  • 该协定融合了《伯尔尼公约》中的实体款,允许成员对版权持有人的权利进行稍微的(minor)的限制。
    The Agreement, incorporating the substantive provisions of the Berne Convention (1971), allows Members to place minor limitations on the exclusive rights of copyright owners.
  • 但伯尔尼公约1971年文本第18应在原则上适用于表演者权及录音制品制作者权。
    However, the provisions of Article 18 of the Berne Convention (1971) shall also apply, mutatis mutandis, to the rights of performers and producers of phonograms in phonograms.
  • 对于本款和本第3款、第4款,已有作品的版权保护义务,应只依照伯尔尼公约1971年文本第十八而定,对已有录音制品中的制作者权与表演者权的保护义务,在适用本协议第十四第6款时,也只依照伯尔尼公约1971年文本第十八而定。
    In respect of this paragraph and paragraphs 3 and 4, copyright obligations with respect to existing works shall be solely determined under Article 18 of the Berne Convention (1971), and obligations with respect to the rights of producers of phonograms and performers in existing phonograms shall be determined solely under Article 18 of the Berne Convention (1971) as made applicable under paragraph 6 of Article 14 of this Agreement.
  • 任何成员如果可能适用伯尔尼公约第六或罗马公约第十六第1款(b)项者,应依照规定通知“与贸易有关的知识产权理事会”。
    Any Member availing itself of the possibilities provided in Article 6 of the Berne Convention (1971) or paragraph 1(b) of Article 16 of the Rome Convention shall make a notification as foreseen in those provisions to the Council for TRIPS.
  • 2.本协议第一至第四部分之所有规定,均不得有损于成员之间依照巴黎公约、伯尔尼公约、罗马公约及集成电路知识产权约已经承担的现有义务。
    2. Nothing in Parts I to IV of this Agreement shall derogate from existing obligations that Members may have to each other under the Paris Convention, the Berne Convention, the Rome Convention and the Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits.
  • 《伯尔尼公约》第11之二的第一点给予文学和艺术作品(包括音乐作品)的作者在以下方面有专有权:授权广播或其它类无线播放他们的作品,以及通过扩音器或其它模拟设备公开播放他们的作品。
    Article 11bis(1) of the Berne Convention grants the authors of literary and artistic works, including musical works, the exclusive right of authorizing not only the broadcasting and other wireless communication of their works, but also the public communication of a broadcast of their works by loudspeaker or any other analogous instrument.
  • 1.除巴黎公约1967年文本、伯尔尼公约1971年文本、罗马公约及集成电路知识产权约已规定的例外,各成员在知识产权保护上〖zw(3〗就本协议第三、第四而言,所谓“保护",既应包括涉及本协议专指之知识产权之利用的事宜,也应包括涉及知识产权之效力、获得、范围、维护及行使的诸项事宜。〖zw)〗,对其他成员之国民提供的待遇,不得低于其本国国民。
    1. Each Member shall accord to the nationals of other Members treatment no less favourable than that it accords to its own nationals with regard to the protection[3] of intellectual property, subject to the exceptions already provided in, respectively, the Paris Convention (1967), the Berne Convention (1971), the Rome Convention or the Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits.
  • 阿勒河瑞士中北部的一河,发源于伯尔尼阿尔卑斯山区,流程约295公里(183英里),在瑞士──德国的边境汇入莱茵河
    A river of central and northern Switzerland rising in the Bernese Alps and flowing about295 km(183 mi) to join the Rhine River at the Swiss-German border.
  • 肉糜压缩饼一种北美印第安人用干瘦肉捣碎并拌上油脂和浆果然后压制成小饼的食品
    A food prepared by Native Americans from lean, dried strips of meat pounded into paste, mixed with fat and berries, and pressed into small cakes.
  • 路沿着河边延伸。
    The road runs beside the river.
