  • 在过去,医生们把定期给病人抽血作为治疗的一部
    In the old days, doctors routinely bled patients as part of the treatment.
  • 大部传真机放在公共地点,所以每位经过的同事都可以看,而有些公司例行公事地检查雇员的电子邮件。
    Most fax machines are located in public places,so anyone who passes by can read them,and some businesses routinely screen their employees' e-mail.
  • 为主程序或子程序配存储器。
    To assign main routines and subroutines to storage.
  • 苛求去学习销售规则差不多是浪费时间。
    it is almost a waste of time painstakingly to learn the routines of selling.
  • 在程序设计中,用于连接两个离例程的程序代码。它能够在例程之间传递数值和或控制权。
    In programming, code that connects two separately coded routines and passes values and/or control between them.
  • 单杠全套动作的基本组成部是:大回环,换握,变换方向,脱手再握,下法和着地。
    The basic elements of routines on the horizontal bar include giant seings,changes of grip,changes of direction,releast and regrasp of the bar,dismount and landing.
  • 单杠全套动作的基本组成部是:大回环,换握,变换方向,脱手再握,下法和着地。
    The basic elements of routines on the horizontal bar include giant swings, changes of grip changes of direction, releast and regrasp of the bar, dismount and landing.
  • 在计算机软件中,当装入操作系统任何部时,事先必须已经并总是存在于内存(也叫主存)之中的操作系统中的那部内容,主要包括一些经过严格测试而准确无误的例行程序,它们实现[执行]基本的装入和管理功能[操作]。
    In computer software, the part of an operating system that must always be in main storage when any part of it is loaded. It consists of rigorously tested routines that perform basic loading and supervisory functions.
  • 学员上船后便视为船员,须担船上日常工作,并在经验丰富的教练指导下接受新挑战,以及参与活动,培养团结精神。
    Once on board, participants are regarded as members of the ship's crew and take part in the operational routines. Under the guidance of experienced instructors, they are trained to face new challenges and participate in team spirit building activities.
  • 信令消息处理功能用来处理消息路由、识别和布。
    Signaling message handling functions deal with message routing, discrimination and distribution.
  • clusteridentifier(中间三位)=局配到的路由群集。
    Cluster identifier (middle three digits) = the routing cluster to which the office is assigned.
  • 利用这种层次的结构,ipv6利用路由表中单一入口就能表示大的地址块。
    Using this hierarchical scheme, IPv6 can represent large blocks of addresses by a single entry in routing tables.
  • 他的兽欲变成狂热,转来转去的眼睛现在闪烁着十正直的光芒。
    Animalism had yieded to fanaticism and the bold, roving eye now gleamed with a ferocious righteousness.
  • 基金在一九九九年举办的活动包括周年汇展、五次巡回展览、98次经验享会、11次研讨会及出版两期基金专讯。
    The activities organised in 1999 included an exposition, five roving exhibitions, 98 experience-sharing sessions, 11 seminars and two issues of the QEF Newsletter.
  • 此外,律政司也协助公务员事务局筹办了两次《基本法》巡回展览,别在一九九八和一九九九年举行,总参观人数逾43000人。
    The department also helped the Civil Service Bureau organise two roving exhibitions on the Basic Law, in 1998 and 1999, which attracted altogether more than 43000 people.
  • 约翰是划船队的中坚子。
    John is the spark plug on his rowing team.
  • 实际上,要把赛艇运动与皮划艇运动区开来是相当容易的。
    In fact, you can tell rowing very easily from the other two.
  • 肢端肥大症患者突出的下巴;脑垂体泌异常而致的侏儒。
    a protruding acromegalic jaw; a pituitary dwarf.
  • 京剧是一门独特的表演艺术,集唱、念、做、打为一体。角色为4类:、旦、净、丑。
    Beijing opera is a unique performing art that integrates singing, dialogue, acting and acrobatics. The Characters of Beijing opera are divided into four groups. They are Sheng, Dan, Jing and Chou.
  • 一种单独的舞蹈它包括身体不同部进行的快速的特技。
    a form of solo dancing that involves rapid acrobatic moves in which different parts of the body touch the ground; normally performed to the rhythm of rap music.
  • 送上两张明天的杂技入场券,明晚7点20左右有车来接。
    Here are two admission cards for tomorrow's acrobatic show. The car will come around 7: 20 tomorrow evening.
  • 盐在皇家的餐桌上是一个重要的部
    Salt was an important item on the table of royally.
  • 石油产地使用费构成该国收入的一大部
    Oil royalty make up a large proportion of the country's revenue.
  • 本书的每一次再版,作者将从中获得百之十的版税。
    The writer get a 10% royalty on each copy of his book.
  • 石油产地使用费构成该国收入的一大部
    Oil royalty makes up a large proportion of the country 's revenue.
  • 产品价格中反映提成费的部
    That part of the price of the product which reflects the running royalty.
  • 如果销售增加,包商可以生产更多的游戏[玩具],gamesgang[玩具公司]就会付广告费,发明人就会收到数目庞大的版税支票。
    If sales grow, the subcontractor can churn out more games, the Games Gang will spring for advertising and the inventor will receive hefty royalty checks.
  • 我只是觉得我有一个极好的主意,并且可以把这个主意连同我的计划和规格按500美元的统一价格出售,另外每个房间每晚收取5美的授权费。
    I just thought that I had a great idea and that I could sell it along with my plans and specifications for a flat fee of $500 plus a royalty of five cents per room per night.
  • 在某些情况下,[参议]纪律委员会曾指控赖特逾越本,接受商人以版税、贷款或投资收入名义的现金赠予。
    In some cases, the ethics committee has charged that Wright crossed the line of propriety by accepting from the business people cash gifts disguised as book royalties, loans or investment income.
  • 石盐;岩盐一种无色或白色的矿物质,成为氯化钠,以立方体晶体形式出现,在酸性气候下的干枯河床上可见,开采或收集以用作食盐
    A colorless or white mineral, NaCl, occurring as cubic crystals and found in dried lakebeds in acrid climates, mined or gathered for use as table salt.
  • 保护画面的油层已被磨掉。
    Part of the glazes have been rubbed off.
  • 某些昆虫摩擦身体某些特别构造的部而发出的尖利的声音。
    a shrill grating or chirping noise made by some insects by rubbing body parts together.