  • 队非饥饿中的人们马上得到食物,则他们将在一周内相继死去。
    Unless the starving people get food immediately, they will die off within a week.
  • 珍妮:对不起,先生,能告诉我这个地区是有文具店吗?
    Jane: Excuse me,Sir.Could you tell me if there are any stationery stores in this area?
  • 珍妮:对不起,先生,能告诉我这个地区是有文具店吗?
    Jane: Excuse me, Sir. Could you tell me if there are any stationery stores in this area?
  • 万一没有直达船,能允许转运呢?
    In case there is no direct steamer, will you consider allow transshipment?
  • 当史瓦布问他为什么这么早来公司时,这位储备速记员说他是来看看史瓦布先生是有什么急的信件或电报要处理。
    There, in the dawn's faint light, was a clerk from the company's stenography pool.When Schwab wondered what he was doing there were any letters or telegrams Schwab wanted sent right away.
  • 除非你把音响的声音关小点儿,则我就报警!
    Unless you turn down that loud stereo, I'll call the police!
  • 请您告诉我现行英国倾向的兑换率?
    Can you tell me the current rate for sterling, please?
  • 请您告诉我现行英国货币的兑换率?
    Could you tell me the current rate for sterling, please?
  • 大多数英国银行需要收到提款的事先通知才能让你取款,则你只能在机场或港口兑换英镑(尽管汇率不太合算)。
    Most UK banks need advance notice of your requirements, otherwise change sterling at the airport or port (though exchange rates are less favorable).
  • 上帝对此是有严厉的谴责呢?
    And doesn' t God have stern words on the subject?
  • 一位空中小姐走过来,问他是想要些饮料。
    An air stewardess came and asked him if he would like some drink.
  • 空中小姐,可带我到我的座位?
    Stewardess, will you direct me to my seat?
  • 能源部、国防部秘书长的代表们基本上定了国会指出的中美之间有涉及核武器“储备、管理、安全和使用控制”等供国会禁止的合作项目。
    Representatives for the Secretaries of Defense and Energy essentially denied to Congress that there were, or ever had been, any US-PRC 'cooperative' programs involving nuclear weapons "stockpile stewardship safety and use control "for Congress to "prohibit."
  • 则,由于激发更多的蛰刺细胞,实际上会使伤势更加严重。
    Otherwise, you could actually make it worse by triggering more stinging cells.
  • 水渍险是包括甲板上装货的规定?
    Does a W. P. A. policy include a deck loading stipulation?
  • 小瓶真的照办了,而且比她期望的还快,她还没有喝到一半,头已经碰到了天花板,因此,必须立即停止,不能再喝了!则脖子要给折断了。
    It did so indeed, and much sooner than she had expected: before she had drunk half the bottle, she found her head pressing against the ceiling, and had to stoop to save her neck from being broken.
  • 连电话、煮食炉和雪柜?
    Does it come with a phone, stove and fridge?
  • 一种平的硬矩形横木(金属或木头)可以用来画直线(或检验它们是直立)。
    a flat rigid rectangular bar (metal or wood) that can be used to draw straight lines (or test their straightness).
  • 回忆一下过去两周是有扭伤的情况?
    Do you remember straining your back in any way during the past two weeks?
  • 飞机起飞前确定你是系紧了安全带。
    Make sure you are firmly strapped in before the plane takes off.
  • 你是感到疲惫不堪和压力重重呢?
    Feeling tired and stressed out?
  • 今天的大学生们对是问题有坚定的看法。
    College students today have strong opinions about right and wrong.
  • 不容认的事实是他已被抓起来了。
    The stubborn fact remains that he has been arrested.
  • 他曾经坐过牢,这是不可认的事实。
    The stubborn fact remains that he has been in prison.
  • 第一:看一看你的卧室是太暖或太冷?太吵?通风不好?保持卧室光线偏暗,通风良好,保持室内安静。
    First,check that your bedroom isn't too hot or cold,noisy or stuffy.Keep it dark,well ventilated and quiet.
  • 当心不要撞在那张桌子上,则,会打翻上面的全部摆设。
    Be careful not to stumble against that table, or you’ll upset the whole bag of tricks.
  • 然而究竟能确定地保卫不失,不决定于主观的愿望,而决定于具体的条件。
    But whether we can be certain of holding them depends not on our subjective desires but on concrete conditions.
  • 判定认识或理论之是真理,不是依主观上觉得如何而定,而是依客观上社会实践的结果如何而定。
    The truth of any knowledge or theory is determined not by subjective feelings, but by objective results in social practice.
  • 不会再允许他向法庭上诉了,法庭已对此作出定裁决了。
    He will not be allowed to make his submission: the court has ruled against it.
  • 一种查明希望的某些设施是可供使用的测试,某些设施可以是用户线路或干线等。
    A test made to find out whether or not certain facilities which may be desired, such as a subscriber's line or trunk, are available for use.
  • 其后虽有国会议员提出决议案反对总统的决定,但决议案于七月二十七日在众议院遭决。
    A resolution disapproving his decision was subsequently introduced but was voted down in the House of Representatives on July 27.
  • 财务问题是这一项目是获准的附带问题。
    The question of finance is subsidiary to the question of whether the project will be approved.