  • 后滚翻花式跳水跳水运动员面向前跳跳板,向后翻腾一周后入水,身体直立脚先触水
    A dive in which the diver leaves the board facing forward, does a back somersault, and enters the water feet first.
  • 不要开本题而扯到另一话题上去。
    Don’t diverge to another topic.
  • 使(如光线)发散;使偏
    To cause(light rays, for example) to diverge; deflect.
  • 不要岔大路,要径直地穿过森林。
    Don’t diverge from the main path, but go straight through the forest.
  • 不要偏大道,一直穿过树林。
    Do not diverge from the main path , but go straight through the wood.
  • 发言不要离题。
    Don't diverge in your speech. (或:Please keep to the subject.)
  • 与某种可接受的政治策略或党派的路线背道而驰
    Divergence from an accepted political policy or party line.
  • 而对于这个原则问题,争论的双方倒是没有什么分歧,倒是几乎一致的,都有某种程度的轻视工农兵、脱群众的倾向。
    On this question of principle, however, there has been hardly any divergence between the two contending sides and they have shown almost complete agreement; to some extent, both tend to look down upon the workers, peasants and soldiers and divorce themselves from the masses.
  • 变奏曲一种给定主旋律的改编版,通过旋律的修饰和节奏或琴键的变化而从中分出来
    A form that is an altered version of a given theme, diverging from it by melodic ornamentation and by changes in harmony, rhythm, or key.
  • 但它的特征是:信仰多样化,关心改进当前的社会状况,政教分。正是由于政教分,才有信仰自由,从而各种各样的教派才得以蓬勃发展。
    But it is characterized by a diversity of belief, a concern with improving conditions of present-day society, and a separation of church and state which allows freedom of worship in which this diversity can flourish.
  • 分散,转移使转原来的注意力或兴趣;使分心
    To cause to turn away from the original focus of attention or interest; divert.
  • 一听说飞机改变了航线,他们就开了飞机场。
    On hearing that the plane had been diverted, they left the airport.
  • 天啊,他们须开这些单调的、千篇一律的砖头墙壁和发光的木头地板去找娱乐!
    Good Lord, they need to be diverted from these monotonous, uniform brick walls and shining wooden floors!
  • 因此,这种课税方式不必要地限制了国家的产业。所有者指定用于生产的基金,有一部分偏了其目的,成了垫付给政府的款项。
    This mode of levying taxes, therefore, limits unnecessarily the industry of the country: a portion of the fund destined by its owners for production being diverted from its purpose, and kept in a constant state of advance to the government.
  • 使脱实体;使脱现实
    To divest of material existence or substance.
  • 全国邮电无线寻呼资产剥、改制重组工作取得了较大进展。
    Besides, rapid progress was made in the divestiture of radio paging assets from the P&T sectors and the restructuring on a nationwide basis.
  • 隔离病人
    divide the patients from the others
  • 成或分割成几份的
    Separated or divided into parts.
  • ,区分分或分开的行为或过程
    The act or process of separating or dividing.
  • 粘连物切术粘连物的外科切除或分
    Surgical division or separation of adhesions.
  • 从该部门分出来进入另一分支
    Hived off the department into another division.
  • 经过多年的不幸之后,她终于了婚。
    She got a divorce after years of unhappiness.
  • 他和他妻子离了婚。
    He divorced his wife.
  • 她提出了离婚申请。
    She filed a petition for divorce.
  • 孩子在情绪上似乎未受到父母婚的影响。
    The children seem unaffected emotionally by their parent's divorce.
  • 由于父母的异, 他遭到了同班同学的歧视。
    The classmates discriminated against him because of his parents' divorce.
  • 她去年和他离了婚。
    She got a divorce from him last year.
  • 他们去年离了婚。
    They got divorced last year.
  • 是希尔先生要和他太太婚,还是他太太要和他婚呢?
    Did Mr Hill divorce his wife or did she divorce him?
  • 法院批准他们离婚。
    The court divorced them.
  • 这对新婚夫妇婚了。
    The new couple divorced each other.
  • 公务员们被告诫不要脱人民群众。
    The government servants are warned not to be divorced from the people of the masses.