  • 使人蜂拥行动或仓促冲动地行动。
    cause a group or mass of people to act on an impulse or hurriedly and impulsively.
  • 原来七月中旬,湖南敌人第八军吴尚侵入宁冈,再进永新,求战不得(我军从间道出击不值),畏我众,仓卒经莲花退回茶陵。
    Originally, in mid-July, the Eighth Army from Hunan, under Wu Shang, had invaded Ningkang, penetrated to Yunghsin, sought battle with us in vain (our men tried to attack them from a side road but missed them) and then, being afraid of the masses who supported us, hurriedly retreated to Chaling via Lienhua.
  • 他试图挤著穿过人,但是过不去。
    He tried to hustle along through the crowd, but in vain.
  • 产于亚洲东南部和夏威夷岛的一种每年落叶的杂交观赏乔木,花色从乳黄色到橙色和红色。
    deciduous ornamental hybrid of southeastern Asia and Hawaii having racemes of flowers ranging in color from cream to orange and red.
  • 学徒工在操作水压机。
    A group of apprentices were operating the hydraulic press.
  • 日月潭水电站群
    Riyuetan Hydroelectric Power Stations
  • 水螅体水螅体的一营养个体,有一周围生有触须的口部
    A feeding zooid in a hydroid colony having an oral opening surrounded by tentacles.
  • 生殖芽体有生殖器官或部分生殖器官的结构,如再生性珊瑚虫或螅状的芽体
    A structure bearing or consisting of a reproductive organ or part, such as a reproductive polyp or bud in a hydroid colony.
  • 膜翅类昆虫膜翅类的任何一种昆虫,包括蜜蜂、马蜂、蚂蚁,经常有复杂的社会体有两对膜翅是这类动物的特点
    An insect of the order Hymenoptera, including the bees, wasps, and ants, often living in complex social groups and characteristically having two pairs of membranous wings.
  • 蜜蜂蜜蜂总科中膜翅目的一种带翅、体附茸毛、通常螫刺的昆虫,包括独居类和居类。它们的特点为可以用嚼吸口器采取花蜜和花粉
    Any of several winged, hairy-bodied, usually stinging insects of the superfamily Apoidea in the order Hymenoptera, including both solitary and social species and characterized by sucking and chewing mouthparts for gathering nectar and pollen.
  • 乌拉尔-阿尔泰语包括乌拉尔语族和阿尔泰语族在内的假设语
    A hypothetical language group that comprises the Uralic and Altaic language families.
  • ‘proto’在‘protolanguage(原始母语)’中是构词成分,意即另一种语言或者语言的假设起源。
    `proto' is a combining form in a word like `protolanguage' that refers to the hypothetical ancestor of another language or group of languages.
  • 众大恐慌发作起来确实难以控制。
    It's hard to control fear when a mass hysteria strikes.
  • 歇斯底里的大笑;一疯狂的私刑行动分子。
    hysterical laughter; a mob of hysterical vigilantes.
  • 必须按照网络id、集号和成员号的顺序自顶向下地构造译码。
    Translations must be built 襱op down? network ID, cluster number and member number.
  • 系统路由消息时会按照成员号、集号和网络id的顺序自底向上地处理点编码。
    When the a system routes a message it processes the point code 襜ottom up? member number, cluster number, network ID.
  • 艾达用惊奇而敏锐的眼光望了一下面前的那人。
    Ida cast a keen glance of surprise at the group before her.
  • 一个人或体接受的理想观念。
    an ideal accepted by some individual or group.
  • 到2003年,确定国家预防艾滋病的目标,认识并处理导致艾滋病蔓延以及人们易受艾滋病威胁的原因,以减少特定地方性可识别体中艾滋病病毒的携带率。
    By 2003,establish national prevention targets,recognizing and addressing factors leading to the spread of the epidemic and increasing people's vulnerability,to reduce HIV incidence for those identifiable groups,within particular local contexts.
  • 他认为他不应该和那人接近。
    He thought that he should not identify himself with that group.
  • 我们能否在加强族认同时又不会削弱国家认同,创造出一个双赢局面?
    Can we create a win-win situation whereby a gain in ethnic identity would strengthen and not weaken the national identity?
  • 同样地,加强族认同不仅不该削弱共同认同,相反地应该巩固新加坡人的共同认同。
    Similarly, strengthening of ethnic loyalty and identity must add to and not weaken the strength of a common Singaporean identity.
  • 我们能否在加强族认同时又不会削弱国家认同,创造出一个双赢局面?
    Can we create a win-win situation where by a gain in ethnic identity would strengthen and not weaken the national identity?
  • 有共同的意识形态、一起试图达到某一大体目标的一人。
    a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals.
  • 真正的问题不是件对内部网的问题,而是如何能最好地满足客户的特殊需要。
    The real question isn't groupware vs. the intranet.Rather, it's how best to meet idiosyncratic customer needs.
  • 一连五天,他们处在这种牧歌一般的生活状态中。第六天晚上,在史前巨石中的古代异教徒的太阳神神庙的著名废墟中,苔丝半开玩笑地说要在那里求庇护。
    For five days they continued in this idyllic state, and on the sixth night Tess half jestingly claimed sanctuary among the conspicuous ruins of the ancient pagan temple to the sun at Stonehenge.
  • 那些酋长任意支配那些无知的众,使他们惟命是从。
    The chiefs led the ignorant masses by the ears after them.
  • 分布较广的一个种;包含鸭嘴恐龙;和它们的早期亲戚(鸭嘴龙、粗齿龙和禽龙)。
    widespread group including duck-billed dinosaurs and their early relatives (hadrosaurs; trachodon; iguanodon).
  • 在这个人中,有许多人被迫到没有任何谋生的正当途径,不得不找寻不正当的职业过活,这就是土匪、流氓、乞丐、娼妓和许多迷信职业家的来源。
    Denied proper means of making a living, many of them are forced to resort to illegitimate ones, hence the robbers, gangsters, beggars and prostitutes and the numerous people who live on superstitious practices.
  • 新中国为提高全民族的文化水平,有计划、有步骤地开展了众性扫除文盲运动,先后于1952年、1956年和1958年掀起三次扫盲高潮。
    In order to raise the cultural level of the entire nation, New China launched a planned campaign to gradually wipe out illiteracy. The mass campaign witnessed three upsurges in 1952, 1956 and 1958.
  • 毛泽东同志在第七次大会所作的政治报告中关于党的作风的部分,刘少奇同志在第七次大会所作的关于修改党章的报告中关于党章的总纲部分,对于众路线问题都作了精辟的解释。
    At the same Congress, illuminating explanations of the mass line were given by Comrade Mao Zedong in his political report when he spoke about the Party's work style, and also by Comrade Liu Shaoqi when he dealt with the General Programme in his report on the revision of the Party Constitution.
  • 人是居动物;度过了一个轻松的社交夜;不成熟的社交行为。
    human beings are social animals; spent a relaxed social evening; immature social behavior.