  • 家庭内无休止的夫妻
    Constant spousal warfare in the household.
  • 他们常互相争吵。
    They're constantly at odds with each other.
  • 若该选区(提名日没有竞对手的选区)的得票率少过50%就应该举行补选。
    If the MP or MPs in the uncontested constituencies, whether they are Single-Member Constituency or Group Representation Constituency, obtained less than 50% of valid vote, by-elections should be held.
  • 是战的全部基本要素,不是残缺不全的片段;
    They constitute all the basic elements of the war, and are not incomplete fragments;
  • 然而,一个单元的确切的构成仍然是有议的。
    However, exactly what constitutes an "item" is debatable.
  • 这种不屈不挠的斗精神是所有新兴国家的宝贵财富。
    This dauntless fighting spirit constitutes the most valuable treasure of all new emerging countries.
  • 国会是最不适于对宪法论进行听证的联邦机构。
    Congress is the federal branch least suited to hearing constitutional arguments.
  • 同志们,真正的宪政决不是容易到手的,是要经过艰苦斗才能取得的。
    Comrades, real constitutional government will never come easily;it can only be obtained through hard struggle.
  • 但碍于本地成本相对较高,香港在价格方面的竞力难以占优。
    Constrained by its relatively high costs, Hong Kong can hardly compete on price.
  • 我国和国际社会一道共同谴责和反对恐怖主义,在国际反恐怖斗中发挥了建设性作用。
    China has joined the international community in condemning and fighting terrorism and is playing a constructive role in the international counter-terrorism struggle.
  • 除了麦肯锡之外,波士顿集团咨询公司也向切尔西发出工作邀请,而且看上去她已经取到一份远远高于其他毕业生的薪水。
    Miss Clinton received similar job offers from McKinsey and Boston Group, another management consultancy firm, and appears to have negotiated a salary far above other graduates.
  • 为确保公司的公众使命及服务切合社会需要和富竞力,工业园公司现正进行顾问研究,检讨其角色及运作模式。
    To ensure that its public mission and services remain relevant and competitive, a consultancy study is currently being undertaken to review the role and operation of the HKIEC.
  • 所得税顾问派逊,同政府一位税收稽查员,为了一笔九千元的帐目发生问题,论了一个小时。
    Frederick S. Parsons, an income tax consultant, had been disputing and wrangling for an hour with a gover-ment tax inspector. An item of nine thousand dollars was at stake.
  • 双方之间的任何议都应通过友好协商来解决。
    Any dispute between the two parties shall be settled by friendly consultation.
  • 双方之间的任何议都应通过友好协商来解决。
    Any dispute between the two parties shall is settled by friendly consultation.
  • 至于一些较复杂和引起议的建议,卫生福利局正进行更深入研究,稍后会再次征询市民的意见。
    For more complicated and contentious proposals, further in-depth studies are being conducted with a view to consulting the public again at a later date.
  • 如果让这个不知道怎样发起的消费者运动持续更长一些时间,他们就将不能看到为消费者保护法而斗的消费者了。
    If the Topsy-like growth of the consumer movement is allowed to continue much longer they won't be able to see the consumer for consumer protection laws.
  • 虽然这是真实的,但是论并没有提到污染后的通常结果,被检测到的容易,以及大多数法医dna实验室的安全措施。
    While this is true, the argument doesn't mention the usual results of contamination, the ease with which it can be detected, and the safeguards that are in place in most forensic DNA labs.
  • 为了在国际市场上竞,我们打算改进现有产品并想获得技术许可证。
    In order to compete in the world market, we contemplate improving our present product and obtain a technical license.
  • 英雄人物的业绩和普通人们的劳动、斗和悲欢离合,现代人的生活和古代人的生活,都应当在文艺中得到反映。
    The deeds of heroes, the labour, struggles, joys and sorrows, partings and reunions of ordinary people, and the life of our contemporaries and of our predecessors -- all these should be depicted in our works of literature and art.
  • 蔑视,藐视故意表示轻视的行为或态度;做好抗或反抗的准备
    Intentionally contemptuous behavior or attitude; readiness to contend or resist.
  • 约翰得与那些艰难困苦作斗
    John has to contend with great difficulties.
  • 百家争鸣。
    A hundred schools of thought contend.
  • 跟他人争夺奖品
    contend with others for a prize
  • 为某事与某人争论
    contend with a person about sth.
  • 那人辩说这不是他的过错。
    The man contend that it was not his fault.
  • 战斗参与作战;斗或战斗
    To engage in fighting; contend or struggle.
  • 为胜利或者优势而斗;竞
    To strive for victory or superiority; contend.
  • 智者不与愚人争。
    A wise man do not contend with a fool.
  • 智者不与愚人争。
    A wise man does not contend with a fool.
  • 我们必须同一切错误思想做斗
    We must contend with all kinds of wrong ideas.
  • 对了,最后的冠军夺战是在举办国进行吗?
    Do they contend for the champion in the host country?