  • 活塞一种可装到更大的筒里且在液下移动的固体小筒或碟子,如在往复式发动机中,也可用于更换或缩液体,如在水泵和缩机上
    A solid cylinder or disk that fits snugly into a larger cylinder and moves under fluid pressure, as in a reciprocating engine, or displaces or compresses fluids, as in pumps and compressors.
  • 大多数大学生都已经感受到通货膨胀的力。
    Most of the students have already felt the pressure of soaring inflation.
  • 中国政府清醒地认识到,中国人口与发展的矛盾依然尖锐,面临诸多困难和挑战:人口数量将在较长时期内继续增长,预计未来十几年每年平均净增1000万人以上,给经济、社会、资源、环境和可持续发展带来巨大力;
    The Chinese Government soberly understands that the contradiction between population and development in China has remained sharp, and that there still exist many difficulties and challenges: the population growth will continue for a prolonged period of time, with an annual net increase of over 10 million in the next decade or so, which will exert great pressure on economy, society, resources, environment and the sustained development as a whole;
  • 吵吵闹闹、小题大作根儿是失礼的。
    The whole business of making a fuss is seen as socially undesirable.
  • 许多社会学家指出民工正给人口控制和社会治安带来力。他们正在威胁着本已萧条的工作市场,他们恶化了交通和公共卫生状况。
    Many sociologists point out that rural emigrants are putting pressure on population control and social order; that they are threatening to take already scarce city jobs; and that they have worsened traffic and public health problems.
  • 用加热或合适的力使变软让两块金属固定在一起。
    fastening two pieces of metal together by softening with heat and applying pressure.
  • 为了消除旧中国长期的民族迫造成的隔阂,1950年至1952年,中央人民政府派出访问团到少数民族地区进行慰问,并组织了各少数民族参观团到首都和祖国各地参观访问,增进了各民族间的了解,融洽了各民族间的感情。
    To eliminate the estrangement produced by ethnic oppression in old China, the Central People's Government sent, between 1950 and 1952, groups to minority areas to express sympathy and solicitude, and organized groups of ethnic minorities to visit the capital and other places in China, thus strengthening understanding and friendship among all ethnic groups.
  • 这些材料是由几种液体混合在一起并加使之凝褂邙成的。
    The substance is formed from a mixture of liquid solidify under pressure.
  • 这些材料是由几种液体混合在一起并加使之凝固而成的
    The substances are formed from a mixture of liquid solidified under pressure
  • 这些物质是由强下凝固的几种液体混合而形成的。
    These substances are formed from a mixture of liquids solidifying under great preasure.
  • 既不能把圣母院列入那类阴暗、神秘、低矮、似乎被圆形拱碎似的教堂的古老家族;这类教堂除了平顶之外,几乎都是埃及式样的;
    Impossible to class it in that ancient family of sombre,mysterious churches, low and crushed as it were by the round arch, almost Egyptian, with the exception of the ceiling;
  • 他被忧愁得心情沉重。
    She was weighed down with sorrow.
  • 电压型逆变电路
    voltage source inverting circuit
  • 其目的,在借中国人的手,镇中国的抗日运动,巩固日本南进的后方,以便放手南进,配合希特勒进攻英国的行动。
    Their purpose is to use the Chinese themselves to suppress the anti-Japanese movement and consolidate the rear for Japan's southward drive, so that she will be free to drive south in co-ordination with Hitler's offensive against Britain.
  • 时空压缩
    compression of time and space
  • 飞行器或太空舱里加的那一部分。
    pressurized section of an aircraft or spacecraft.
  • 当宇宙飞船高速离开地球时,宇航员感觉到自己似乎被紧在飞船的地板上。
    When the spaceship leaves the earth at very high speed, the astronauts feel as if they are being crushed against the spaceship floor.
  • 一张dvd能储存较大数量的信息,主要是因为光盘较小的凹坑和紧密的轨迹相间隔,但是另外一个因素也发挥了作用,即缩。
    The greater amount of information stored on a DVD is chiefly due to the smaller pit size and tighter track spacing, but another factor comes into play, namely compression.
  • 能提供给内燃机内火花塞以高电的变器。
    a transformer that supplies high voltage to spark plugs in a gasoline engine.
  • 牵引尤指对胳膊、腿或脖子机械地不断地拉以便矫正骨折或脱臼的骨头,治愈肌肉痉挛以及减轻
    A sustained pull applied mechanically especially to the arm, leg, or neck so as to correct fractured or dislocated bones, overcome muscle spasms, or relieve pressure.
  • 吃鱼时使用的有舌的小餐刀。
    a small table knife with a spatula blade used for eating fish.
  • 太多落后国家理直气壮地坚认接受美援是天赐权利,而非美国乐善好施的表现。他们向美国施最爱用的方法是威胁要向苏联靠拢。
    Too many underdeveloped nations self-righteously insist that receiving American aid is their God-given right rather than a manifestation of American generosity. Their favorite instrument in pressuring Washington has been to raise the specter of moving closer to the Soviet Union.
  • 他把钱压在一局上。
    He gamble his money on one spin of the wheel.
  • 纺织行业作为三年脱困的行业突破口,在基本完成锭和减员任务的同时,全年实现利润8亿元,结束了长达6年之久的亏损局面。
    As the breakthrough point for the three-year difficulty relief, the textile industry achieved a profit of RMB 800 million all year around while accomplishing the tasks of both spindle and staff reductions on the whole, thus ending the deficit situation that had lasted for as long as 6 successive years.
  • 为此,1997年中央经济工作会议确定把纺织工业作为国有企业三年改革解困突破口,要求用三年左右时间,缩淘汰1000万落后棉纺锭,分流安置120万下岗职工,实现国有纺织工业整体扭亏为盈。
    To revitalize the textile industry, in 1997, the central government decided to bail out State-owned textile enterprises first, so as to provide experience to the reform of State-owned firms of other industries in trouble. The reform scheme includes eliminating 10 million obsolete cotton spindles and laying off 1.2 million workers within three years, targeting to turn the textile industry from a loss-maker into a profit-maker.
  • 螺旋状,扭力扭成螺旋状;扭转的力或张力
    The state of being twisted into a spiral; torsional stress or strain.
  • 他说:"今天的父母承受的力太大了。我的确相信当今要做到不宠惯孩子就把他们养大成人简直太难了。这不是因为父母能力下降或懒惰,而是因为我所面临的阻力太多了。"
    "I truly believe it is harder today to raise children without spoiling them, not because parents are less capable or lazy, but because so many forces are working against me."
  • 她的衣服都胡乱地塞在那个包里皱了。
    Her clothes are all huddled up inside that bag getting spoilt.
  • 你的衣服都塞在那个提包里绉了。
    Your clothes are all huddled up inside that bag getting spoilt.
  • 她在挤压海绵。
    She is squeezing a sponge.
  • 当按钮被下的时候液体被挤出来形成细雾。
    forces a liquid out as a fine spray when a button is pressed.
  • 能够在伸展或者缩之后恢复原来的形状;有弹性的。
    capable of resuming original shape after stretching or compression; springy.