  • 此项工作数十年坚持不懈,近年还从市场上以巨资购回宋代张先《十咏图卷》,元代迺贤《城南詠古诗》,明代沈周《仿黄公望富春山图卷》,清代石涛《高呼与可图卷》等,尤其前两件是溥仪以赏溥杰为名从宫中盗出而流散民间的,今日复归宝藏。
    Unremitting though this attempt at recovery has been, however, there have been further exertions in recent years to acquire such works as Zhang Xian's "Shi yong tu juan" (Song Dynasty), Nai Xian's "Cheng nan yong gu shi" (Yuan Dynasty), Shen Zhou's "Fang huang gong wang fu chun shan ju tu juan" (Ming Dynasty), Shi Tao's "Gao hu yu ke tu" (Qing Dynasty). The first two were in fact spirited out of the palace by Puyi on the excuse of bestowing them on his brother Pu Jie; they fell into the hands of others and are only now returned to their rightful place in the Palace Museum collection.
  • 比昂第在职4×200米自由泳接力赛中后来上并最终获用叠次刷新了世界纪录,他的队友都为之欣喜若狂。
    His teammates were jubilant as they watched Biondi complete a come-from-behind American victory in the 4×200-meter freestyle relay, posting yet another world record time.
  • 古犹大人古代犹大王国人或住者
    A native or inhabitant of the ancient kingdom of Judah.
  • 相反的,它把国家治理得更好,人民安乐业,政局安定,这虽不能自夸是自由民主政治中的奇迹,但这是铁一般的事实。
    Moreover, the PAP has been governing judiciously. The people live a happy life, and the country enjoys peace and stability. This is little short of a miracle among the democracies. But this is the fact like iron.
  • (似)丛林地带的;丛林地带民的
    Of, like or from the jungle or its inhabitants
  • 彼尔姆苏联东欧部分一城市,位于卡马河畔、乌拉尔山脉的山脚下。从很早的时候就有人住,在19世纪迅速发展成为一个工业中心。人口1,056,000
    A city of eastern European U.S.S.R. on the Kama River in the foothills of the Ural Mountains. Settled since early times, it grew rapidly as an industrial center in the19th century. Population,1, 056, 000.
  • (有关)堪萨斯州或其民的
    Of or relating to Kansas or its residents.
  • 牛顿美国堪萨斯州中南部城市,位于维使塔北部。沙俄孟诺派信徒曾在19世纪70年代定于此。人口16,700
    A city of south-central Kansas north of Wichita. Russian Mennonites settled here in the early1870's. Population,16, 700.
  • 坎萨人原住在堪萨斯州东部和中部的美洲印第安人,现在住在俄克拉荷马州东部
    A Native American people formerly inhabiting eastern and central Kansas, with a present-day population in eastern Oklahoma.
  • 全国城乡民的营养状况有了较大改善,平均每人每日摄取的热量为2600千卡,蛋白质为75克,已达到和接近世界平均水平。
    The diet of urban and rural people throughout the country has greatly improved, the per-capita daily heat intake has reached 2,600 Kcal. and that of protein has reached 75 grammes, having reached or approaching the world average levels.
  • 但是石头墙使这家农民的母牛不会加入到邻的牛群中去。
    But the stone walls keep the farmer's cows from joining his neighbor's cows.
  • 材料的昂贵费用使价格高不下。
    The high cost of materials keeps up prices.
  • 但是调查人员没有确凿的证据将这一案件和肯尼联系起来。肯尼后来移他处,两年后才又回到罗得岛。
    But investigators had nothing concrete to link the crime to Kenny, who subsequently moved away for two years before returning to Rhode Island.
  • 肯特郡的英国肯特郡的;与肯特郡或其民有关的
    Of or relating to Kent, England, or its inhabitants.
  • 一个肯尼亚的土著或民。
    a native or inhabitant of Kenya.
  • 一些已知的重要物种,在生态系统中扮演的角色超出他们在数量上的比例。这样的话,即使数量上很少的变化对他们所住地方的生态系统也会产生很大的影响。
    Some, known as keystone species, play a role in ecosystems that seems out of proportion to their number, such that even small changes in their abundance may have great impacts on the ecosystems in which they live.
