Chinese English Sentence:
  • 多数人够正确拼写出light一词,但不知道为什么这个词拼写为l—i—g—h—t——这的确是事实。但一般来说,理解有助于记忆。
    It is certainly true that most people can spell "light" correctly without understanding why it is spelled I-i-g-h-t, but as a rule, understanding helps you to remember.
  • 伯恩:李康,你说得个体点?
    Could you spell it out?
  • 伯恩:对不起,你把全名拼一下?
    Sorry, could you spell it in full?
  • 那个讲故事的人使观众听得入迷了。电视播放的体育比赛不引起我的兴趣
    The storyteller held the crowd spellbound. Televised sports can't hold my interest.
  • 多注意点拼写吗?
    Could you give a little more attention to spelling?
  • “我希望,斯宾塞先生,你决定在爱尔摩居住。
    “I hope, Mr. Spencer, you’ll decide to stay in Elmore.
  • 我们已在这工程上花了很多钱,现在已处于只进不退的地步,我们必须再追加投资将工程完成。
    We've spent so much money on the project that we've passed the point of no return and we shall have to spend even more to finish it.
  • 个人目标:“多抽出一些时间来陪陪我的妻子。年轻的时候我一直忙于工作,没帮她做些事情。”
    Personal goal: "Spend time with my wife, doing some of the things we weren't able to do in the younger days when I spent all my time at work."
  • 国会和白宫不久即将开始各自抖出减少联邦赤字的提案与反提案,情况几个月以后才明朗,可是政界人士与预算专家们已经知道从哪里找到大部分的钱来完成此任务。
    Congress and the White House will soon start spewing out proposals and counter- proposals to reduce the Federal deficit. It will be months before the air clears, but already politicians and budget experts know where they can find most of the money to do the job.
  • 建国后的十七年,各条战线,包括知识分子比较集中的战线,都是以毛泽东同志为代表的路线占主导地位,唯独你们教育战线不是这样,说得通吗?
    In all spheres of work, including those where intellectuals are concentrated, the line represented by Comrade Mao Zedong was dominant during the first 17 years after the founding of our People's Republic in 1949. Can it be that your sphere, the educational sphere, was the only exception?
  • 弛缓不指肌肉纤维不松弛,如食管内的括约肌
    The failure of a ring of muscle fibers, such as a sphincter of the esophagus, to relax.
  • 他丧失了对括约肌的控制力。
    the timing and control of his movements were unimpaired; he had lost control of his sphincters.
  • 我怎么样才把这饭做得好吃?
    What can I do to spice up this dull meal?
  • 放点什么料使这没味道的饭菜香起来呢?
    What can you sue to spice up this dull meal?
  • 本质上,xml的前途不在于它给web页面增加趣味的潜力,而在于它有助于以这样一种方法对文档和数据进行结构化处理,从而使它们在部门、客户和供应商之间进行交换。
    In essence, XML's promise lies not in its potential to spice up Web pages, but in its capability to help structure both documents and data in such a way that they can be exchanged among departments, customers and suppliers.
  • 我不能吃辛辣食品。
    Spicy food disagrees with me.
  • 把蜘蛛放在这儿吗?
    Can I put the spider here?
  • 把蜘蛛放在这儿吗?
    Could I put the spider here?
  • 耳朵内的温度很舒适,蜘蛛可觉得在那里扎窝不错,于是就住下了。”
    It appears this was the time the spider entered her ear, and because the temperature is ideal there, the spider stayed."
  • 这种蜘蛛确定使你在床上躺些日子哩。
    The spider sure could lay you up for a while.
  • "有了多大的力就会有多大的责任"[蜘蛛人]
    "with great power there must come great responsibility" [SPIDER-MAN]
  • 这个男孩熟背世界上所有国家的名字。
    The boy can spiel off all the country's names in the world.
  • 希望她坦白交代,她从来保不住秘密。
    Trust her to spill the beans, she never could keep a secret.
  • 喂!你不走来走去把水泼在地毯上。
    Look here! You can't go around spilling water on the carpet.
  • 我们不可改变他,故而必须尽量处理好。覆水难收,后悔是没用的。
    But we can't change him, so we must make the best of it. What's done cannot be undone, on use crying over spilt milk.
  • 她的上旋球、下旋球和侧旋球技对她取得决赛胜利起到了很大的作用。
    Her top spin, back spin and side spin contributed a lot to her winning of the final.
  • 此外,赞助可会产生一种直接的附加效益。
    What is more, there may be a direct spin-off.
  • [谚]一个人不同时又纺又织;一心不二用。
    A man cannot spin and weave at the same time.
  • 尽管在远处我也从这细长的身躯辨别出来人是大卫。
    Even from distance I can tell from the spindle figure that the approaching man is David.
  • 尽管在远处我也从这细长的身躯辨别出来人是大卫
    Even from distance I can tell from the spindle figure that the approaching man is David
  • 头座机器或动力工具上用于安装旋转部件的不移动的部分,如车床的转轴
    A nonmoving part of a machine or power tool that supports a revolving part, such as the spindle of a lathe.
  • 威胁只使他更加坚毅。
    Threats merely stiffened his spine.