  • 心脏当了一部强有力的泵。
    The heart act as a muscular pump.
  • 欢乐豪放,满活力的音乐表演
    A wild or vigorous musical performance.
  • 她用麝香使衣服满了香味。
    She scented her clothes with musk.
  • 甚至当暗探,联络土匪,煽动部队哗变,实行测绘地图,秘密调查情况,公开进行反对边区政府的宣传。
    Some of them are even acting as spies, conspiring with bandits, inciting our soldiers to mutiny, making surveys and maps of our region, secretly collecting information, or openly spreading propaganda against the Border Region Government.
  • 补数组成一个整体的两部分中的一个或二者互相补
    Either of two parts that complete the whole or mutually complete each other.
  • 这幢房子满了神秘。
    The house was steeped in mystery.
  • 当车、飞机或船的驾驶员。
    act as the navigator in a car, plane, or vessel.
  • 要学会这一课,并不容易,尤其是当我们年轻气盛的时侯,因为,那时我们认为自己是世界的主宰,认为我们用满激情的躯体中的全部力量去渴求的东西终将是我们的。
    This is not an easy lesson to learn, especially when we are young and think that the world is ours to command, that whatever we desire with the full force of our passionate being can, nay, will, be ours.
  • 因此凡是一个国家,既培养了在它领域以内工业的一切部门,使工业达到了高度完善阶段,又拥有广大疆土和分发展的农业,使它工业人口在生活必需品和原料方面的需要,绝大部分可以由本国供应,那么它就拥有最高的生产力,因而也就是最富裕。
    That nation will therefore possess most productive power, and will consequently be the richest, which has cultivated manufacturing industry in all branches within its territory to the highest perfection, and whose territory and agricultural production is large enough to supply its manufacturing population with the largest part of the necessaries of life and raw materials which they require.
  • 以人为本策略:分考虑每一个奥运参与者的需求,满足个性化的需要。
    Strategy based on taking people as a dominant factor: Taking into full consideration the needs of every Olympic participant so as to meet his individualized need.
  • 为了获得这类人材,实业界一致认为公司必须向学院提供所需资金以扩设备,提高教学质量;就商业领域的需求与学校合作。
    To help get them, many a businessman believes that corporations must provide much of the cash needed by college to expand their facilities and improve their teaching, and work more closely with colleges on business needs.
  • 阴极,负极原线圈原件或正在电的蓄电池的负电终端
    The negatively charged terminal of a primary cell or of a storage battery that is supplying current.
  • 他精力充沛。
    He is full of nervous energy.
  • 登山者满勇气的壮举。
    the nervy feats of mountaineers.
  • 手术后第一天,新植入的器官情况良好,但杰西卡的脑部出现了肿胀和血。
    By early Friday, the newest organs were performing well but Jesica's brain was swelled and bleeding.
  • 晚饭是内有填物的辣椒,没人想吃。
    We were having stuffed peppers that nigh and nobody wanted to eat them.
  • 二十一世纪初期,中国劳动和社会保障事业的发展目标是:基本建立起适应中国生产力发展水平、符合社会主义市场经济要求的比较完善的劳动和社会保障制度,使广大劳动者得到较为分的就业和基本的社会保障,维护劳动者和用人单位的合法权益,提高城乡居民的物质和文化生活水平,促进经济发展和社会稳定。
    The targets for labor and social security development in the early part of this century are as follows: initially forming a comparatively complete labor and social security system corresponding to the development level of China's productive forces and meeting the requirements of the socialist market economy; ensuring well-nigh full employment and basic social security for the majority of workers; safeguarding the legal rights and interests of both employees and employers; enhancing the material and cultural wellbeing of rural and urban residents; and promoting economic development and social stability.
  • 我们欲将我们的生活满蜜糖而不是满尘埃和毒汁,这样便可给人类以最崇高的两项事物:美好与理智。
    Instead of dirt and poison, we have rather chosen to fill our lives with honey and with wax thus furnishing mankind with the two noblest things, which are sweetness and light.
  • 本周这里格外地满了让人高兴快乐而无害的声音。
    The place was particularly full of noises this week that gives delight and hurt not.
  • 满是精力沛的、嘈杂的活动。
    full of energetic and noisy activity.
  • 全国妇联作为中国妇女最大的非政府组织,分发挥自己的组织、宣传、协调优势,积极配合政府开展适合妇女特点的活动,推动妇女参与农业发展。
    As the biggest nongovernmental organization in China the All-China Women's Federation has given full play to its advantages in organizing, propaganda and coordination, actively cooperated with the government to carry out activities that suit women's characters and promoted women's involvement in the development of agriculture.
  • 她的作品满怀旧之情。
    Her work is pervaded by nostalgia for a past age.
  • 她的作品满怀旧之情
    Her works are pervaded by nostalgia for a past age
  • 我听到这首喜爱的旧歌,心中满了怀旧之情。
    I was filled with nostalgia by hearing my favourite old song.
  • 这从某些区域进行动员工作收到显著成绩的例子中,可以分地证明出来。
    This has been fully borne out by the notable success achieved in some areas.
  • 他以精力沛而出名。
    He was noted for his vigour.
  • 满幻想的头脑;所有童年的幻想。
    a fanciful mind; all the notional vagaries of childhood.
  • 冒充小说的著作人
    Feign authorship of a novel.
  • 有众多河流水源足的国家
    A country watered by numerous rivers
  • 是的,被困在这儿虚度光阴,当保姆侍候一大帮吃大蒜的人。
    Yes,sir,trapped into frittering his life away playing nursemaid to a lot of garlic? eaters.
  • 我得三顿好好吃,以摄取分营养。
    I have to eat right and make sure I get the right nutrition.
  • 使食品速冻通过一种分地快速的加工方法,使(食物)冷冻,而能保持原有风味、营养价值或其他特性
    To freeze(food) by a process sufficiently rapid to retain natural flavor, nutritional value, or other properties.