  • 美國賓夕法尼亞州東部城市,位於特拉華河上,是費城的一個工業區。
    a city of southeastern Pennsylvania on the Delaware river (an industrial suburb of Philadelphia).
  • 蒂科剋族在切薩皮剋灣與大西洋海岸間,原先居住在特拉華州和馬裏蘭州東部的美洲土著人
    A Native American people formerly inhabiting Delaware and eastern Maryland between the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic coast.
  • 索爾茲伯美國馬裏蘭州東部一城市,位於特拉華州丹佛以的東海岸城市,是加工業和製造業中心。人口20,592
    A city of southeast Maryland on the Eastern Shore south of Dover, Delaware. It is a processing and manufacturing center. Population,20, 592.
  • 切斯特美國賓夕法尼亞州東部城市,位於費城郊區處特拉華河上。確認為高原區,是威廉·佩思於1682年首次在美洲登陸的舊址,也是州內最古老的城市。人口41,856
    A city of southeast Pennsylvania on the Delaware River, an industrial suburb of Philadelphia. Established as Upland, it was the site of William Penn's first landing in America(1682) and is the oldest city in the state. Population,41, 856.
  • 賓西法尼亞最大城市;位於賓西法尼亞東部特拉華河沿岸;是獨立禮堂所在地,在此宣佈獨立和製訂憲法;賓西法尼亞大學所在地。
    the largest city in Pennsylvania; located in the southeastern part of the state on the Delaware river; site of Independence Hall where the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were signed; site of the University of Pennsylvania.
  • 在舉行人囗調查以前,各州得按照下列數目選舉衆議員:新罕布什爾三人、麻薩諸塞八人、羅德島及普羅維登斯墾殖區一人、康涅狄格五人、紐約州六人.新澤西四人、賓夕法尼亞八人、特拉華一人、馬裏蘭六人、弗吉尼亞十人、北卡羅來納五人、卡羅來納五人、喬治亞三人。
    and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New-York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three.
  • 這時,英國代表按事先策劃,提出了所謂的“折衷”方案,把中國藏族居住的所有地區劃分為“內藏”、“外藏”兩部分,“內藏”包括青海、甘肅、四川、等省的藏族居住地區,由中國政府直接管轄;
    When these demands were rejected by the representative of the Chinese government, the British delegate introduced the pre-arranged "compromise" scheme, which divided China's Tibetan-inhabited areas into "inner Tibet" and "outer Tibet." "Inner Tibet," including Tibetan-inhabited areas in Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan and Yunnan provinces, would be under the jurisdiction of the Chinese government.
  • 賈巴爾普爾印度中部一城市,位於德裏的東。它是一個製造業中心和鐵路樞紐。人口614,162
    A city of central India south-southeast of Delhi. It is a manufacturing center and rail junction. Population,614, 162.
  • 科塔印度西北一城市,位於德裏西。該城被巨大的城墻所包圍,是一個農業市場,而且有許多精美的寺廟。人口358,241
    A city of northwest India south-southwest of Delhi. Enclosed by a massive wall, it is an agricultural market and has many fine temples. Population,358, 241.
  • 焦特布爾印度西部城市,位於德裏市西。是始建於13世紀的一個前公國的中心,並是重要的羊毛市場。人口506,345
    A city of western India southwest of Delhi. Center of a former principality founded in the13th century, it is an important wool market. Population,506, 345.
  • 齋浦爾印度西北部城市,位於德裏西。建於1728年,曾是12世紀建立的古國的中心,並且以其城墻、防禦工事和許多房屋呈粉紅色而聞名。人口977,165
    A city of northwest India south-southwest of Delhi. The center of a former state established in the12th century, Jaipur was founded in1728 and is noted for its walls and fortifications and the pink color of many of its houses. Population,977, 165.
  • 一個年輕美貌的姑娘正斜靠在壁板上,她的頭髮黑得象烏玉一般,眼睛象羚羊的眼睛一般溫柔,她那富有古希臘雕刻之美的纖細的手指,正在撫弄一束石花,那花瓣被撕碎了散播在地板上。
    A young and beautiful girl, with hair as black as jet, her eyes as velvety as the gazelle's, was leaning with her back against the wainscot, rubbing in her slender delicately moulded fingers a bunch of heath blossoms, the flowers of which she was picking off and strewing on the floor;
  • 1727年,設駐藏大臣,代表中央監督西藏地方行政,西藏與四川、、青海的界綫,也於此時派員正式勘定。
    From 1727, High commissioners were stationed in Tibet to supervise local administration on behalf of the central authorities. Officials were also assigned about this time to survey and delimit the borders between Tibet (i.e. Xizang) and Sichuan, Yunnan and Qinghai.
  • 歐洲部一種無樹枝,擁有大釘狀花穗(蘭色、紫色或粉紅色)的飛燕草;有時歸於毛莨科。
    commonly cultivated larkspur of southern Europe having unbranched spikelike racemes of blue or sometimes purplish or pinkish flowers; sometime placed in genus Delphinium.
