  • :含而不露是什么意思?
    Jeff: What does the implicit quality mean?
  • 和善的子不待我问,就对我说:“看那个正在走来的伟大的灵魂,他仿佛一点不因痛苦而流泪:他还保持着一副怎样堂皇的外貌啊!
    And the good master, without my asking him, said, "Look at that imposing one approaching, who does not shed a single tear of pain: what majesty he still maintains down there!"
  • :这种比赛很有气势。
    Jeff: It is imposing.
  • 宾,鲁道生于1902奥地利裔乐团经理,1950-1972年经营纽约大都会歌剧院
    Austrian-born impresario who managed(1950-1972) the Metropolitan Opera in New York City.
  • 他们争相给将军人留下深刻的印象
    Fell over themselves to impress the general's wife.
  • 一位现代睡美人在其丈的命令下遭囚禁。
    A modern Sleeping Beauty was held in imprisonment by order of her husband.
  • 我丈要到六点钟才在家。
    My husband won't be in until six o'clock.
  • 当两驾车相互擦过的时候,柴可斯基无意中抬起头来直直地盯着梅克人的眼睛。
    As they passed, Tschaikovsky inadvertently looked up and straight into the eyes of Madame von Meck.
  • 他们许多人像其他美国人一样,对一多妻教派中的乱伦现象和孩子被虐待感到吃惊。
    Many are as appalled as any other American by the reports of incest and child abuse from within polygamous sects.
  • 而且,顺便说一句,妻子们经常抱怨,他们的丈不注意新衣服、新帽子和家庭摆设的变化。
    And, incidentally, it is a chronic complaint of wives that their husbands do not notice new dresses, new hats, and changes in household arrangements.
  • 她因失去丈而痛不欲生[忧伤不已]。
    She is inconsolable for the loss of her husband.
  • 客房人,请别客气,给您带来不便我们真应该道歉。
    Room Don't mention it, Madam. We do apologize for the inconvenience.
  • 以色列西部的港口城市,位于地中海沿岸;从年起,该城与特拉维合并。
    a port in western Israel on the Mediterranean; incorporated into Tel Aviv in 1950.
  • 他沉思很久,想起他的好朋友乌霍律师给他办过事,他还欠着律师的情。
    After long meditation he thought of his good friend, the lawyer Uhov, to whom he was indebted for the management of legal business.
  • 尽管在维护和促进人权的过程中遇到过曲折,但是,一个不容争辩的基本事实是:经过半个世纪的不懈努力,一个积弱积贫、备受屈辱的旧中国已经变成了一个独立自主、初步繁荣昌盛的新中国,12.5亿中国人民主宰了自己的命运,告别了饥寒交迫、愚昧无知状态,甩掉了“东亚病”的帽子,过上了丰衣足食、文明健康的美好生活,享受着前所未有的民主自由。
    In safeguarding and promoting human rights, although setbacks occurred, one indisputable basic fact is that after unremitting efforts over half a century, the poverty-stricken, weak and humiliated old China has become an independent New China in the early stage of prosperity, and the 1.25 billion Chinese people have become the masters of their own destiny.They have changed the terrible situation of chronic hunger, cold and ignorance, rid China of the label of "The Sick Man of East Asia," lead a civilized and healthy life of plenty, and enjoy unprecedented democracy and freedom.
  • 尽管在维护和促进人权的过程中遇到过曲折,但是,一个不容争辩的基本事实是:经过半个世纪的不懈努力,一个积弱积贫、备受屈辱的旧中国已经变成了一个独立自主、初步繁荣昌盛的新中国,12.5亿中国人民主宰了自己的命运,告别了饥寒交迫、愚昧无知状态,甩掉了“东亚病”的帽子,过上了丰衣足食、文明健康的美好生活,享受着前所未有的民主自由。
    In safeguarding and promoting human rights, although setbacks occurred, one indisputable basic fact is that after unremitting efforts over half a century, the poverty-stricken, weak and humiliated old China has become an independent New China in the early stage of prosperity, and the 1.25 billion Chinese people have become the masters of their own destiny. They have changed the terrible situation of chronic hunger, cold and ignorance, rid China of the label of "The Sick Man of East Asia," lead a civilized and healthy life of plenty, and enjoy unprecedented democracy and freedom.