  • 自《消防安全(商业处所)例》于一九九七年五月实施后,屋宇署联同消防处共视察了295间订明商业处所(银行、投注站、珠宝店、商场和超级市场),并向其中159间订明商业处所发出共404份消防安全指示,要求改善消防安全设施。
    Since the implementation of the Fire Safety (Commercial Premises) Ordinance in May 1997, joint inspections have been carried out with the Fire Services Department to 295 prescribed commercial premises (banks, betting centres, jewellery shops, shopping arcades, supermarkets). Subsequently, 404 Fire Safety Directions were served to 159 prescribed commercial premises requiring the improvement of fire safety measures.
  • 一个城镇连接著另一个城镇,两者之间有一路。
    One town ends where the next begins and there's a road that runs between.
  • 英葡条约
    Pact Between England and Portugal
  • 当心这条狗。
    Beware the dog.
  • 留心那条狗!
    Beware of that dog!
  • 他引述圣经以支持自己的信
    He quotes the Bible to support his belief.
  •  第九十七著录事项变更费、实用新型专利检索报告费、中止程序请求费、强制许可请求费、强制许可使用费的裁决请求费、无效宣告请求费应当自提出请求之日起1个月内,按照规定缴纳;
    Rule 97 The fee for a change in the bibliographic data, fee for establishing a search report on a utility model patent, fee for requesting suspension of the patent procedure, fee for requesting a compulsory license, fee for requesting adjudication on exploitation fee of a compulsory license and fee for requesting invalidation shall be paid as prescribed within one month from the date on which such request is filed.
  • 钓上一条大鲇鱼
    Landed a big catfish.
  • 约翰回家后就夸耀自己捉到了一大鱼,但当他看到妹妹捉到一更大的鱼时,他感到难堪极了。
    John came home boasting about the fish he had caught; it took the wind out of his sails when he found his little sister had caught a bigger one.
  • 在经济萧期间,几家最大的银行破产了。
    Several of the biggest banks failed during the depression.
  • 自由的,不拘泥的不受传统的、正统的、公认的或专制的态度、观点或信限制的;不盲从的
    Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
  • 依附在船底外的两纵长的鳍板之一;减少船的摇晃。
    either of two lengthwise fins attached along the outside of a ship's bilge; reduces rolling.
  • 毕竟,有多少人有件说他们精通双语?
    After all, how many people can say they are effectively bilingual?
  • 香港现行的例均为双语法例,中英文本同为真确版本。
    All ordinances in force in the HKSAR are bilingual, and their Chinese and English texts are equally authentic.
  • 律政司法律草拟科设有双语法律词汇资料库,收录了约三万
    The Law Drafting Division of that department keeps a bilingual legal glossary in a database that has about 30000 entries.
  • 律政司法律草拟科设有双语法律辞汇资料库,收录了三万多
    The Law Drafting Division of that department keeps a bilingual legal glossary in a database which has 30 000-odd entries.
  • 证券及期货例草案。
    Securities and Futures Bill
  • 重点发展电子信息、生物工程和新医药、光机电一体化、新材料、环保与资源综合利用五大行业,建设软件、微电子、电子及通讯、计算机及网络、新材料等高新技术产业基地,着力开发培育一批拥有自主知识产权的名牌高新技术产品,引进国内外大公司和跨国公司的技术和资金,为科技奥运创造件。
    Priorities will be given to the development of 5 industries including electronics and information, bioengineering and new medicine, optical, mechanical and electrical integration, new materials, and environment protection and multi-purpose utilization of resources. New and high technology bases will be built for the development of software, microelectronics, electronics and telecommunications, computer and networking, and new materials. Efforts will be made to develop a series of high technology products with self-owned intellectual property rights and introduce technology and capital from domestic and foreign corporations and multinationals, so as to provide strong technological support for the Olympic Games.
  • 那条狗用牙咬住它。
    The dog bit at it
  • 我们那母狗应能生一窝很好的小狗. 我们让约翰的狗给她配了种.
    Our bitch should produce a fine litter. We mated her with John's dog.
  • 吉尔主动表示,等她家的母狗下次产仔时,优先送我一最漂亮的小狗。
    Gill has offered me first refusal of the best puppy in her bitch's next litter.
  • 这条鱼不肯咬钩。
    The fish would not bite.