  • 不过,随着类似netscape及戴尔电脑公司这样的美国公司纷纷在印度设立办事处,寻找it职位的人也许会多少有欣慰。
    But with American companies like Netscape and Dell Computers setting up offices in India, IT job seekers might find themselves acceptign a reasonable compromise.
  • 种子似乎很顽强。
    some weeds seem inextirpable.
  • 远处之物看上去小
    Things far off seem small.
  • 努力似乎全都白费了。
    All these efforts seem in vain.
  • 那些书好像不见了。
    The books seem to be lost.
  • 日子来我常看见这位老人,看上去挺孤独的样子。
    I've seen die old man around these days, seeming lonely.
  • 是那看起来不公正的行为使工人们突然采取了行动。
    It was the seeming injustice that stampeded the workers into action.
  • 克林顿先生竞选时感情奔放,并且似乎有放浪形骸。他希望他因兵役记录所引起的风波过后,他的竞选能峰回路转渐入佳境。
    Mr.Clinton campaigned with passion and seeming abandon, hoping that his campaign had now bottomed out after the furor over his draft history and was on the upswing.
  • 尽管他表面上很富有但事实上他没钱付租金;委员会研究了一表面差异;他们的理论的表面的事实;他表面上很诚实。
    for all his apparent wealth he had no money to pay the rent; the committee investigated some apparent discrepancies; the ostensible truth of their theories; his seeming honesty.
  • 令我感到烦躁的是一似乎不能被改变的观念,例如,对周遭事物冷淡、被动和漠不关心。
    I'm fretting about seemingly immovable and unchangeable stone bench values like apathy, passivity, indifference.
  • 换句话说,即使是一看起来很简单的由上一代遗传下来的天赋也需要后天的培养。”
    In other words, even in seemingly simple inherited abilities, nurture has a role to play."
  • 你看到过一苹果吗?
    Have you seen any apples?
  • 日子水通过房顶的裂缝已渗进来。
    Water has been seeping in these days through cracks in the roof.
  • 前体某无脊椎动物比如蜘蛛类动物的头部或前面部分,在这一部位环节不明显
    The anterior or cephalic portion of the body of certain invertebrates, such as arachnids, in which segmentation is not evident.
  • 市场划分指公司对其市场进行分类的能力和根据这划分后的市场以不同产品、不同服务分别进行促销的能力。
    Market segmentation refers to company's ability to identify different segments of its market and separately promote its products and services to these segments.
  • 例如,许多宾馆就根据市场划分的某形式来作广告:城市宾馆寻求吸引在工作日出差的商务人员及周末的游客;
    Many hotels, for example, practice some form of market segmentation. City hotels seek to appeal to traveling businesspersons on weekdays and tourists on weekends.
  • 可放在主存中或在辅存中的一种指令块、数据块或指令数据块。这块的分段和装入都是由计算机自动控制的。
    A block of instructions, or data, or both, that can be located in main storage or in auxiliary storage.Segmentation and loading of these blocks is automatically controlled by a computer.
  • 由两部分组成的由两个部分组成的,如某昆虫的跗节
    Consisting of two parts or segments, as the tarsus in certain insects.
  • 在虚拟存储器中,用于跟踪程序段的一指针或表。
    Pointers or lists used to keep track or program segments in virtual memory.
  • 一般而言,vlan是用来把大的第2层局域网分解成小一的网段。
    In general, a VLAN is used to break up large Layer 2 LANs into smaller segments.
  • 腹足毛虫和某其它昆虫幼虫的腹节上的粗而短的肢节之一
    One of the stubby limbs on the abdominal segments of caterpillars and certain other insect larvae.
  • 一种设施,允许程序员在编译期间有选择地列出一单独指令或短程序段。
    A facility that permits a programmer to selectively list single instructions or short segments of code during compilation.
  • 沿着一断层片段,岩石被固定在一定的位置而不能随板块运动而滑动。
    Along segments of some faults, the rock becomes locked in place and cannot slide as the plates move.
  • vda以“半动态”的方式把段分开,用基本规则和对某协议的理解对vda编程。
    Separating segments in a "semidynamic" manner, VDA is programmed with basic rules and with understanding of some protocols.
  • 研究也显示有地区的环境亟需改善。这地区现时有旧楼约一千四百幢,住户达三万五千个。
    The study has also shown that early action needs to be taken to improve areas occupied by some 1 400 old buildings accommodating 35 000 households.
  • 法利对非洲裔美国人居住模式的研究,异族通婚趋势在加利福尼亚以及一城市如德克萨斯州达拉斯、内华达州拉斯维加斯和亚利桑那州菲尼克斯尤其明显,因为它们和美国东北部及中西部的老城市相比,居住隔离的情况没有那么突出。
    This tendency is particularly noticeable in California and in cities such as Dallas (Texas), Las Vegas (Nevada) and Phoenix (Arizona), where residential segregation has been less pronounced than in the older northeastern and midwestern U.S. cities, according to Reynolds Farley, who has studied African American residential patterns.
  • 安妮:普瓦西是坐落在塞纳河岸的法国的一座古老的小城,每逢节假日,普瓦西人总是喜爱用一幽默的体育运动来庆祝自己的节日。
    Annie: Puwasi is an old French town by the bank of the Seine. Whenever there is a holiday, the Puwasians always like to celebrate their festivals by some humorous sports activities.
  • 河岸其他部分,或者如过了贝尔纳丹修道院都是光秃秃的河滩,或者如两座桥梁中间都是屋基浸在河里的重重叠叠的民舍。
    The rest of the bank of the Seine was now a naked strand, the same as beyond the Bernardins; again, a throng of houses, standing with their feet in the water, as between the two bridges.
  • 改变以适应某要求或者带来合适的关系。
    altered to accommodate to certain requirements or bring into a proper relation.
  • 词与句子中的其它词的含义适合。
    Words accommodate their meanings to other words in the same sentence.
  • 根据这波到达的时间,地震学家们能够计算出地震离地震仪的距离。
    From these wave arrival times, seismologists can calculate the distance of an earthquake from each seismograph.
  • 到二零一一年时,预计在这策略性发展区居住的人口将会达到79万人。
    These Strategic Growth Areas will accommodate an anticipated population of 790 000 by 2011.