  • 临时区域市政局辖区内共有15个运动场、16间游泳池场馆、33间体育馆、120个网球场、121个壁球场及两个高尔球发球练习?。
    There are 15 sports grounds, 16 swimming pool complexes, 33 indoor recreation centres, 120 tennis courts, 121 squash courts and two golf driving ranges in the council area.
  • 恩爱妻沉醉于牵手、拥抱及相互依偎。
    Loving couples indulge in handholding,hugging and cuddling.
  • :是的,工业的发展必然刺激城市经济的发展。
    Jeff: Yes. The development of industry inevitably stimulated the development of the urban economy.
  • :中国的俱乐部发展,必然要造就一批职业运动员。
    Jeff: The development of Chinese clubs will inevitably bring up a passel of professional athletes.
  • 这种签证专门发给那些高级技术人员和其他一些专业人才。安基塔的h?4配偶签证与她丈的签证密不可分,婚姻的结束也就意味着她在美国居留权的终止。如果她返回印度,她必须留下自己刚八个月的孩子,因为根据美国和印度的法律,不经过丈同意就把儿子带出美国会被视为绑架。
    Because Ankita's visa,a spousal H- ,was inextricably tied to her husband's,the end of her marriage would also be the end of her right to stay in the U.S.If she returned to India,Ankita would have to leave her eight- month- old baby behind,since taking her son out of the country without her husband's consent could be considered kidnapping by both the U.S.and India.
  • :谁能想到他曾经是在轮椅上度日的残疾人,小儿麻痹使他不能享受正常人的生活。
    Jeff: Who would think that he used to live in a wheelchair and that infantile paralysis made him unable to enjoy a normal life.
  • 该法明确宣布:废除包办强迫、男尊女卑、漠视子女利益的封建主义婚姻制度,实行男女婚姻自由、一一妻、男女平等、保护妇女和子女合法利益的新的婚姻制度。
    It clearly declared the abolition of the feudal marriage system characterized by arranged and forced marriage, male superiority and female inferiority, and disregard for the interests of children. Implementation of the new system was marked by freedom for both men and women in marriage, monogamy, sexual equality and protection of the legitimate rights of women and children.
  • 例如不孕或遗传紊乱的妇可以通过克隆来生育婴儿。
    For instance couples who are infertile or have genetic disorders could use cloning to produce a child.
  • 寻求生育帮助的妇并不仅仅是年龄偏大的,他们也是明显的不育妇。
    Couples who seek reproductive help are not just older;they are also--though it may seem like stating the obvious--infertile.
  • 近年来,随着经济的发展和社会的进步,妇女的生育自主权进一步得到保障,因不育或生育女婴而被公婆歧视、被丈遗弃的现象越来越少。
    In recent years, as the economy has developed and society progressed, more and more women are making their own decisions about giving birth. Cases of women being discriminated against by their fathers- or mothers-in-law or estranged by their husbands because they are infertile or give birth to girls have declined steadily.
  • 纽约基督教长老会医院妇女不孕科主任--兹·罗森瓦克斯博士说:"如果你问一对妇她们愿意一生不要孩子,还是愿意生育一个孩子,而且有多于90%的可能孩子是正常的,我想他们肯定会选择要孩子。
    Says Dr.Zev Rosenwaks,director of New York Presbyterian Hospital's infertility program:"If you ask a couple if they would rather not have a child at all or try to have a child that over 90% of the time will be normal,I think they will choose to have the child."
  • 她丈有不忠行为,她却视而不见。
    She closed her eyes to her husband's infidelities.
  • 许多妇女对其丈有影响。
    Many a woman has had civilizing influence upon her husband.
  • 阿格丽品娜罗马有声望的人和皇帝卡利古拉的母亲。她在提比略统治期间的权力斗争中颇有影响
    Roman matron and mother of Caligula. She was influential in the struggle for power during the reign of Tiberius.
  • 詹姆斯人的流感一定是完全好了,因为昨天我看见她外出了。
    Mrs.Jameson must have got over her influenza, for I saw her out yesterday.
  • 他婉拒了王室对他工作的表彰,这显然是出于谦逊--他已故的妻子说"他不想要奖章"--友好、不拘礼节的气氛不仅表现在他所拍的照片中,而且也表现在这对王室妇直称他为"埃迪"。
    He apparently refused royal recognition for his work out of modesty--his late wife claimed that " he didn't want medals" --and a tone of friendly informality prevailed,not only in his pictures,but in his being simply "Eddie" to the royal couple.