Chinese English Sentence:
  • 大家可以冷静地想想,香港有时候会不会出现非北京出头就不解决的问题呢?
    You should soberly consider this point: Isn't it possible that there might some time arise in Hong Kong a problem that could not be solved without Beijing's intervention?
  • 我们一定要吸劝文化大革命”的教训,同时也一定要清醒地看到我们国家面临着现代化建设巨大任务的形势和现有大批干部不适应现代化建设需要的实际,要坚决克服那种不从长远看问题的短视观点。
    We must draw lessons from the "cultural revolution". At the same time, we must be soberly aware of the enormous task of modernization confronting our country and of the fact that a great many of our cadres are not up to its requirements. We must endeavour to overcome short-sightedness and to take the long-term view.
  • 只有社会主义才救中国。
    Only socialism can save China.
  • 只有社会主义才救中国,只有社会主义才发展中国。
    Only socialism can save China, and only socialism can develop China.
  • 一位美国社会名流曾说:“你永远不可太富或者太瘦。”
    An American socialite once said "You can never be too rich or too thin".
  • 社交力是孩子所必要的一种力。
    mammals as a class are not strong on sociality.
  • 是社交手;交际活动参加的很多。
    be a social swinger; socialize a lot.
  • 他话很少,不善于交际,他怎么赢得老板的赏识呢?
    He's a quiet guy and not good at socializing with people. How could he win favor from our boss?
  • 4月23日的一项调查结果表明,如今在英国大多数手机短信只是用来传达无关紧要的事情和进行社会交往,但是一些经理人认为,如果够做到明白易懂,手机短信对于商业还是有很大用途的。
    While most mobile phone text messages sent in Britain are about gossip and socializing, some managers think they can be useful for business -- if they could read them, a survey on Tuesday showed.
  • 然而,随着你在这个世界上慢慢地成长,逐渐融入社会生活,你可就开始相信有种种极限妨碍你,使你不达到精神、情感和思想上的最高层次。
    As you grew and became socialized in this world,however,you might have come to believe that there are boundaries that prevent you from reaching the highest levels of spiritual,emotional,or mental evolution.
  • 在50年代末,他父母亲的婚姻是极为罕见的,但曾说:"我想父母婚姻的成功得益于他们日常接触的人和朋友都受过教育、有才智,并与其他国家、文化的人和睦相处。
    Their marriage in the late 1950s was unusual for the time. But, says Tseng, "I think it helped that the people with whom they were friendly and socialized with were educated and intelligent and comfortable with people from other lands and cultures."
  • 要照顾婴儿,自然拴住了她,使她不像以前那样积极参加社会活动。
    The care of the baby naturally tied her down so that she was not so active socially as before.
  • 很多思想和种族都被社会吸收的那种环境。
    an environment in which many ideas and races are socially assimilated.
  • 身体接触的频率不仅在不同社会有所不同,就是在不同一社会中,也可因亚文化的不同而不同。
    not only does it vary between societies, however, it also varies between different subcultures within one society.
  • 而实际上埃德蒙斯顿根本用不着计算机统计就了解美国社会的这种转变,因为他自己是出生在加拿大的白人,妻子莎朗.李(sharonlee)为社会学家,则是华裔美国人。
    But as the Canadian-born, white husband of sociologist Sharon Lee, a Chinese-American, Edmonston really needed no computer to understand the transformation under way in this society.
  • 在这座时间的密封仓里,除了画家们看到中国美术千年嬗变的渊源和走向,历史学家,考古学家,民俗学家,社会学家,建筑学家,科学史专家,音乐史专家,几乎所有领域的人们,都寻到自己的珍宝,找到独特的体悟和惊喜。
    In this sealed cabin of time, apart from artists who have discovered the origins and trends of the Chinese fine arts evolved over a thousand years, historians, archaeologists, folklorists, sociologists, architects, experts of the history of science and experts of the history of music, and scholars in almost all fields of study can also find their own jewels, inspirations and surprises.
  • 一个靠不住的工人,性不清的电灯插座
    An undependable worker; an undependable lamp socket.
  • 我再需要一个螺栓就把活干完,但周围没有一家商店有这种合适的东西,因此我只得向曼彻斯特订一个-事情要多糟有多糟!
    I needed one more bolt to finish the job, but nobody around here had the right type in stock and I had to order one from Manchester – sod's law applies again!
  • 钠和水能起反应.
    Sodium and water react (together).
  • 钠和钙的氧化物形成的混合物,吸收液体和气体。
    a mixture of sodium and calcium hydroxides; absorbs liquids and gases.
  • 说什麽都不使他软化。
    No words availed to soften him.
  • 敌人对他们施加的武力威胁未软化他们。
    The enemy's threats of force failed to soften them up.
  • 你不将你们的床叫“软舒”床,因为该商标已注册。
    You cannot call your bed' soften kumfi'- it is a registered trademark.
  • 我希望为你做点什么,来减轻你的悲哀。
    I wish there were something I could do or say to soften your grief.
  • 外围方面,虽然形势非我们所控制,但最近美元利息有下降趋势,美元币值有回软迹象,而部分对冲基金也出现了财务困难。
    As far as the external environment is concerned, although we cannot control global trends, the signs are that US interest rates are on a downward trend and the US currency is softening. Some global hedge funds are also facing financial difficulties.
  • 外围方面,虽然形势非我们够控制,未来变化难料,但最近美元利息有下降趋势,美元币值也有回软迹象,同时最近对冲基金出现财务困难,进一步促使全球各国纷纷要求加强监管这类基金和建立新的国际金融秩序,这也会对稳定香港金融市场产生正面的作用。
    As far as the external environment is concerned, although we cannot control global trends, nor predict the changes that may occur in the future, the signs are that US interest rates are on a downward trend and the US dollar is softening. The financial difficulties now being faced by global hedge funds have led to increased calls from the international community to impose tighter controls over the use of such funds and to establish a new international financial order. This development will have a positive effect on the stability of Hong Kong's financial markets.
  • 一种用于改正某一软件产品中错误及增加一些功的软件发行本
    A software release that corrects faults in a software product and may contain enhancements.
  • 吸取过量用水浸透使湿润或不
    To saturate with water and make soggy or unusable.
  • 如果三明治里的肉水分过高的话,肉外面的面包就可会变得很湿。"
    "If the water activity of the meat is too high you might get soggy bread."
  • 同志,你马上给我掌双鞋底吗?
    Comrade, can you put new soles on for me right away?
  • 不用感谢我写了这些日记,这些日记使我每天都重温我一生中仅有的几天幸福日子,这对我是很有益的。如果您看了这些日记以后,够对过去的事有所谅解的话,那么对我来说就是得到了永久的安慰。
    Do not be grateful to me. Returning each day to the only happy moments of my life does me enormous good and if, as you read, you find the past exonerated in my words, I for my part find in them a never-ending solace.
  • 如今,我们可以利用太阳做很多事情。
    We can use solar energy to do many things today.