  • 立即放在凉水里浸泡可会去掉衬衫上的黑点。
    An immediate cold-water souse may remove the black spot from your shirt.
  • 立即放在凉水里浸泡可会去掉衬衫上的黑点。
    An immediate cold water souse may remove the black spot from your shirt.
  • 打除了投手外的所有位置,他们有一个左撇子投手。
    he has played every position except pitcher; they have a southpaw on the mound.
  • 帮我把这件纪念品邮到美国吗?
    Can you mail this souvenir to America for me?
  • 最后假设一下,如果有人对某城进行为期三天的参观访问,他只是尽本份似的~口气走马观花地看完了5座教堂、4个博物馆和一排卖纪念品的商店,倘若你心情不好,你可会问,这样一位疲乏不堪的游客从与商人的碰面中获得什么好处,可以增进什么了解呢?
    Finally, if you are in a bad mood, you may wonder what good, what understanding could come from the meeting of an exhausted tourist with the merchants of a city that he is visiting in three days, running dutifully through five churches, four museums, and a row of souvenir shops.
  • 卖枪给吉姆的人一直在欺骗他—当吉姆要用这些枪的时候,他发现没几支打得响。
    The person who had sold Jim the guns had been sowing tares among his wheat—when the time came to use them, he found that very few of them worked.
  • 我们得把机械装置拆开才找出毛病。
    We will have to strip sown the mechanism to trace the fault.
  • 如果你是以心不甘情不愿的心态提供服务,那你可得不到任何回报,如果你只是从为自己谋取利益的角度提供服务时则可连你希望得到的利益也得不到。
    It's as if the farmer had sown his wheat on the interstate road instead of the fertile field. And if you render your service only with a sharp eye out for you own benefit, you will get nothing except perhaps a poke in that eye.
  • 带固体中间隔很近的电子级范围,其分布和特点决定该材料的性质
    A range of very closely spaced electron energy levels in solids, the distribution and nature of which determine the electrical properties of a material.
  • 人们够乘宇宙飞船飞向月球。
    People can fly to the moon by spaceship.
  • 宇宙飞船使去月球旅行成为可
    Spaceship make it possible to travel to the moon.
  • 科学家计算出太空船什么时候抵达月球。
    The scientists calculated when the spaceship would reach the moon.
  • 你必须干掉入侵的太空船才得分。
    You have to zap the invading spaceships to get points.
  • 一张dvd储存较大数量的信息,主要是因为光盘较小的凹坑和紧密的轨迹相间隔,但是另外一个因素也发挥了作用,即压缩。
    The greater amount of information stored on a DVD is chiefly due to the smaller pit size and tighter track spacing, but another factor comes into play, namely compression.
  • 的话,给我们一间稍宽敞一些的。
    We would like a spacious room, if possible.
  • 我喜欢同维克托交往,因为他有啥说啥,而且你也知道他真的要什么。
    I like doing business with Victor because he calls a spade a spade and you know exactly what he wants.
  • 在意大利面条的调料汁中烹饪西红柿,食后可使人类心脏更加健康并增强身体的抗癌力。
    Cooking tomatoes--such as in spaghetti sauce--makes the fruit heart-healthier and boosts its cancer-fighting ability.
  • 然而,20世纪的医学对健康人的自然生命周期的增长几乎无为力。
    But 20th century medicine did little to increase the natural life span of healthy humans.
  • 而且,它也有助于智力的发展,使人更加专注,延长注意力集中的时间,提高与别人相处的力。
    It contributes, moreover, to intellectual growth, improves concentration, attention span, and the ability to get along with others.
  • 这些开发小组够冲破企业内部开发团队的限制,接纳合作伙伴、外部开发人员、承包人和内容提供商。
    These development groups can span beyond the corporations internal development team to include partners, external developers, contractors, and content providers.
  • 至于个人之间的持久友谊弥合上下辈之间、国与国之间的分歧,就取决于你们了。
    It is you who will decide if a continuing personal friendship can span the generations and the differences that divide us.
  • 她不是西班牙人便是意大利人。我不肯定。
    She's either a Spaniard or an Italian. I am not sure.
  • 她不是西班牙人便是意大利人。我不肯定。
    She 's either a Spaniard or an Italian. I am not sure.
  • 她能讲西班牙语。
    She can talk Spanish.
  • 够流利的讲西班牙语。
    She can speak Spanish without strain.
  • 有时只有狠狠鞭挞才使顽童学好。
    Sometimes only a good spanking will straighten out a naughty boy.
  • 抽出五分钟和我谈谈吗?
    Can you spare me five minutes?
  • 我不放你去做那件事;你必须先把这件做完。
    I can't spare you for that job; you must finish this one first.
  • 抽出这段时间帮我吗?
    Can you spare the time to help me?
  • 这本书让我看一会儿吗?
    Can you spare me this book for a while?
  • 我今天不能没有他。
    I can't spare him today.
  • 史密斯先生,你耽搁一会儿吗?
    Mr.smith, can you spare a minute?