  • 切都发生在很久以前。
    All that happened many moons ago.
  • 年以前,他参军了。
    He joined the army a year ago.
  • 心中的雨未曾停过美好的感觉如此真实而无法否认我应该不顾切去感受雨滴或是应该先玩火再克制不论我做了什么都是为你我清楚有时爱情让人变成傻子
    And the raindrops keep falling into my heart And I just can't deny what feels so right Do I let myself go and feel the rain Or should I play with caution and refrain whatever I do when it comes to you I know sometimes love plays the part of a fool
  • 我是个不可知论者;我不假装知道许多无知的人以为知道的清二楚的东西。
    I am an agnostic; I do not pretend to know what many ignorant men is sure of.
  • 我们这儿的雨量和北京样多。
    We have as much rainfall here as Beijing.
  • 场雨使马路上的尘埃落定。
    A rainfall will settle the dust on the road.
  • 年中的这个时候来说,降雨量还算普通。
    Rainfall is about average for the time of year.
  • 我是个不可知论者;我不假装知道许多无知的人以为知道的清二楚的东西。
    I am an agnostic; I do not pretend to know what many ignorant men are sure of.
  • 不过,昨天破记录的豪雨也显现出香港的另面。
    But yesterday's record rainfall also showed the other side of Hong Kong.
  • 个加剧了种族间紧张的演讲;场使水灾更为严重的暴雨
    A speech that exacerbated racial tensions; a heavy rainfall that exacerbated the flood problems.
  • 干旱长时期的过低降雨量,特别指妨碍生长或生存的这样段时期
    A long period of abnormally low rainfall, especially one that adversely affects growing or living conditions.
  • 太平洋热带雨林地区的种大型原始树蕨。
    highly variable species of very large primitive ferns of the Pacific tropical areas with high rainfall.
  • 两个女人聊了会儿,都兴高采烈。随后,那个年轻女人转身跑回到家人的身边。
    For a few moments, the two women chatted, both aglow with happiness, and then the young woman turned and ran back to her family.
  • 虽然十月的总雨量只有112.8毫米,比正常少32.0毫米,但自本年日起的累积雨量则达3329.4毫米,比正常高55%,也超过了九八二年录得3247.5毫米的最高年雨量纪录。
    Rainfall in October amounted to only 112.8 millimetres or 32 millimetres below average. However, the accumulated rainfall since January 1 of 3 329.4 millimetres was 55 per cent above the normal figure, surpassing the previous record maximum annual rainfall of 3247.5 millimetres set in 1982.
  • 极地实际上是个沙漠环境,平均月降雨量约相当于撒哈拉沙漠。
    The Pole is actually a desert environment,averaging about the same amount of monthly rainfall as the Sahara Desert.
  • 因为生物圈2号是个封闭的系统,所以降雨和大气结构都可以被调节和测量,以利于科学家做控制性实验。
    Because Biosphere 2 is a closed system, rainfall and aimospheric makeup can be regulated and measured, a1lowng scientists to conduct controlled experiments.
  • 苏格兰雨林树种或灌木,圆锥形树冠,浅绿色镰状树叶;种罕见的寄生紫杉。
    rainforest tree or shrub of New Caledonia having a conic crown and pale green sickle-shaped leaves; host species for the rare parasite yew.
  • 场暴雨使道路无法通行。
    The rainstorm has made the road impassable.
  • 约翰·安德鲁博士的目光避开梅格德雷那冰山闪耀的光,向达姆德弗山望去。那座山像堵黑色的石墙直向上延展到怪石嶙峋的山顶。在最远处的山顶上,风卷着积雪宛如蔚蓝天幕上的条白链。
    Dr. John Andrews looked across the Magdelena Glacier, aglitter with sparkling needles of light,to the Dame de Fer,which rose in a wall of black rock to a craggy summit, from the uttermost point of which a plume of windblown snow made a white stain on the blue sky.
  • 在战斗的前天,看来要有场暴雨。
    The day before that operation, a rainstorm threatened.
  • 天文台在七月日发出了黑色暴雨警告;而红色暴雨警告则在七月首三天均有发出。
    A Rainstorm Black Warning was issued on July 1 and Rainstorm Red Warnings were required on the first three days of the month.
  • 在暴风雨来临之前他们直在田里大干。
    They had been knocking about the fields before the rainstorm arrived.
  • 在暴雨发生时,套以颜色标示的暴雨警告系统会即时运作,提醒市民路面已出现严重水浸,交通受到影响。
    A colour-coded rainstorm warning system is activated to warn people of serious road flooding and traffic disruption.
  • 些树被风吹倒了很多街道都因暴风雨积满了水,而交通受阻了几乎两小时。
    Some trees were blown down Many streets were flooded by the heavy rainstorm. And the traffic was delayed for almost 2 hours.
  • 我们生时许多计划和愿望都有所偏差,死后切不能如愿更是可想而知。
    As many things gang agley with us in our plans and desires while alive, it is not surprising that matters turn out contrary to our expectations after death.
  • 在这沿海地区,突如其来的暴风骤雨是常见的。
    Sudden rainstorms are frequent on this coast.
  • 尤指一小池雨水
    A small pool of water, especially rainwater.
  • 边盛放水尤其是雨水的桶。
    a butt set on end to contain water especially to store rainwater.
  • 搅拌器种混杂或混合成分或配料的,尤指通过力学搅动的装置
    A device that blends or mixes substances or ingredients, especially by mechanical agitation.
  • 沿着屋顶或屋檐的个沟;它能把水集起来并排走。
    a channel along the eaves or on the roof; collects and carries away rainwater.
  • 旧街道的中央有条沟渠来排放雨水。
    There's a channel in the middle of the old street to help rainwater flow away.
  • 蓄水池容纳水或其它液体的种容器,特指汇集和贮存雨水的水箱
    A receptacle for holding water or other liquid, especially a tank for catching and storing rainwater.