  • 哈拉和林蒙古中部一座已成废墟的古城。从公元1世纪开始,突厥部落在此住。1220年该城为成吉思汗的首都,但于1267年被忽必烈汗遗弃
    A ruined ancient Mongol city in central Mongolia. Inhabited by Turkic tribes from the first century a.d., it became Genghis Khan's capital c.1220 but was abandoned by Kublai Khan in1267.
  • 回鹘人落西域及其建立的这些地方政权与中原王朝关系十分密切,喀喇汗王朝的统治者就自称“桃花石汗”,意即“中国之汗”,表示自己是属于中国的。
    The Uighur local regimes had very close relations with the ruling dynasties in the Central Plains. The ruler of the Karahan Kingdom called himself the “Peach Stone Khan,” meaning “Chinese Khan,” to indicate that he was a Chinese subject.
  • 乌兹别克亚州中西部的一个历史地区。在古代即有人住,曾被亚历山大一世,成吉思汗,泰摩兰占领,后在16世纪中期被乌兹别克人占领。俄罗斯人在19世纪占领此地区
    A historical region of west-central Asia. Settled in ancient times, it was conquered by Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, and Tamerlane and finally overrun by Uzbek peoples in the early16th century. Russia conquered the area in the19th century.
  • 全年城乡民生活用电53亿千瓦时,比上年增长11%;
    in the year, urban and rural households consumed 5.3 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity for living, an increase of 11 percent from that in the previous year;
  • 他唯一的最近亲是住在苏格兰的姑母。
    His only next of kin is an aunt living in Scotland.
  • 住在世界各地的华人都是我们的骨肉同胞。
    Chinese people living all over the world are our kith and kin.
  • “谈这题目倒不错!还有那个漂亮的小寡妇,我很想知道她的历史。她是本地人呢,还是,更可能的是一个外乡人,因此这乖戾的本地民就跟她合不来。”
    `A good subject to start--and that pretty girl-widow, I should like to know her history: whether she be a native of the country, or, as is more probable, an exotic that the surly indigenae will not recognize for kin.'
  • 达赖喇嘛在国外的大部分亲属曾回国参观、探亲,自1979年以来,西藏和其他藏区已经接待了回国探亲、参观旅游的国外藏胞8000余人,安置了回国定的藏胞近2000人。
    Most of the Dalai Lama's kin residing abroad have made return visits to China. Since 1979, Tibet and other Tibetan-inhabited areas have received some 8,000 overseas Tibetans who came to visit relatives or for sightseeing, and helped settle nearly 2,000 Tibetan compatriots.
  • 基奥瓦族早期住于大平原南部,现今住在俄克拉荷马州西南部的北美印第安民族。17世纪晚期基奥瓦人从蒙大拿州西部的更早的领地移到大平原
    A Native American people formerly inhabiting the southern Great Plains, with a present-day population in southwest Oklahoma. The Kiowa migrated onto the plains in the late17th century from an earlier territory in western Montana.
  • 吉尔吉斯人主要住在吉尔吉斯的游牧传统民族的一员
    A member of a traditionally nomadic people living principally in Kirghiz.
  • 到泽西市巡视以前,布什总统在曼彻斯特镇休闲山庄退休社区的300民听众面前大力宣扬社会安全计划。
    Before his Jersey City appearance, Bush made a strong pitch on behalf of Social Security program before an audience of 300 residents of the Leisure Knoll retirement community in Manchester Township.
  • 没想到你然认识他!
    Fancy your knowing him!
  • 朝鲜人朝鲜本地人或
    A native or inhabitant of Korea.
  • 一个说朝鲜语的本地人或民。
    a native or inhabitant of Korea who speaks the Korean language.
  • 库尔德人住在库尔德斯坦跨国地区的一个游牧和农业民族的成员
    A member of a pastoral and agricultural people inhabiting the transnational region of Kurdistan.
  • 一个科威特的土著或民。
    a native or inhabitant of Kuwait.