  • 从楼房上它都敢!”
    Even a whole building!"
  • 他的仆人们也都敬爱他。
    Even his servants loved him.
  • 他甚至事实都要争辩。
    He disputes even the facts.
  • 她扮演了20多年的一个角色, 最後(从续剧中)去掉了.
    After playing the part for over 20 years, she was eventually written out (of the series).
  • (任何时候)你若到大来, 务请通知我们一声。
    If you ever cometo Dalian, be sure to let us know.
  • 带的,抽象的文化、传统、认同等课题,就变得陌生而遥远,甚至产生一种莫明的恐惧排斥心态。
    Issues such as culture, tradition and identity, which are abstract, are strange and far-fetched and may even evoke in them a sense of fear and resistance.
  • 选择Mix,当使用麦克风输入并将VCR或其它音源接到Ext。
    Select Mix if you are using the microphone input and have a VCR or other audio source plug into the Ext.
  • 续几晚熬夜,竭尽全力完成她应做的工作。
    She has been staying up at nights busting a gut over the work she has to do.
  • 那老人戴著单片眼镜,上面结著一条丝带。
    The old man wore an eyeglass attached to a piece of ribbon.
  • 那老人戴著单片眼镜,上面结著一条丝带。
    The old man wears an eyeglass attached to a piece of ribbon.
  • 利用没有针眼的直针或机器在一系列在一起的线圈中隔行穿线而编制出来的。
    created by interlacing yarn in a series of connected loops using straight eyeless needles or by machine.
  • "查尔斯对这工作一天也干不下去了,所以他决定放弃工作到南方去。"
    "Charles couldn't face another day at work, so he decided to leave it and go down to the sounth."
  • 久未生育之后,她一又生了两个儿子。
    After a fallow period, she gave birth to two sons.
  • 他的农场毗着我的农场。
    His farm joins mine.
  • 55.优化历史是由一串的迷人事件组成,其源头大概可以上溯到最早的图画。
    55. The history of painting is a fascinating chain of events that probably began with the very first pictures ever made.
  • 做成伞兵制服式的体衣服。
    one-piece garment fashioned after a parachutist's uniform.
  • 用来接或结合的扣件。
    a fastener that serves to join or link.
  • 接物能使一物与另一物相的物体,如绳、带子或钩扣
    Something, such as a tie, band, or fastener, that attaches one thing to another.
  • 吊袜带有系结物的一种吊带,于腰带之上用来撑起女子的长统袜
    A suspender strap with a fastener attached to a girdle or belt to hold up a woman's stocking.
  • 钮扣通常为圆片状的固着物,用于穿过扣眼或扣环将衣服的两个部分起来
    A generally disk-shaped fastener used to join two parts of a garment by fitting through a buttonhole or loop.
  • 我们的命运是不可分地结在一起的。
    Our fates are inextricably joined.
  • 正是这些不断推出新产品新服务的企业使美国股市续多年高涨,失业率降低而依然保持低通胀率,几乎使人们怀疑宏观经济学的基本原理了。
    Their constant innovation results in the creation of many new products and services which is the reason behind the rise of the US stock market for many years. As unemployment falls, inflation rate is kept low, a feat so phenomenal, it almost makes one doubt the soundness of the basic principles of macroeconomics.
  • 正是这些不断推出新产品新服务的企业使美国股市续多年高涨,失业率降低而依然保持低通胀率,几乎使人们怀疑宏观经济学的基本原理了。
    Their constant innovation results in the creation of many new products and services which is the reason behind the rise of the US stock market for many years. As unemployment falls, inflation rate is kept low, a feat so phenomenal, it almost makes one doubt the soundness of the basic principles of macro economics.
  • 国际续出版物联合会
    International Federation of the Periodical Press
  • 她虚弱得饭都不能吃。
    She was too feeble to feed herself.
  • 《联合早报》不久前续刊登新加坡民意处理组的调查报告。有关报告显示,在经济危机的冲击之下,绝大多数新加坡人对政府处理经济问题,社会问题以及发展国际关系方面的政策表示赞许,并对政府的能力充满信心和肯定。
    According to the Feedback Unit's survey as reported recently by Lianhe Zaobao , an overwhelming majority of Singaporeans approve of their government's policies on economic and social issues and on international relations, with full confidence in the administration's competence.
  • 利用光纤通道互,san以千兆位的速度把大量的数据包传送给服务器。
    Using Fibre Channel interconnections, SANs deliver massive packets of data to the servers at gigabit speeds.
  • 在点对点设置中,两个(且只有两个)光纤通道设备能直接接。
    In a point-to-point setup, two -- and only two -- Fibre Channel devices are directly connected.
  • 韧带一种带状或片状的坚韧的含纤维组织,主要作用是关节处接骨骼或软骨,或支持、固定某一器官
    A sheet or band of tough, fibrous tissue connecting bones or cartilages at a joint or supporting an organ.
  • 骨膜覆着骨表面的致密膜,关节处除外,起接肌肉和筋腱的作用
    The dense fibrous membrane covering the surface of bones except at the joints and serving as an attachment for muscles and tendons.
  • 胶质在一续介质中被细微分开的粒子形成的悬浮状态,粒子尺度约5至5,000埃,不会很快从该物质中分离,也不易被滤出,
    A suspension of finely divided particles in a continuous medium in which the particles are approximately5 to5, 000 angstroms in size, do not settle out of the substance rapidly, and are not readily filtered.
  • 统一资源定位器(url)过滤,它阻断与用户工作需求不应接的不适当站点的访问。
    Uniform Resource Locator filtering blocks access to inappropriate sites not connected to a user's work needs.