  • 支票,转帐和直接借记业务可以通过元进行交易;
    checks, credit transfers and direct debits can be denominated in them;
  • 改善洲经济的一项超国家计划
    a transnational program for improving the economy of Europe
  • 我去年去欧洲旅行。
    I traveled to Europe last year.
  • 她游遍了欧洲。
    She has traveled all over Europe.
  • 极经济地到欧洲旅游
    Traveled to Europe on the cheap.
  • 她知道我在汤姆斯从事无线电事业前,曾一度做他的私人经理。那时汤姆斯到洲各地去旅行,在那段旅行期间,我帮助汤姆斯录下他沿途上的所见所闻。
    She had discovered that I had once been Lowell Thomas’ manager before he went on the radio and that I had traveled in Europe a great deal while helping him prepare the illustrated travel talks he was then delivering.
  • 弗兰克游遍了整个洲。
    Frank has traveled all the highways and byways of Europe.
  • 他在欧洲四处旅行。
    He travelled aboutin Europe.
  • 他们周游了整个洲。
    They travelled all over Europe.
  • 他遍游欧洲各地.
    He has travelled extensively in Europe.
  • 你的洲旅行愉快吗?
    Did you enjoy your travels in Europe?
  • 洲的一种生命力很强的、落叶的乔木状灌木,通常沿路边生长;红色的浆果可变成黑色。
    vigorous deciduous European treelike shrub common along waysides; red berries turn black.
  • 即使在洲人到来之後,这些部落仍固守著它们古老的信仰
    The tribe cleaved to their old belief even after the European arrived
  • 即使在洲人到来之後,这些部落仍固守著它们古老的信仰
    The tribe cleaved to their old belief even after the European arrived
  • 洲产的一种矮生金雀花,叶具有三小叶,花带黄白色。
    low European broom having trifoliate leaves and yellowish-white flowers.
  • 洲草,黄绿色花类似并和延龄草关系密切;被认为有毒。
    European herb with yelow-green flowers resembling and closely related to the trilliums; reputed to be poisonous.
  • 美好的欧洲之旅
    A fantastic trip to Europe.
  • 双粒小麦一种亚小麦(双粒小麦小麦属),最初由巴比伦人种植,现在作为一种谷物和畜牧饲料广泛种植
    A Eurasian wheat(Triticum dicoccum) first cultivated by the Babylonians and now widely grown as a cereal grain and as livestock feed.
  • 双粒小麦一种亚小麦(双粒小麦小麦属),最初由巴比伦人种植,现在作为一种谷物和畜牧饲料广泛种植
    A Eurasian wheat(Triticum dicoccum) first cultivated by the Babylonians and now widely grown as a cereal grain and as livestock feed.
  • 龙骑兵17、18世纪洲军队中全副武装的步兵
    A heavily armed trooper in some European armies of the17th and18th centuries.
  • 普通洲多年生草,遍布世界各地;一种棘手的杂草。
    common European perennial naturalized worldwide; a troublesome weed.
  • 美国已经引入的洲狐尾植物;通常是一种害草。
    European foxtail naturalized in North America; often a troublesome weed.
  • 有可食用块茎的洲草本植物,在苏格兰用于威士忌的调味。
    European herb bearing small tubers used for food and in Scotland to flavor whiskey.
  • 长有中心低垂的圆形的块茎和圆形的心脏形的叶子的广泛的栽培的开花洲草本的属。
    genus of widely cultivated flowering Eurasian herbs with centrally depressed rounded tubers and rounded heart-shaped leaves.
  • 慈菇,宽叶慈菇亚种植物的可食用块茎慈菇或北美种植物的可食用块茎宽叶慈菇
    The edible tubers of the Eurasian species S. sagittifolia or of the North American species S. latifolia.
  • dactylorhiza属兰花的任何一种,有手指状块茎;产自洲和地中海地区。
    any of several orchids of the genus Dactylorhiza having fingerlike tuberous roots; Europe and Mediterranean region.
  • 天南星科的模式属;亚产的一个多年生草本属,块茎,通常具心形叶。
    type genus of the Araceae: tuberous perennial herbs of Europe and Asia with usually heart-shaped leaves.
  • 文都铎传下来的英国王室;都铎君王从亨利七世统治到伊丽莎白一世(1485-1603)。
    an English royal family descended from Owen Tudor; Tudor monarchs ruled from Henry VII to Elizabeth I (from 1485 to 1603).
  • 一种产于亚的郁金香,花小,有带有白边的红色花被。
    Eurasian tulip with small flowers blotched at the base.
  • 据经营这家网吧的科内说,光顾这里的大部分是18到20岁的女孩子,她们向往洲、加拿大或者美国的舒适生活,希望能找到一个白人给自己提供一张到达那里的机票。
    Kone Adjouma, who runs the Cyber Center where Mohammed works, says most of his customers are 18-to-20-year-old girls who see a white man as their ticket to a better life in Europe, Canada or the United States.
  • 相续的启蒙运动和工业革命使到洲有了翻天覆地的变革,尤其是在意识形态、社会制度方面大大超脱了封建束缚,使洲呈现出一个崭新的局面。
    The Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution that followed caused a tumultuous transformation in Europe. Shaking off its feudal shackles in ideology and social systems, Europe created a brave new world for itself.
  • 洲草,多用作干草,在美国也作草坪和绿肥作物。
    European grass much used for hay and in United States also for turf and green manure.