  • 这是高级住宅区,你必须有钱才住在这里。
    This is a very select area; you have to be rich to live here.
  • 一种类似于开关的计算机操作。根据有关的事实或条件,对两个或更多可的操作路径进行选择。
    A computer operation, similar to switching, where a selection is made between two or more possible courses of action depending upon some related fact or condition.
  • 他们的动机很快就看出, 完全是自私自利.
    Their motives, as will soon become apparent (ie as you will soon see), are completely selfish.
  • 我们的货物卖出, 不是由于价廉, 而是由于质好。
    It's not the low prices but their quality which sells our goods.
  • 我们的货物销出非因价廉而因质好。
    It is not the low prices but their quality which sells our goods.
  • 她不胜任这样的高级职位。
    She was unfit for such a senior position.
  • 我希望她很快明白过来,别再打这场打不赢的仗了。
    I hope she soon sees sense and stops fighting a battle she cannot win.
  • 射流技术一种利用流体动力现象使不运动部件来完成传感、控制和信息传送等功的控制技术
    The technology of using the flows and pressures of fluids in sensing, control, and information-processing systems with no moving parts.
  • 做生意不感情用事。
    There is no place for sentiment in business.
  • 做生意不感情用事。
    There's no place for sentiment in business.
  • 使原子能为人民所用
    make atomic energy a servant of the people
  • 加热使蛋凝结, 寒冷使冻胶凝固。
    Heat sets eggs and cold sets jullies.
  • 这场纠纷根本不可获得解决.
    There is no prospect of a settlement of the dispute.
  • 你下次不会那么容易就抓到我了。
    You shall not catch me so easily next time.
  • 挡板;拖板箱一些在外表或功上类似这种服装的东西,如机器上的保护屏蔽物
    Something, such as a protective shield for a machine, that resembles this garment in appearance or function.
  • 玫瑰丛修剪後还再长出新枝。
    Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back.
  • 这只是玩具枪, 不发射子弹.
    This is just a toy gun: it doesn't shoot.
  • 我想让这个机构办得尽可顺利。
    I want this shop to run as smoothly as possible.
  • 他的马得第一的机会是20比1。
    a 20 to 1 shot that his horse will come in first
  • 稻子竟在这样的地方生长, 这实在是个奇迹。
    It is simply a miracle that rice should grow in such a place.
  • 我们说过我们六点才到。
    We said we shouldn't arrive till 6.
  • 他渴望她能上大学。
    He was keen that she should go to college.
  • 明天可能天晴。
    It should be fine tomorrow.
  • 他在相当远的地方,但是如果你大声喊的话,他可听得见。
    He is rather far away, but if you shout, he may hear you.
  • 向前挤一挤我们还再进一个人.
    We can get one more in if you shove up.
  • 充分显示她美好身材的衣服
    a suit that shows off her figure well
  • 告诉我去加布里埃尔家的路吗?
    Can you show me the way to Gabriel's house?
  • 这个评估很有道理,可相当正确。
    It was a shrewd assessment and probably pretty close to the truth.
  • 我很佩服她对错误的批评意见不予理会。
    I really admire the way she is able to shrug off unfair criticism.
  • `我但愿没有这麽多事情做,'她叹著气说.
    I wish I didn't have so much to do,' she sighed.
  • 给我解释一下合同这一部分的含义吗?
    Could you explain to me the significance of this part of the contract?
  • 同样,机器够检查病员的病因,并使之反应出最新情况。
    Similarly, machines could be used to keep a check on a patient's health record and bring it up to date.