  • 一种风信子,穗状序具疏散的,一个鳞茎上生出几个序。
    hyacinth with loosely flowered spikes, several growing from one bulb.
  • 北美的一种多年生草本,鳞茎细,带白色。
    North American perennial having a slender bulb and whitish flowers.
  • 具有浓密的穗状小白,结药用的球茎。
    having dense spikes of small white flowers and yielding a bulb with medicinal properties.
  • 一个热带美洲产的球根开植物的属。
    bulbous flowering plants of tropical America.
  • 具有蓝色朵的块茎西班牙鸢尾。
    bulbous Spanish iris having blue flowers.
  • 非洲落叶性或常绿球根草本植物的一个属;网球
    genus of African deciduous or evergreen bulbous herbs: blood lilies.
  • 墨西哥的一种球根状草本植物,为其漂亮而又鲜红的单而栽培。
    Mexican bulbous herb cultivated for its handsome bright red solitary flower.
  • 石蒜科植物的一个科的模式属;球根状南非开植物。
    type genus of the Amaryllidaceae; bulbous flowering plants of southern Africa.
  • 原产于小亚细亚的一种球茎鸢尾,具有浅丁香紫色的
    bulbous iris native to Asia Minor cultivated for its pale lilac-colored flowers.
  • 一种球茎植物,具有挺直的、线形叶和艳丽的黄色或白色朵,单生或簇生。
    bulbous plant having erect linear leaves and showy yellow or white flowers either solitary or in clusters.
  • 黄水仙一种球茎状的植物(黄水仙水仙属),开有艳丽的,通常为黄色的和喇叭状的
    A bulbous plant(Narcissus pseudonarcissus) having showy, usually yellow flowers with a trumpet-shaped central crown.
  • 秋天开的一种球茎草本植物,具有白色、紫色或淡紫色间白色的;原产于欧洲中部和西部。
    bulbous autumn-flowering herb with white, purple or lavender-and-white flowers; native to western and central Europe.
  • 贝母属植物一种有鳞茎的植物贝母属,朵下垂、色彩各异且有斑点状或棋盘形
    Any of various bulbous plants of the genus Fritillaria, having nodding, variously colored, often spotted or checkered flowers.
  • 郁金香主要原产于亚洲的几种郁金香属球茎植物,因其艳丽多彩的朵而广为栽种
    Any of several bulbous plants of the genus Tulipa, native chiefly to Asia and widely cultivated for their showy, variously colored flowers.
  • 虎眼万年青产于南部非洲的一种百合科的球茎植物(白虎眼万年青),其香气浓郁,引人注目的白色簇是一种普遍的插
    A southern African bulbous plant(Ornithogalum thyrsoides) in the lily family, whose fragrant cluster of showy white blossoms is popular as a cut flower.
  • 孤挺几种主要生长在美洲热带的星属球茎植物,因其绚丽的漏斗形的多色大而被作为观赏植物来种植,其成伞状
    Any of several chiefly tropical American bulbous plants of the genus Hippeastrum grown as ornamentals for their large, showy, funnel-shaped, variously colored flowers that are grouped in umbels.
  • 水仙一种广泛种植的水仙属球茎植物,有长窄的叶子,通常有呈白色或黄色的,特征有杯状或喇叭形的中心
    Any of several widely cultivated bulbous plants of the genus Narcissus, having long narrow leaves and usually white or yellow flowers characterized by a cup-shaped or trumpet-shaped central crown.
  • 圆叶风铃草一种滨瓣庆属球茎状植物,原产于西欧和西北非洲,有通常为蓝色或粉红色风铃样的串状
    Any of several bulbous plants of the genus Endymion in the lily family, native to western Europe and northwest Africa and having racemes of usually blue to pink bell-shaped flowers.
  • 一种似大黄蜂的大蜜蜂,但缺少采集粉的器官也无工蜂等级。
    a large bee that resembles the bumblebee but lacks pollen-collecting apparatus and a worker caste.
  • 撞倒了桌子,把瓶给打翻了
    Bumped the table and tipped a vase.
  • 今天早晨我收到一束
    I received a bunch of flowers this morning.
  • 他送给女友一束花。
    He gave a bunch of flowers to his girlfriend.
  • 花束一小束花朵
    A small bunch of flowers.
  • 他送给我一束花。
    She gave me a bunch of flowers.
  • 朵,束一支或一束;小
    A flower or bunch of flowers; a nosegay.
  • 他送给她一束花。
    He presented her with a bunch of flower.
  • 他们献给他一束鲜
    They presented him with a bunch of flowers.
  • 务必不要把束捆得太紧。
    Be sure not to bunch the flowers up tightly.
  • 我在市场上买了一束
    I bought a bunch of flowers in the market.
  • 她在市场上买了一束
    She bought a bunch of flower in the market.
  • 她在市场上买了一束
    She buy a bunch of flower in the market.
  • 桌子上有一束花。
    There is a bunch of flower on the desk.