  • 馬斯河默茲河的一部分,嚮西流經荷蘭郊與萊茵河相匯而形成一片衝積三角洲
    A section of the Meuse River flowing westward through the southern Netherlands to a joint delta with the Rhine River.
  • 這項檢討的一個特點,是它兼顧了華地區,特別是珠江三角洲的發展趨勢。
    It also took account of development trends in South China, especially in the Pearl River Delta Region.
  • 西北部的猞猁生活在樹木綫以下,而西部的猞猁數量最多,此外,加拿大的馬更些三角洲也有猞猁出沒。
    Within the Northwest Territories, lynx are found below the treeline and are most numerous in the southwest and in the Mackenzie Delta.
  • 埃及首都和非洲最大的城市;尼羅河三角州部的一個主要港口;曾是法老的家乡。
    the capital of Egypt and the largest city in Africa; a major port just S of the Nile Delta; formerly the home of the Pharaohs.
  • 湄公河東亞一河流,流程約為4,183公裏(即2,600英裏),源自中國東部,經越部一大三角洲註入中國海。湄公河三角洲是一主要的産稻區,越戰期間此處戰鬥十分激烈
    A river of southeast Asia flowing about4, 183 km(2, 600 mi) from southeast China to the South China Sea through a vast delta in southern Vietnam. The delta, a major rice-growing area, was the scene of heavy fighting during the Vietnam War.
  • 廣州中國部一城市,位於中國海沿岸一三角洲上。為廣東省省會。人口2,570,000
    A city of southern China on a delta near the South China Sea. It is the capital of Guangdong province. Population,2, 570, 000.
  • 阿斯特拉罕蘇聯歐洲部分東部一城市,位於伏爾加河三角洲上,這個韃靼人的城市曾於1556年被惡魔伊萬徵服。人口493,000
    A city of southeast European U.S.S.R. on the Volga River delta. The Tartar city was conquered by Ivan the Terrible in1556. Population,493, 000.
  • 福州中國東部一城市,靠近閩江三角洲。從10世紀起成為福建的省會。人口754,500
    A city of southeast China on the Min River delta. Fuzhou has been the capital of Fujian province since the tenth century. Population,754, 500.
  • 位於中國東沿海的澳門,包括澳門半島和兩個位於珠江三角洲的凼仔島和路環島。
    Macau, on the southeast coast of China, consits of the Macau peninsula and the two offshore islands of Taipa and Coloane in the Pearl River delta.
  • 哈考特港尼日利亞部城市,位於伊巴丹東部的尼羅河三角洲。該市於1912年由英國人建成,是一個火車終點站及製造中心。人口288,900
    A city of southern Nigeria in the Niger River delta southeast of Ibadan. Laid out by the British in1912, it is a rail terminus and manufacturing center. Population,288, 900.
  • 阿巴丹伊朗西部一城市,位於阿巴丹島上,在波斯灣上部沙特阿拉伯三角洲地帶。這個城市的煉油廠在1980年和與伊拉剋的戰爭中遭到嚴重破壞。人口296,081
    A city of southwest Iran on Abadan Island in the delta of the Shatt al Arab at the head of the Persian Gulf. The city's oil installations were heavily damaged in1980 during the war with Iraq. Population,296, 081.
  • 山廳是新近裝修的豪華廳,雖然不大,但足以容納18位客人,我想你們一定會滿意的。
    This dining-room is a deluxe one which is newly decorated and well equipped. It's only a bit small, but spacious enough for eighteen people. I think it'll be satisfactory.
  • 2000年12月,中國與越簽訂了北部灣劃界協定。
    In December 2000, China and Viet Nam entered into the Beibu Gulf Demarcation Agreement.
  • 中國真正的北界綫是淮河,淮河以就叫方,不是長江以纔叫方。
    The Huaihe is the actual demarcation line between northern and southern China. The ``South'' refers to the area south of the Huaihe, not south of the Yangtze.
  • 鄧小平同志方談話以後,十四大確立社會主義市場經濟體製的改革目標,改革開放和現代化建設進入新的階段。
    After the demise of Comrade Deng Xiaoping, we held high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and made pioneering efforts to advance the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics into the 21st century in an all-round way.
  • 波旁社會政治上的反動分子,尤指方民主黨中持極端保守觀點的反動分子
    A sociopolitical reactionary, especially a southern Democrat with highly conservative views.
  • 說這個機會獨特,不僅因為這可能是我從政界退休前在著名學府做的最後一次演講,而且幾乎可以肯定地說,這是非第一屆民主選舉政府任內我所進行的最後一次國事訪問中所做的演講了。
    The occasion is unique not so much because this is probably the last address before I retire from public life I shall be giving to an institution of learning that has honored me with a degree on what is almost certainly the last state visit that I shall be making during the life of South Africa's first democratically elected government.
  • 美國原來的一個政黨;方民主黨人於1948年建立,他們反對杜魯門的候選人資格。
    a former political party in the US; formed in 1948 by Southern Democrats opposed to the candidacy of Harry S Truman.