的语教学时所说:“语水平总体上很高,考虑到其教学方法时更觉得高得惊人。”
    if teachers' training and methods are considered to have improved, then all is believed to be well, standards have been maintained, even raised. The back-to-front sort of thinking that appears to be the norm is exemplified by a remark a few years ago by a British Council Language Officer in Budapest commenting on English teaching in Hungary. “The standard of English is generally very high, which is amazing considering their methodology.
  • 凯利·汉德是收治buddy的一家多伦多宠物医院的兽医。他说:"它(buddy)是个不折不扣的雄。如果不是它叫醒它的主人,恐怕它的主人早已在大火中丧命了。
    "He's definitely a hero. If he hadn't woken him up he could have died in that fire," said Kelly Hand, a registered veterinarian technician who has been treating Buddy at a Toronto animal hospital.
  • 他的好友名单中有一大堆国家元首和"前任们"。他依然与国首相布莱尔、加拿大总理克雷蒂安、南非前总统曼德拉等朋友保持着密切接触。
    In the meantime, he works his buddy list of heads of state and " formers," staying in close touch with friends like British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien and Nelson Mandela.
  • 熄灯号军的两个熄灯号之一,在晚上吹响以作为就寝的信号
    Either of two bugle calls in the British Army, sounded in the evening as a signal to retire to quarters.
  • 最初在国由喇叭狗和小猎犬杂交而得一种短毛小猎犬。
    short-haired terrier originated in England by crossing the bulldog with terriers.
  • 那子弹差两寸就打中他了。
    The bullet missed him by two inches.