Chinese English Sentence:
  • 尼(学说)的哥尼学说或体系的、与之有关的,该学说认为地球每日绕其轴自转,并与太阳系其它行星一起绕太阳公转
    Of or relating to the theory of Copernicus that the earth rotates daily on its axis and, with the other planets in the solar system, revolves around the sun.
  • 例如,在1543年,就在大多数人相信太阳和其他行星是绕地球运转的时候,有一个叫哥尼的人却提出,地球和其他行星是绕太阳运转的。
    For example, in 1543 as a time when most people believed that the sun and the planets circled around the earth, a man named Copernicus suggested that the earth and the other planets revolved around the sun.
  • 其中一名盗贼向警方坦交代了,所以他们都被抓了起来。
    One of the robbers copped out and so they were all caught.
  • 在[纽约皇后区]秋园最高法院法官切塔主审,30岁的康萨里斯在[控辩]双方将作开场时要求认罪换取减刑。
    Edgar Conzalez, 30, copped a plea just before both sides were to make opening statements before Supreme Court Justice Philip Chetta in Kew Gardens.
  • 多年生常绿簇生草本植物,有色小花穗,圆形或心形有光泽的绿叶,秋天从古铜色变成褐紫红色或紫色。
    tufted evergreen perennial herb having spikes of tiny white flowers and glossy green round to heart-shaped leaves that become coppery to maroon or purplish in fall.
  • 警方说,警察将42岁带着手铐的嫌犯杜邦带到伊丽莎街警所,控以攻击罪。戈蒂的律师柯特勤立刻前来协助。
    The cops took the suspect, Norman Dupont, 42, in handcuffs to the Elizabeth St. stationhouse, where Dupont was charged with assault. He was assisted in short order by Gotti's lawyer. Bruce Cutler, police said.
  • 伊丽莎依旧坐在那里,对达西先生委实没有甚好感。
    and Elizabeth remained with no very cordial feelings towards him.
  • 条绒上衣尺码8至16号为,黄,红,青绿及黑色,每100件价格为1,845美元。
    Corduroy dresses sizes 8-16 in white, yellow, red, turquoise, black per 100 $1, 845.
  • 角膜斑眼角膜带有深厚的色不透明物的状态
    The condition of having a dense white opacity of the cornea.
  • 斑眼虹膜色泽发淡或角膜为色或不透明的眼睛
    An eye with a light-colored iris or a white or opaque cornea.
  • (新英格兰)由面粉、玉米粉和糖蜜做成的发酵面包。
    (New England) a yeast-raised bread made of white flour and cornmeal and molasses.
  • 长春花类植物任何一种属于长春花属的直生草类,尤指长春花花朵有玫瑰粉色或色的托盘状花冠
    Any of several erect herbs of the genus Catharanthus, especially C. roseus, having flowers with a rose-pink or white salverform corolla and a closed throat.
  • 龟头花几种产于北美洲的龟花属的多年生草木植物的一种,尤指龟头花,花冠呈色或粉红色,下部呈披针形
    Any of several perennial North American herbs of the genus Chelone, especially C. glabra, having a white or pink bilabiate corolla with a bearded lower lip.
  • 太阳的色球层热的透明气体层,主要是氢气,有几千英里厚,在恒星(如太阳)的光球外围和四周,但同日冕可以清楚地分开
    An incandescent, transparent layer of gas, primarily hydrogen, several thousand miles in depth, lying above and surrounding the photosphere of a star, such as the sun, but distinctly separate from the corona.
  • 教皇参加了伊丽莎二世的加冕礼。
    The Pope was present at the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.
  • 十分坦地说,我并不打算讨论体罚你是对还是错。
    And quite frankly, I have no intention of discussing the rights and wrongs of corporal punishment of you.
  • 一块巨大的色裹尸布裹着尸体,从外面可以看出尸体的轮廓。
    A large white winding-sheet covered the corpse and partly outlined its misshapen contours.
  • 血液中有红和两种血球。
    There are red and white corpuscles in blood.
  • 老师将修改意见写在页底空处。
    The teacher wrote the proposed correction at foot.
  • 她的帽、鞋和长袜与身上的衣服相称。
    Her white hat, shoes and stockings correspond with her white dress.
  • 皮质甾酮一种类皮质激素,c21h30o4,其作用于碳水化合物和蛋质的新陈代谢
    A corticosteroid, C21H30O4, that functions in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins.
  • 一种色铅颜料,有时用于化妆品制造
    A white lead pigment, sometimes used in cosmetics.
  • 锌的氧化物,一种色粉末,用作颜料,或用于化妆品、玻璃、墨水和氧化锌软膏中。
    oxide of zinc; a white powder used as a pigment or in cosmetics or glass or inks and in zinc ointment.
  • 花的陆生兰花的一个世界性大属。
    large cosmopolitan genus of white-flowered terrestrial orchids.
  • 干木蚁的一个属;遍布世界各地的;有时被认为是木蚁属的亚纲。
    genus of dry wood termites; cosmopolitan; sometimes considered a subgenus of Kalotermes.
  • 一种开花的欧亚草本植物,几乎成为全世界的一种引进杂草,角果三角形,具缺刻。
    white-flowered annual European herb bearing triangular notched pods; nearly cosmopolitan as an introduced weed.
  • 分布于世界各地的体形瘦长的远洋鲨鱼;蓝身体肚子,颜色渐变;尤其在(遇到)海上灾难时特别危险。
    slender cosmopolitan, pelagic shark; blue body shades to white belly; dangerous esp. during maritime disasters.
  • 她穿上伊丽莎的服装去参加化妆舞会。
    She dress up in elizabethan costume for the fancy dress ball.
  • 1980年6月,路易斯·w·阿尔瓦雷茨和他的同事们,提出了一个关于垩纪与三叠纪交界时那次大灭绝原因的理论。
    In June of 1980 Luis W.Alvarez and his cot- leagues introduced a theory for the cause of the extinction that occurred between the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods.
  • 枸子属蔷薇科枸子属的直立或匍匐灌木的一种,原产于旧大陆,花或粉红色,果实小,红或黑,苹果状,种植用来装饰
    Any of various erect or creeping shrubs of the genus Cotoneaster in the rose family, native to Eurasia, having white to pinkish flowers and tiny, red or black applelike fruits, and frequently cultivated for ornament.
  • 如雨般落下的杨子;一阵侮辱
    A rain of fluffy cottonwood seeds; a rain of insults.
  • 棉絮产生于其他植物(如棉杨种子上)的柔软羽绒状物质
    Any of various soft, downy substances produced by other plants, as on the seeds of a cottonwood.