  • 调已经关掉了,夫人。
    The air-conditioning is already off, madam.
  • 调已经关掉了,夫人。
    The air conditioning is already off, madam.
  • 调给…装上气调节设备或通过气调节来通风
    To provide with or ventilate by air conditioning.
  • 您是来修调设备的吗?
    Are you here to fix the air conditioning equipment?
  • 应该有调才对,你说呢?
    There should be air-conditioning, don't you think?
  • 具有自动传动系统、动力方向盘、动力煞车和调系统。
    It has automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes and air conditioning.
  • 如果你在得克萨斯租车,务必要租个带调设备的车。
    If you hire a car in Texas, make sure it have air-conditioning.
  • 如果你在得克萨斯租车,务必要租个带调设备的车。
    If you hire a car in Texas, make sure it has air - conditioning.
  • 睡觉时别忘了关上调。
    Do not forget to switch off the air- conditioning when you go to bed.
  • 对不起,能否请你修修我房间里的调?
    Excuse me, but can you do something about the air conditioning in my room?
  • 于是,在还没有调的时代,我们就有事可干了。
    Hence, we had a job for as long as there was no air conditioning.
  • 调被关上时,我可能冻死在这间办公室里。
    I could freeze to death in this office when the air conditioning is turned on.
  • ?重约2.3千克的小气候调系统,能为加热或制冷提供100瓦的功率。
    A 5- pound microclimate- conditioning system that provides 100 watts of heating or cooling.
  • 今天早上停电了,调机无法工作。
    The electricity was cut off this morning, so the air - conditioning can not work.
  • 今天早上停电了,调机无法工作。
    The electricity was cut off this morning, so the air- conditioning could not work.
  • 这两个是电视机和调机的遥控器操作非常简单.
    And here are remote controls for the TV and air conditioning unit. They are easy to operate.
  • 调和电视的长途汽车非常舒适便捷,是这一地区的跨国交通工具。
    The long distance buses that connect all countries in the region are very comfortable with air conditioning and TV.
  • 调,暖气,有国际直拨电话,一台彩色电视机等。
    We have air conditioning, heating, a telephone with international direct dial, a color TV set, etc.
  • 再过几天调才可使用,因为我们还需要几个部件。
    It'll be a couple of days before the air-conditioning is up and running because we need to get some spare parts.
  • 问题是,这是在调出现之前的夏威夷,由于炎热,商店不可能关上门。
    The problem was, this was Hawaii before air conditioning, and the stores could not close its doors because of the heat.
  • 如果不能以其他方法把噪音控制在规定水平以内,当局会考虑为受影响的住户,安装调设备和双层玻璃。
    Consideration is also given to providing air-conditioning units and double-glazing in domestic premises where noise levels cannot be brought within the required standard through other means.
  • 每一个单位都配有调、电视、电话和电脑联网,因此所有的运动员都可以在房间和远在家乡的亲人分享他们的经历。
    Each unit is equipped with air conditioning, television, phone and computer connections ?- so from their rooms all athletes can share their experience with their loved ones back at home.
  • 夏天则用“舒服指数”来衡量,即把气温与湿度结合在一起,以证明更换去年的中央调的确是值得的。
    In summer what is called the 'comfort index' takes over, combining temperature with humidity to prove that getting the central air conditioning replaced last year really was worth the money.
  • 99.我们会在明年为十七间弱能和严重弱智儿童学校安装调。这些学校不论是否受到噪音或其他环境问题滋扰,都会一样受惠。
    99. In the coming year we will begin a programme to provide air-conditioning in 17 schools for physically and severely mentally handicapped children regardless of whether these schools are affected by noise or other environmental nuisance.
  • 从那以后,这个躺着的工业巨人开始洗心革面,分组成普拉特和威特尼飞机引擎公司、斯扩斯盖直升飞机公司、凯瑞尔暖气系统和调设备公司和欧体斯升降机和自动扶梯公司。
    Ever since, things haven't been the same at the sprawling industrial giant, which manufactures Pratt & Whitney aircraft engines, Sikorsky helicopters, Carrier heating and air-conditioning equipment, and Otis elevators and escalators.
  • 该署于一九九七年成立了专责小组,负责拆除旧工业区内所有危险或弃置调机冷却水塔。专责小组已先后巡查观塘、葵青和荃湾区内的工业大厦。
    The task force set up in 1997 to remove all dangerous or abandoned air-conditioning water cooling towers in old industrial areas completed a comprehensive survey of all industrial buildings in Kwun Tong, Kwai Tsing and Tsuen Wan.
  • 新鲜气有助于健康。
    Fresh air is conducive to health.
  • 与传导和对流的原理不同,辐射可在完全真中进行。
    In contrast to the mechanism of conduction and convection , radiation may take place in a perfect vacuum.
  • 热能一种与原子或分子运动有关的能量形式,由固态或液态媒介传导并以辐射方式通过间来传播
    A form of energy associated with the motion of atoms or molecules and capable of being transmitted through solid and fluid media by conduction, through fluid media by convection, and through empty space by radiation.
  • 气的这种导电性可以看做是铀化合物放射出的射线产生电离的结果。
    The conductivity imparted to the air can be ascribed to ionization produced by the rays emitted bythe uranium compounds.
  • 当我们的眼睛看着天时,红色锥体只对少量散射的红光做出反应,对橙色及黄色光的反应强度更弱些,但它对散射的绿光及绿--蓝光波反应更强烈。
    When gazing at the sky, the red cones respond to the small amounts of red light scattered, and even less strongly to the orange and yellow wavelengths. Although green cones respond to yellow, their response to scattered green and green-blue wavelengths is stronger.
  • 他在开会,没来接电话。
    He is in conference and cannot come to the telephone.