| - 我再說一遍: 跑道尚未暢通, 不能起飛.
I repeat: the runway is not clear for take-off. - 我怎樣纔能把鐵門上的銹除掉呢?
How can I remove the rust from the iron door? - 在發情期間,公鹿可能很易怒。
During the rut, the male deer can be very irritable. - 衹有經歷過悲痛的人才能瞭解幸福的滋味。
To know happness one must first experience sadness. - 這種藥膏能治療輕微燒傷。
The salve will heal slight burns. - "然而,生活在農場上就不能這樣說了。"
"The same cannot be said about living on farms, however." - 貴公司的紙張如能保證符合我方要求,而且價格合理,可否提供樣品?
Can you send us samples of paper that you can guarantee in this respect, and that will also be reasonable in price? - 政府現在急欲削減該項逆差,乃以經濟製裁威脅日本。最後令(美國)再也不能容忍的事件就是:摩托羅拉公司未能爭取到較大的日本手提電話市場。
The Administration is now threatening economic sanctions against Japan in a desperate attempt to reduce that deficit. The [last] straw that broke the camel's back was the failure of the Motorola Co. to win a large share of the Japanese cellular phone market. - 這項答復未能使他完全滿意。
The answer was not quite satisfactory to him. - 如果你現在存錢的話,你不久就能買小汽車了。
If you save now, you will be able to buy a car soon. - 我可能溺死了,若非他救了我。
Had he not saved me, I might have been drowned. - "為了我的職業名譽,"薩剋斯頓先生說,"我在接案子時特別謹慎。越是有可能導致窘境的案子,我越不想接手。"
"For the sake of my professional reputation, " said Mr Saxton, I am very careful about accepting a case. The more it looks like a Queer Street, the more I an inclined to leave it alone. - 他被法庭判為無罪,那就是說,法庭依法律不能定他的罪。(縮寫為: i.e.)
He was found innocent in the court, that is to say, the court could not convict him legally. - 我能隔着墻聽見他在電話裏說了些什麽。
I could hear what he was saying on the phone through the partition. - 凡人皆有得意之日”,是一個諺語,意思是說每個人都能有他做得好的機會。
‘Every dog has his day’ is a saying, meaning that everyone gets his chance of doing well. “ - 那噪音簡直能把人逼瘋.
The noise would drive anyone scatty. - 風景優美,非文字所能形容。
The scenery is too beautiful for words. - 要是我們處於那動物的上風位置, 它就能聞到我們的氣味.
If we're upwind of the animal it may smell our scent. - 我們已掌握了一條可能導致重要發現的綫索。
We are on the scent of an important discovery. - 他原本能按預定進度做完這件事的,但不知怎地卻落後了。
He could have finished it on schedule, but somehow he fell behind. - 剩下這麽少的時間,我想我不能按時完成。
There is so little time left that I don't think I can finish it as scheduled. - 這些艱深的學術講演他不能完全聽懂。
He could not fully understand these involved scholarly lectures. - 那個人免受懲罰,因為法庭不能證實對他的指控。
The man got off scot free when the charges against him couldn't be proved in court. - 他四處尋找,看看能找到些什麽。
He scouted around to see what he could find. - 要往上爬很長一段路纔能到達山頂呢!
It's quite a scramble to get to the top of the hill! - 我馬上就能給你炒點雞蛋.
I can easily whip you up some scrambled eggs. - 你不能永遠護住自己的子女,不讓他們接觸現實生活。
You can't screen your children from the real life forever. - 我使勁擦這個污跡,看能不能將它去掉。
I scrubbed hard at the stain to see if I could get it off. - 你求職去面試不能這邋裏邋遢的!
You can't go to a job interview looking so scruffy! - 我們能聽見老鼠在墻裏亂跑。
We could hear the mice scurrying about in the walls. - 人不能與世隔絶.
You can't seclude yourself from the world. - 我們尋求這個問題的答案,可是沒能找到。
We sought an answer to the question, but couldn't find one.