  • 做工作不白做,这是明摆著的事。
    It stands to reason that nobody will work without pay.
  • 跟彼得这种固执的人讲理简直是不可的事。
    There is no reasoning with such a stubborn man as Peter.
  • 胃不接受过多的食物。
    The stomach rebels against too much food.
  • 琼斯过去是小偷, 但是现已知过改重新做人.
    Jones used to be a thief, but now he's seen the error of his ways and is trying to rebuild his life.
  • 潮水退去,我们就寻找贝壳了。
    As the tide receded we were able to look for shells.
  • 顾客如出示收据, 我们才予以退货.
    We only take goods back if customers can produce the receipt.
  • 如果我们渡过这段经济不景气的时间,我们就会好多了。
    If we can pull through this recession, we will be in good shape.
  • 从这张照片中认出她吗?
    Can you recognize her from this picture?
  • 为我推荐一本好字典吗?
    Can you recommend to me a good dictionary?
  • 介绍一本好词典吗?
    Can you recommend a good dictionary?
  • 再重建这座建筑物是不可的。
    Reconstruction of that building is impossible.
  • 你所给我们的任何帮助都会提高你的声誉。
    Any help you can give us will redound to your credit.
  • 他尽可地补偿这些错误。
    He did all that he could do to redress these wrongs.
  • 多吃一些维生素会减少你得感冒的可性。
    Taking extra vitamins may reduce your liability to colds.
  • 据说这位经验丰富的老编辑把印刷错误几乎降低到零。
    This experienced editor is said to be able to reduce the misprints to almost nil.
  • 我们只有缩减开支才扭转这种状况.
    We can only retrieve the situation by reducing our expenses.
  • 给我打九五折吗?
    Can you give me a 5% reduction?
  • 决不可能裁掉任何人.
    There will be no question of anyone being made redundant.
  • 单单钢的精炼设备就可值两千万英镑。
    The steel refining equipment alone may cost twenty millions pound.
  • 我们采取行动之前必须充分考虑市场可产生的效应。
    The likely reactions of the market would need to be reflected on before we act.
  • "你不把他看作朋友,只是个生意合伙人。"
    You can't regard him as a friend but a business associate.
  • 他很抱歉地对我说他不来参加这个聚会了。
    He told me with regret that he could not come to the party.
  • 应变量,函数一个与他量有关联的变量,这一量中的任何一值都在他量中找到对应的固定值
    A variable so related to another that for each value assumed by one there is a value determined for the other.
  • 不是每个人都读懂爱因斯坦的相对论的。
    Not everyone can understand Einstein's Theory of Relativity.
  • 爱因斯坦是第一位从理论上说明原子量是如何释放的。
    Einstein was the fast to show in theory how the energy of the atom might be released.
  • 汽车的可靠性比其机械性更重要.
    Performance is less important than reliability in a car.
  • 穿颅术当胎儿不正常分娩时做的切割或挤碎胎儿头颅骨以减少其体积并利于移动的手术
    The cutting or breaking of the fetal skull to reduce its size for removal when normal delivery is not possible.
  • 滤毒罐防毒面具的一部分,含有过滤装置,将有毒成分从空气中除去
    The part of a gas mask that contains the filter for removing toxic agents from the air.
  • 为了按照她认为合适的方法去整顿这一部门,经理授予她自由行动的权力。
    The manager gave her a blank cheque to reorganize the department in any way she thought fit.
  • 这家公司不久就偿还所借的银行贷款.
    The company will soon be able to repay its borrowings from the bank.
  • 把这个问题重复一下吗?
    Could you repeat the question?
  • 塑料涂层能防潮。
    A plastic coating repels moisture.