  • 我们要共同努力,健全美国的学校教育,不让无知和冷漠吞噬更多的年轻生命。
    We will reform Social Security and Medicare, sparing our children from struggles we have the power to prevent.
  • 各国人民只有共同努力,坚持走和平与发展的道路,继续推动军控与裁军的进程,并致力于在和平共处五项原则和其他公认的国际关系准则的基础上建立和平、稳定、公正、合理的国际政治经济新秩序,持久和平才有可,和平与发展的正义才最终完全战胜战争的邪恶。
    As long as the peoples of all nations work together, adhering to the road of peace and development, continuing to unflaggingly promote the arms control and disarmament process, and sparing no effort to establish a new peaceful, stable, fair and reasonable international political and economic order on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and other commonly recognized standards for international relations, a long-lasting peace is possible, and the righteousness of peace and development will ultimately and veritably triumph over the evils of war.
  • 局部战斗有可引发一场大规模战争。
    Local fighting might spark off a major war.
  • 提供给内燃机内火花塞以高电压的变压器。
    a transformer that supplies high voltage to spark plugs in a gasoline engine.
  • 你看你为我换一下火花塞吗?我对汽车一窍不通。
    Do you think you could help me change my sparking plugs? I don't know the first thing about cars.
  • 年轻一代虽然失去了语文的文采,但是跟上一代人比较,他们更自由的进出两个文化世界,学习语文的心理包袱也没有那么沉重。
    The language used by the younger generation may lack sparkle, yet when compared to the previous generation, they are able to move much more freely between two linguistic worlds. They also experience much less psychological burden in learning langauges.
  • “这很可是他们给你的那些香槟型的汽酒中的一种。”“不,这可是真货。”
    "It was probably one of those champagne-type sparkling wines they gave you." "No, it wasn't. It was the genuine article."
  • 如果她看到一只麻雀,则她可嫁给一个穷人,但却非常快乐;
    If she saw a sparrow, she would marry a poor man and be very happy.
  • 如内蒙古自治区,那里有广大的草原,人口又不多,今后发展起来很可走进前列,那里有不少汉人。
    For example, take Inner Mongolia, with its vast grasslands and sparse population. In future, it may become one of the most developed areas, and there are quite a few Han people there.
  • 如果病人的呼吸得不到恢复,就有可发生痉挛
    If breathing is not restored, the patient may go into spasm
  • 如果病人的呼吸得不到恢复,就有可发生痉挛。
    If breathing were not restored, the patient may go into spasm.
  • 耽搁你几分钟吗?
    Can you spate me a few minute?
  • 我问了好几家,可是他们说那是旧型的,只去原制造商买。
    Yes, Several. But they told me that since it's an old model, only the manufacturer sells spate parts.
  • 这套新系统采用地理信息系统技术,有效地展现红潮的地域和时间分布,并可以快速分析红潮的发展和移动情况。
    Using the technology of the Geographic Information System, the new system is able to visualise the spatial and temporal distribution of red tides and provides quick analysis of their development and movement.
  • 供应商们把产品移到基于对象的基础设施上和主要从unix阵营中派生出来的corba中间件,提高整个产业的可伸缩性和拥有一种基于标准的方法。
    Vendors are moving their products to an object-based infrastructure, and CORBA middleware, spawned largely from the Unix camp, can boast enterprise-wide scalability, and a standards-based approach.
  • 我还是有力把话说清楚的,谢谢你吧。
    I'm quite capable of speaking for myself, thank you!
  • 奥地利人讲德语,我也讲这种语言。
    The Austrian speaks German, and I speak it, too.
  • 只有通过说英语,才学会说英语。
    Only by speaking English , can you learn to speak it.
  • 你最好谦和耐心地放慢语速,因为,法国毕竟有着来自众多国家的旅游者,它的主要旅游收入并不像西班牙那样要依赖于英语国家的旅游者。
    Be courteous, patient, and speak slowly: France, after all, has visitors from many countries and is not heavily dependent for income on English-speaking visitors as, for example, is Spain.
  • 是的,为您效劳吗?
    Speaking.May I help you?
  • 又夸赞自己的矛说:“我的矛非常锋利,对于任何东西没有不刺穿的。”
    And then he took up his spear and said:“Look! My spear is so sharp that it can cut through anything.”
  • 如果预赛成绩真实反映决赛的阵容,那么决赛时选手们就会成扇形展开,好像箭头似的。
    If the entry times are a true indication of form, the swimmers will fan out into a spearhead formation during the race.
  • 安全是相互的,安全对话和合作旨在促进信任,而非制造对抗,更不应针对第三国,不损害别国的安全利益。
    Security is mutual, and security dialogues and cooperation should be aimed at promoting trust, not at creating confrontations, still less at directing the spearhead against a third country or infringing upon the security interests of any other nation.
  • timesten性软件公司已在率先向主存数据库方向前进。
    TimesTen Performance Software has been spearheading the MMDB movement.
  • 具有特殊性能的药
    A medicine with special properties.
  • 非专门化的不具有特殊的功的;没有专业或未进行专业化的
    Having no special function; without specialty or specialization.
  • 丧失形态或功的特殊性。
    the loss of specialization in form or function.
  • 经历了反分化或者失去了外形或者功的特殊性。
    having experienced or undergone dedifferentiation or the loss of specialization in form or function.
  • (生物学)显示生物专化的;适合在特定功和环境的发展期间的。
    (biology) exhibiting biological specialization; adapted during development to a specific function or environment.
  • 我们在发展经济方面,正在寻求一条合乎中国实际的,够快一点、省一点的道路,其中包括扩大企业自主权和民主管理,发展专业化和协作,计划调节和市场调节相结合,先进技术和中等技术相结合,合理地利用外国资金、外国技术等等。
    In economic development, we are searching for a road that both conforms to China's actual conditions and enables us to proceed more quickly and economically.We are experimenting with such things as expanding democratic management and the decision-making power of enterprises, increasing specialization and co-operation, combining planned regulation with market regulation, integrating advanced technologies with existing intermediate technologies, using foreign funds and expertise in a rational way, and so on.
  • 第二种是一群合伙公司或人员,他们擅长于专门化的职,如供应、制造、信息系统或批发。
    The second is a group of partner companies or people that specialize in particular functions, such as supply, manufacturing, information systems or distribution.
  • 不为特别的目的或功搞特殊化或改进的。
    not specialized or modified for a particular purpose or function.