  • 这句话出于东汉时刘秀的一位将军叫朱浮的写渔阳太守彭宠的一封信,那信上说:“凡举事无为亲厚者所痛,而为见仇者所快。”
    It comes from a letter which Chu Fou, a general under Liu Hsiu of the Eastern Han Dynasty, wrote to Peng Chung, the prefect of Yuyang. In context it reads, "Whatever you do, you must be sure that you do not sadden your friends and gladden your enemies."
  • 给…好运或坏运
    To ascribe or give good or bad fortune to.
  • 把品质归于或出一个名字来反映品质。
    ascribe a quality to or give a name that reflects a quality.
  • 这是有鲨鱼的迹象。他们我们提出了警告,我们都上岸了。
    This was a sign for sharks. They warned us and we all went ashore.
  • 把这年轻人带上岸并指他去劳务市场的路。
    Take the young man ashore with you and show him the way to the labour market.
  • 我给你找个烟灰缸。
    Let me get you an ashtray.
  • 对不起,请我一个烟灰缸好吗?
    Excuse me, may I have an ashtray?
  • 不论你是内部安装、还是外包asp,所有组件服务一般都具有四项共有的核心功能:通过共享日历、计划调度和任务表的项目管理;
    Whether you host internally or outsource to an ASP, all teamware services have four core functions in common: project management through shared calendars, schedules, and task lists;
  • 认定为假设而出合理的证据;似乎能证明
    To give reasonable evidence for assuming; appear to prove.
  • 我们与堂兄弟多年不和,最後我们送他们一张圣诞卡,算是化干戈为玉帛。
    After years of quarrelling we at last sent our cousins a Christmas card as an olive-branch.
  • 我确切保证,修理将于明日完工。
    He gave me a definite assurance that the repairs would be finished tomorrow.
  • 予个人的证明;担保。
    give personal assurance; guarantee.
  • 给某人保证
    Give sb. an assurance that...
  • 她许诺计划将会成功
    Gave her assurance that the plan would succeed.
  • 他给我书面保证。
    He gave me assurance in black and white.
  • 他们作出这样的保证,也是理所当然的。
    They rightly deserve to be given such assurance.
  • 我一个苹果,交换一个橙子。
    He gave me an apple in exchange of an orange.
  • 服务员我们端来一盘掰开的橘子瓣。
    The waiter brought us a dish of orange segments.
  • 请给我一杯桔子汁?
    An orange juice, please.
  • 请再给我一些橙汁。
    Please give me more orange.
  • 你答应我一个桔子。
    You promised me an orange.
  • 这桔子汁你们两人分。
    Divide the orange juice between you.
  • 经济政策是:整顿和扩大国防生产,发展农村经济,保证战时生产品的自
    Economic policy should consist in readjusting and expanding defence production, developing the rural economy and assuring self-sufficiency in wartime commodities.
  • 如果授权公共服务是使国家在瞬息万变的世界里继续进步的必要步骤,我们是否同时能保有廉政呢?
    If empowerment is what the Civil Service needs for the country to do well in a fast changing world, can it be done while assuring integrity?
  • 我们丢了她船尾的一条七尺长的绳子,让她舒适地感受落潮的律动。
    we dropped her astern on the end of a seven-inch manilla, and she laid comfortably on the ebb tide.
  • 他润饰亨利六世朝代的陈迹,依次描写塔尔博的功勋,“妖妇”贞德的惊人事业和内战英国造成的灾难。
    He re touched scenes from the reign of Henry VI which showed in turn, the exploits of Talbot, the astonishing career of Joan of Arc, the witch, and the English disasters caused by the civil war.
  • 那男孩坏伙伴带坏了。
    The boy was led astray by evil companions.
  • 边界各县的党,几乎完全是农民成分的党,若不以无产阶级的思想领导,其趋向是会要错误的。
    The Party organizations in the border area counties, which are composed almost exclusively of peasants, will go astray without the ideological leadership of the proletariat.
  • 这发生在美国天文学家约翰·韦勒出“黑洞”这个术语两年之后。
    That was 2 years later after the American astronomer John Wheeler coined the term “Black hole”.
  • 原子能供该潜艇动力(该潜艇由原子能推动)。
    Atomic energy powers the submarine.
  • 他想送些鲜花她来弥补自己的粗鲁无礼。
    He tried to atone for his rudeness by sending her flowers.
  • 豁免给予特赦、豁免
    To attach an indulgence to.